2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00

506 lines
16 KiB

package leenkx.trait;
#if lnx_navigation
import recast.Recast.RecastConfigHelper;
import haxe.ds.Vector;
import leenkx.trait.navigation.DebugDrawHelper;
import kha.arrays.Float32Array;
import iron.object.Object;
import leenkx.trait.navigation.Navigation;
import iron.data.Data;
import iron.math.Vec4;
import iron.system.Time;
import kha.arrays.Uint32Array;
import iron.object.MeshObject;
import iron.data.Geometry;
import iron.data.MeshData;
import iron.Trait;
class NavMesh extends Trait {
#if !lnx_navigation
public function new() { super(); }
public var debugDraw:Bool = false;
// recast config:
/// Also use immidiate children for nav mesh construction.
public var combineImmidiateChildren:Bool = true;
/// The width of the field along the x-axis. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
public var width:Int = 0;
/// The height of the field along the z-axis. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
public var height:Int = 0;
/// Enable for tiled mesh and using temporary obstacles. `tileSize` will be ignored if set to false.
public var tiledMesh:Bool = true;
/// The width/height size of tile's on the xz-plane. [Limit: >= 0] [Units: vx]
public var tileSize:Int = 50;
/// The size of the non-navigable border around the heightfield. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
public var borderSize:Int = 0;
/// The xz-plane cell size to use for fields. [Limit: > 0] [Units: wu]
public var cellSize:Float = 0.2;
/// The y-axis cell size to use for fields. [Limit: > 0] [Units: wu]
public var cellHeight:Float = 0.3;
/// The minimum bounds of the field's AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
//public var bmin:haxe.ds.Vector<Float>;
/// The maximum bounds of the field's AABB. [(x, y, z)] [Units: wu]
//public var bmax:haxe.ds.Vector<Float>;
/// The maximum slope that is considered walkable. [Limits: 0 <= value < 90] [Units: Degrees]
public var walkableSlopeAngle:Float = 45.0;
/// Minimum floor to 'ceiling' height that will still allow the floor area to
/// be considered walkable. [Limit: >= 3] [Units: vx]
public var walkableHeight:Int = 3;
/// Maximum ledge height that is considered to still be traversable. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
public var walkableClimb:Int = 2;
/// The distance to erode/shrink the walkable area of the heightfield away from
/// obstructions. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
public var walkableRadius:Int = 1;
/// The maximum allowed length for contour edges along the border of the mesh. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
public var maxEdgeLen:Int = 12;
/// The maximum distance a simplfied contour's border edges should deviate
/// the original raw contour. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
public var maxSimplificationError:Float = 1.3;
/// The minimum number of cells allowed to form isolated island areas. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
public var minRegionArea:Int = 8;
/// Any regions with a span count smaller than this value will, if possible,
/// be merged with larger regions. [Limit: >=0] [Units: vx]
public var mergeRegionArea:Int = 20;
/// The maximum number of vertices allowed for polygons generated during the
/// contour to polygon conversion process. [Limit: >= 3]
public var maxVertsPerPoly:Int = 6;
/// Sets the sampling distance to use when generating the detail mesh.
