379 lines
10 KiB
379 lines
10 KiB
package tests;
import NativeGen;
import cpp.NativeGc;
import cpp.Stdlib;
import cpp.Pointer;
import cpp.RawPointer;
import cpp.UInt8;
using cpp.NativeArray;
using cpp.NativeString;
extern class Vec {
public var x:Float;
public var y:Float;
public var z:Float;
extern class VecStructAccess {
public var x:Float;
public var y:Float;
public var z:Float;
@:native("new CVec")
public static function create(val:Float) : Pointer<VecStructAccess>;
public function set99(ioVec:VecStructAccess):Void;
extern class VecStruct {
public var x:Float;
public var y:Float;
public var z:Float;
extern class Native_SomeStruct {
var data:RawPointer<cpp.UInt8>;
var dataLength:Int;
inline function getDataBytes():haxe.io.Bytes {
var bdata:haxe.io.BytesData = [];
cpp.NativeArray.setData(bdata, cast data, dataLength); // Null Function Pointer
return haxe.io.Bytes.ofData(bdata);
inline function getUnmanagedDataBytes():haxe.io.Bytes {
var bdata:haxe.io.BytesData = [];
cpp.NativeArray.setUnmanagedData(bdata, cast data, dataLength); // Null Function Pointer
return haxe.io.Bytes.ofData(bdata);
extern class SomeStructRef extends Native_SomeStruct {}
extern class SomeStruct extends SomeStructRef {}
class IntHolder
public var ival:Int;
public function new(inVal:Int = 1) ival = inVal;
struct CVec{
CVec(double inX=0) : x(inX), y(inX), z(inX) { }
double x;
double y;
double z;
void set99(CVec &ioVex) { ioVex.x=99; }
struct SomeStruct {
SomeStruct() : data((unsigned char *)"Hi!"), dataLength(3) { }
unsigned char *data;
int dataLength;
int callPointer(CVec *) { return 5; }
class TestPtr extends haxe.unit.TestCase{
Alternate version
public static inline function malloc<T>(size:Int) : cpp.Pointer<T>{
var p : cpp.RawPointer<cpp.Void> = untyped __cpp__("malloc({0})",size);
return cast cpp.Pointer.fromRaw( cast p );
public function testMalloc() {
var a : Pointer<Vec> = Stdlib.malloc( Stdlib.sizeof(Vec) );
assertTrue( a!=null );
assertTrue( a.raw!=null );
a.ptr.x = 66;
assertTrue( a.ptr.x == 66 );
public function testExtened() {
var test = NativeGc.allocateExtended( TestPtr, Stdlib.sizeof(Int) * 5 );
var a : Pointer<Int> = cast Pointer.endOf(test);
for(i in 0...5)
for(i in 0...5)
assertTrue( a.postIncRef() == i );
function test9194() {
// will fail during C++ compile
var buffer: cpp.RawPointer<cpp.Void> = null;
var floatBuffer: cpp.RawPointer<cpp.Float32> = cast buffer;
// generates incorrect: float* floatBuffer = buffer
// the lack of native casting means the compiler throws an error here
var buffer: cpp.Star<cpp.Void> = null;
var floatBuffer: cpp.Star<cpp.Float32> = cast buffer;
// generates correct: float* floatBuffer = ( (float*) buffer )
public function testNull() {
var nullP : Pointer<Vec> = null;
var nullRawP = nullP.raw;
assertTrue( nullP==null );
assertTrue( null==nullP );
assertFalse( nullP!=null );
assertTrue( nullRawP==null );
assertFalse( nullRawP!=null );
nullRawP = null;
assertTrue( nullRawP==null );
private function anonOf(d:Dynamic) : Dynamic return {ptr:d};
public function testStructAccess() {
var e = VecStructAccess.create(1);
var tmp = e.ptr;
var tmp1 = e.ref;
@:native("callPointer") @:extern
private static function callPointer(ptr:cpp.Pointer<Vec>):Int;
public function testPointerCast() {
var map = new Map<Int, cpp.Pointer<Vec> >();
var result = callPointer( map.get(2) );
public function testDynamic() {
var a = [1];
var intPtr = a.address(0);
var d:Dynamic = intPtr;
var anon = anonOf(d);
function getAnonI(a:Dynamic) : Dynamic
return a.i;
public function testAnon() {
var a = [1];
var intPtr = a.address(0);
var anon = { i:intPtr };
assertTrue( getAnonI(anon)==intPtr );
var vecPtr = VecStructAccess.create(1);
var anon = { i:vecPtr };
assertTrue( getAnonI(anon)==vecPtr );
var vec:VecStruct = null;
vec.x = 123;
var anon = { i:vec };
assertTrue( getAnonI(anon)==vec );
static function callMe(x:Int) return 10+x;
static function notProcAddress(module:String, func:String) return null;