/// (For height detail only.) [Limits: 0 or >= 0.9] [Units: wu]
public var detailSampleDist:Float = 6;
/// The maximum distance the detail mesh surface should deviate from heightfield
/// data. (For height detail only.) [Limit: >=0] [Units: wu]
public var detailSampleMaxError:Float = 1;
// maximum number of crowd agents
public var maxCrowdAgents: Int = 50;
// maximum radius of crowd agents
public var maxCrowdAgentRadius: Float = 3.0;
var recastNavMesh: recast.Recast.NavMesh = null;
var recastCrowd: recast.Recast.Crowd = null;
public var ready(default, null) = false;
var crowdAgentMap: Map<Int, NavCrowd> = new Map();
var tempObstacleCounter = 0;
var tempObstacleMap: Map<Int, NavObstacle> = new Map();
var recastObstacleMap: Map<Int, recast.Recast.DtObstacleRef> = new Map();
public var navMeshDebugColor: kha.Color = Green;
var v:Vec4 = new Vec4();
public function new() {
function initNavMesh() {
if (ready) return;
if(debugDraw) Navigation.active.debugDrawHelper.setDebugMode(DrawWireframe);
recastNavMesh = new recast.Recast.NavMesh();
var recastConfig = new recast.Recast.RcConfig();
recastConfig.width = width;
recastConfig.height = height;
if(tiledMesh) {
recastConfig.tileSize = tileSize;
else {
recastConfig.tileSize = 0;
recastConfig.borderSize = borderSize;
recastConfig.cs = cellSize;
recastConfig.ch = cellHeight;
recastConfig.walkableSlopeAngle = walkableSlopeAngle;
recastConfig.walkableHeight = walkableHeight;
recastConfig.walkableClimb = walkableClimb;
recastConfig.walkableRadius = walkableRadius;
recastConfig.maxEdgeLen = maxEdgeLen;
recastConfig.maxSimplificationError = maxSimplificationError;
recastConfig.minRegionArea = minRegionArea;
recastConfig.mergeRegionArea = mergeRegionArea;
recastConfig.maxVertsPerPoly = maxVertsPerPoly;
recastConfig.detailSampleDist = detailSampleDist;
recastConfig.detailSampleMaxError = detailSampleMaxError;
var positionsArray = new Array<Float>();
var indexArray = new Array<Int>();
var currentIndexOffset = 0;
var reducedMeshData = getVerticesIndicesFromMesh(object, currentIndexOffset);
currentIndexOffset = reducedMeshData.maxIndex + 1;
positionsArray = positionsArray.concat(reducedMeshData.positions.toArray());
indexArray = indexArray.concat(reducedMeshData.indices.toArray());
if(combineImmidiateChildren) {
for(child in object.children) {
if(child.raw.type != "mesh_object") continue;
reducedMeshData = getVerticesIndicesFromMesh(child, currentIndexOffset);
currentIndexOffset = reducedMeshData.maxIndex + 1;
positionsArray = positionsArray.concat(reducedMeshData.positions.toArray());
indexArray = indexArray.concat(reducedMeshData.indices.toArray());
#if js
var positionsVector = Vector.fromArrayCopy(positionsArray);
var vecindVector = Vector.fromArrayCopy(indexArray);
recastNavMesh.build(positionsVector, positionsVector.length, vecindVector, vecindVector.length, recastConfig);
var posLength = positionsArray.length;
var positionsVector = new recast.Recast.RcFloatArray(posLength);
for(i in 0...posLength) {
positionsVector.set(i, positionsArray[i]);
var indexLength = indexArray.length;
var vecindVector = new recast.Recast.RcIntArray(indexLength);
for(i in 0...indexLength) {
vecindVector.set(i, indexArray[i]);
recastNavMesh.build(positionsVector.raw, posLength, vecindVector.raw, indexLength, recastConfig);
ready = true;
public function reconstructNavMesh() {
if(recastCrowd != null) {
for(agent in crowdAgentMap.keys()) {
for(obstacle in tempObstacleMap.keys()) {
ready = false;
public function updateNavMesh() {
if(!ready) return;
public function findPath(from: Vec4, to: Vec4, done: Array<Vec4>->Void) {
if (!ready) return;
var start = RecastConversions.recastVec3FromVec4(from);
var end = RecastConversions.recastVec3FromVec4(to);
var navPath = recastNavMesh.computePath(start, end);