public function testArrayAccess() {
var array = [ 0.0, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 ];
var ptr = cpp.Pointer.arrayElem(array, 0);
assertTrue( ptr[1]==1.1 );
ptr[1] = 2;
assertTrue( ptr[1]==2 );
assertTrue( ptr[1]==3 );
assertTrue( ptr[1]==0.5 );
var raw = ptr.raw;
assertTrue( raw[2]==2.2 );
raw[2] = 2;
assertTrue( raw[2]==2 );
assertTrue( raw[2]==3 );
assertTrue( raw[2]==0.5 );
public function testFromRaw()
var i = new IntHolder(3);
var ptr = cpp.Pointer.fromRaw(cpp.Pointer.addressOf(i).rawCast());
assertTrue( ptr.ref.ival==i.ival );
assertTrue( ptr.ref.ival==i.ival );
private static var output:cpp.Pointer<Array<Int>>;
private static var arrayValue:Array<Int>;
private static function makeValue():{ a:cpp.Pointer<Array<Int>> }
arrayValue = [9];
return { a: cpp.Pointer.addressOf(arrayValue) };
public function testDynamicOutput()
// Declared as structure (just `var val = ...` works too)
var val:{ a:cpp.Pointer<Array<Int>> } = makeValue();
var a:cpp.Pointer<Array<Int>> = val.a;
output = a;
output = (val.a:Dynamic);
output = val.a;
output = (val.a:cpp.Pointer<Array<Int>>);
val.a = output;
// Declared as Dynamic
var val2:Dynamic = makeValue();
a = val2.a;
output = a;
output = (val2.a:Dynamic);
output = val2.a;
output = (val2.a:cpp.Pointer<Array<Int>>);
val2.a = output;
assertTrue( val2.a==output );
assertTrue( output==val.a );
public function testAutoCast() {
var z = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
assertTrue( cpp.NativeArray.address(z, 0).ptr == cpp.NativeArray.address(z, 0).ptr );
assertTrue( cpp.NativeArray.address(z, 1).ptr != cpp.NativeArray.address(z, 0).ptr );
assertTrue( cpp.NativeArray.address(z, 1).gt(cpp.NativeArray.address(z, 0)) );
assertTrue( cpp.NativeArray.address(z, 1).geq(cpp.NativeArray.address(z, 0)) );
assertTrue( cpp.NativeArray.address(z, 1).geq(cpp.NativeArray.address(z, 1)) );
assertTrue( cpp.NativeArray.address(z, 0).leq(cpp.NativeArray.address(z, 0)) );
assertTrue( cpp.NativeArray.address(z, 1).leq(cpp.NativeArray.address(z, 2)) );
assertTrue( cpp.NativeArray.address(z, 1).leq(cpp.NativeArray.address(z, 2)) );
assertTrue( cpp.NativeArray.address(z, 0) == cpp.Pointer.ofArray(z) );
assertTrue( cpp.NativeArray.address(z, 1) == cpp.Pointer.arrayElem(z,1) );
assertTrue( cpp.NativeArray.address(z, 1) != cpp.Pointer.fromHandle(null) );
assertTrue( cpp.Function.fromStaticFunction(callMe)(1)==11 );
assertTrue( cpp.Function.fromStaticFunction(notProcAddress)!=cpp.Function.getProcAddress("nomodule","nofunc!") );
// Could not load module - expected
static function functionCaller(fn:cpp.Function<Void->Int,cpp.abi.Abi>) {
var a = fn.call();
public function testFunctionStructAccess() {
assertTrue( functionCaller != null );
public function testSetData() {
var ss:SomeStruct = null;
ss.dataLength = 4;
ss.data = cast "bye!".c_str();
var b = ss.getDataBytes();
assertTrue( b.getString(0, b.length) == "bye!" );
var ss:SomeStruct = null;
var b = ss.getUnmanagedDataBytes();
assertTrue( b.getString(0, b.length) == "Hi!" );
public function testZero() {
var a = [1,2,3];
public function testMemcmp() {
var a = [1,2,3];
var b = [2,2,3];
assertTrue( a.memcmp(b) == -1 );
assertTrue( b.memcmp(a) == 1 );
assertTrue( a.memcmp(a) == 0 );
public function testCapacity() {
var a = [1,2,3];
assertTrue( a.capacity() < 1000 );
assertTrue( a.capacity() == 1000 );
a[1000] = 1;
assertTrue( a.capacity() > 1000 );
public function testElementSize() {
var a = [1];
assertTrue( a.getElementSize() == cpp.Stdlib.sizeof(Int) );
var a = ["hello!"];
assertTrue( a.getElementSize() == cpp.Stdlib.sizeof(String) );
var a = [7.1];
assertTrue( a.getElementSize() == cpp.Stdlib.sizeof(Float) );
public function testBlit() {
var a = [1,2,3,4];
var b = [0,0,0,0];
for(i in 0...4)
assertTrue(b[i] == a[i]);
for(i in 0...4)
for(i in 0...4)
assertTrue(b[i] == a[0]);
for(i in 0...4)
for(i in 0...4)
assertTrue(b[i] == a[2]);