var pathVec = new Array<Vec4>();
for(i in 0...navPath.getPointCount()) {
public function getRandomPointAround(position: Vec4, radius: Float):Vec4 {
if (!ready) return null;
var randomPoint = recastNavMesh.getRandomPointAround(RecastConversions.recastVec3FromVec4(position), radius);
return RecastConversions.vec4FromRecastVec3(randomPoint);
public function initCrowd(maxAgents: Int, maxAgentRadius: Float) {
if (!ready) return;
recastCrowd = new recast.Recast.Crowd(maxAgents, maxAgentRadius, recastNavMesh.getNavMesh());
public function addCrowdAgent(agent: NavCrowd, position: Vec4, radius: Float, height: Float, maxAcceleration: Float, maxSpeed: Float, updateFlags: Int = 7, separationWeight: Float = 1.0, collisionQueryRange: Float = 1.0): Int {
if(!ready) return -1;
if(recastCrowd == null) initCrowd(maxCrowdAgents, maxCrowdAgentRadius);
var crowdAgentParams = new recast.Recast.DtCrowdAgentParams();
crowdAgentParams.radius = radius;
crowdAgentParams.height = height;
crowdAgentParams.maxAcceleration = maxAcceleration;
crowdAgentParams.maxSpeed = maxSpeed;
crowdAgentParams.separationWeight = separationWeight;
crowdAgentParams.collisionQueryRange = collisionQueryRange;
crowdAgentParams.updateFlags = updateFlags;
var crowdAgentID = recastCrowd.addAgent(RecastConversions.recastVec3FromVec4(position), crowdAgentParams);
crowdAgentMap.set(crowdAgentID, agent);
return crowdAgentID;
public function removeCrowdAgent(agentID: Int) {
if(!ready) return;
if(recastCrowd == null) return;
public function crowdUpdate() {
if(!ready) return;
if(recastCrowd == null) return;
public function crowdGetAgentPosition(agentID: Int):Vec4 {
if(!ready) return null;
if(recastCrowd == null) return null;
var pos = recastCrowd.getAgentPosition(agentID);
var armPos = RecastConversions.vec4FromRecastVec3(pos);
#if hl
return armPos;
public function crowdGetAgentVelocity(agentID: Int):Vec4 {
if(!ready) return null;
if(recastCrowd == null) return null;
var vel = recastCrowd.getAgentVelocity(agentID);
var armVel = RecastConversions.vec4FromRecastVec3(vel);
#if hl
return armVel;
public function crowdAgentGoto(agentID: Int, destination: Vec4) {
if(!ready) return;
if(recastCrowd == null) return;
recastCrowd.agentGoto(agentID, RecastConversions.recastVec3FromVec4(destination));
public function crowdAgentTeleport(agentID: Int, destination: Vec4) {
if(!ready) return;
if(recastCrowd == null) return;
recastCrowd.agentTeleport(agentID, RecastConversions.recastVec3FromVec4(destination));
public function addCylinderObstacle(navObstacle: NavObstacle, position: Vec4, radius: Float, height: Float): Int {
if(!ready) return -1;
if(!tiledMesh) return -1;
var pos = RecastConversions.recastVec3FromVec4(position);
var obstacle = recastNavMesh.addCylinderObstacle(pos, radius, height);
var obstacleID = tempObstacleCounter;
tempObstacleMap.set(obstacleID, navObstacle);
recastObstacleMap.set(obstacleID, obstacle);
return obstacleID;
public function addBoxObstacle(navObstacle: NavObstacle, position: Vec4, dimensions: Vec4, angle: Float): Int {
if(!ready) return -1;
if(!tiledMesh) return -1;
var pos = RecastConversions.recastVec3FromVec4(position);
var dim = RecastConversions.recastVec3FromVec4(dimensions);
var obstacle = recastNavMesh.addBoxObstacle(pos, dim, angle);
var obstacleID = tempObstacleCounter;
tempObstacleMap.set(obstacleID, navObstacle);
recastObstacleMap.set(obstacleID, obstacle);
return obstacleID;
public function removeTempObstacle(obstacleID: Int) {
if(!ready) return;
if(!tiledMesh) return;
var obstacleRef = recastObstacleMap.get(obstacleID);
function fromI16(ar: kha.arrays.Int16Array, scalePos: Float): haxe.ds.Vector<Float> {
var vals = new haxe.ds.Vector<Float>(Std.int(ar.length / 4) * 3);
for (i in 0...Std.int(vals.length / 3)) {
vals[i * 3 ] = (ar[i * 4 ] / 32767) * scalePos;
vals[i * 3 + 1] = (ar[i * 4 + 1] / 32767) * scalePos;
vals[i * 3 + 2] = (ar[i * 4 + 2] / 32767) * scalePos;
return vals;
function fromU32(ars: Array<kha.arrays.Uint32Array>): haxe.ds.Vector<Int> {
var len = 0;
for (ar in ars) len += ar.length;
var vals = new haxe.ds.Vector<Int>(len);
var i = 0;
for (ar in ars) {
for (j in 0...ar.length) {
vals[i] = ar[j];
return vals;
function generateVertexIndexMap(ind: haxe.ds.Vector<Int>, vert: haxe.ds.Vector<Int>):Map<Int, Array<Int>> {
var vertexIndexMap = new Map();
for (i in 0...ind.length) {
var currentVertex = vert[i];
var currentIndex = ind[i];
var mapping = vertexIndexMap.get(currentVertex);
if (mapping == null) {
vertexIndexMap.set(currentVertex, [currentIndex]);
else {
if(! mapping.contains(currentIndex)) mapping.push(currentIndex);
return vertexIndexMap;
function getVerticesIndicesFromMesh(object: Object, indexOffset:Int = 0): MeshData {
var vertexIndexMap: Map<Int, Array<Int>>;
var mo = cast(object, MeshObject);
var geom = mo.data.geom;
var rawData = mo.data.raw;
var vertexMap: Array<Uint32Array> = [];
for (ind in rawData.index_arrays) {
if (ind.vertex_map == null) return null;
var vecind = fromU32(geom.indices);
var vertexMapArray = fromU32(vertexMap);
vertexIndexMap = generateVertexIndexMap(vecind, vertexMapArray);
// Parented object - clear parent location
if (object.parent != null && object.parent.name != "") {
object.transform.loc.x += object.parent.transform.worldx();
object.transform.loc.y += object.parent.transform.worldy();
object.transform.loc.z += object.parent.transform.worldz();
object.transform.localOnly = true;
var positions = fromI16(geom.positions.values, mo.data.scalePos);
for (i in 0...Std.int(positions.length / 3)) {
v.set(positions[i * 3], positions[i * 3 + 1], positions[i * 3 + 2]);
v.x *= object.transform.scale.x * object.parent.transform.scale.x;
v.y *= object.transform.scale.y * object.parent.transform.scale.y;
v.z *= object.transform.scale.z * object.parent.transform.scale.z;
v.addf(object.transform.worldx(), object.transform.worldy(), object.transform.worldz());
positions[i * 3 ] = v.x;
positions[i * 3 + 1] = v.y;
positions[i * 3 + 2] = v.z;
var vertsLength = 0;
for (key in vertexIndexMap.keys()) vertsLength++;
var positionsVector: haxe.ds.Vector<Float> = new haxe.ds.Vector<Float>(vertsLength * 3);
for (key in 0...vertsLength) {
var i = vertexIndexMap.get(key)[0];
// Y and Z are interchanged in Recast
positionsVector.set(key * 3 , positions[i * 3 ]);
positionsVector.set(key * 3 + 1, positions[i * 3 + 2]);
positionsVector.set(key * 3 + 2, positions[i * 3 + 1]);
var vecindVector: haxe.ds.Vector<Int> = new haxe.ds.Vector<Int>(vertexMapArray.length);
var maxIndex = 0;
for (i in 0...vecindVector.length){
var idx = vertexMapArray.get(i);
var idxOffset = idx + indexOffset;
vecindVector.set(i, idxOffset);
if(maxIndex < idxOffset) maxIndex = idxOffset;
return { positions: positionsVector, indices: vecindVector, maxIndex: maxIndex};
public function drawDebugMesh(helper: DebugDrawHelper) {
var recastDebugNavMesh = recastNavMesh.getDebugNavMesh();
var triangleCount = recastDebugNavMesh.getTriangleCount();
for(index in 0...triangleCount) {
var triangle = recastDebugNavMesh.getTriangle(index);
var point0 = RecastConversions.vec4FromRecastVec3(triangle.getPoint(0));
var point1 = RecastConversions.vec4FromRecastVec3(triangle.getPoint(1));
var point2 = RecastConversions.vec4FromRecastVec3(triangle.getPoint(2));
helper.drawLine(point0, point1, navMeshDebugColor);
helper.drawLine(point1, point2, navMeshDebugColor);
helper.drawLine(point2, point0, navMeshDebugColor);
#if hl
typedef MeshData = {
var positions: haxe.ds.Vector<Float>;
var indices: haxe.ds.Vector<Int>;
var maxIndex:Int;