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2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00
* Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// This file is generated from mozilla\WebGLRenderingContext.webidl. Do not edit!
package js.html.webgl;
The `WebGLRenderingContext` interface provides the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering context for the drawing surface of an HTML `canvas` element.
Documentation [WebGLRenderingContext](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGLRenderingContext) by [Mozilla Contributors](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGLRenderingContext$history), licensed under [CC-BY-SA 2.5](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/).
@see <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGLRenderingContext>
extern class RenderingContext {
static inline var DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT : Int = 256;
static inline var STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT : Int = 1024;
static inline var COLOR_BUFFER_BIT : Int = 16384;
static inline var POINTS : Int = 0;
static inline var LINES : Int = 1;
static inline var LINE_LOOP : Int = 2;
static inline var LINE_STRIP : Int = 3;
static inline var TRIANGLES : Int = 4;
static inline var TRIANGLE_STRIP : Int = 5;
static inline var TRIANGLE_FAN : Int = 6;
static inline var ZERO : Int = 0;
static inline var ONE : Int = 1;
static inline var SRC_COLOR : Int = 768;
static inline var ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR : Int = 769;
static inline var SRC_ALPHA : Int = 770;
static inline var ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA : Int = 771;
static inline var DST_ALPHA : Int = 772;
static inline var ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA : Int = 773;
static inline var DST_COLOR : Int = 774;
static inline var ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR : Int = 775;
static inline var SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE : Int = 776;
static inline var FUNC_ADD : Int = 32774;
static inline var BLEND_EQUATION : Int = 32777;
static inline var BLEND_EQUATION_RGB : Int = 32777;
static inline var BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA : Int = 34877;
static inline var FUNC_SUBTRACT : Int = 32778;
static inline var FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT : Int = 32779;
static inline var BLEND_DST_RGB : Int = 32968;
static inline var BLEND_SRC_RGB : Int = 32969;
static inline var BLEND_DST_ALPHA : Int = 32970;
static inline var BLEND_SRC_ALPHA : Int = 32971;
static inline var CONSTANT_COLOR : Int = 32769;
static inline var ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR : Int = 32770;
static inline var CONSTANT_ALPHA : Int = 32771;
static inline var ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA : Int = 32772;
static inline var BLEND_COLOR : Int = 32773;
static inline var ARRAY_BUFFER : Int = 34962;
static inline var ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER : Int = 34963;
static inline var ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING : Int = 34964;
static inline var ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING : Int = 34965;
static inline var STREAM_DRAW : Int = 35040;
static inline var STATIC_DRAW : Int = 35044;
static inline var DYNAMIC_DRAW : Int = 35048;
static inline var BUFFER_SIZE : Int = 34660;
static inline var BUFFER_USAGE : Int = 34661;
static inline var CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB : Int = 34342;
static inline var FRONT : Int = 1028;
static inline var BACK : Int = 1029;
static inline var FRONT_AND_BACK : Int = 1032;
static inline var CULL_FACE : Int = 2884;
static inline var BLEND : Int = 3042;
static inline var DITHER : Int = 3024;
static inline var STENCIL_TEST : Int = 2960;
static inline var DEPTH_TEST : Int = 2929;
static inline var SCISSOR_TEST : Int = 3089;
static inline var POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL : Int = 32823;
static inline var SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE : Int = 32926;
static inline var SAMPLE_COVERAGE : Int = 32928;
static inline var NO_ERROR : Int = 0;
static inline var INVALID_ENUM : Int = 1280;
static inline var INVALID_VALUE : Int = 1281;
static inline var INVALID_OPERATION : Int = 1282;
static inline var OUT_OF_MEMORY : Int = 1285;
static inline var CW : Int = 2304;
static inline var CCW : Int = 2305;
static inline var LINE_WIDTH : Int = 2849;
static inline var ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE : Int = 33901;
static inline var ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE : Int = 33902;
static inline var CULL_FACE_MODE : Int = 2885;
static inline var FRONT_FACE : Int = 2886;
static inline var DEPTH_RANGE : Int = 2928;
static inline var DEPTH_WRITEMASK : Int = 2930;
static inline var DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE : Int = 2931;
static inline var DEPTH_FUNC : Int = 2932;
static inline var STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE : Int = 2961;
static inline var STENCIL_FUNC : Int = 2962;
static inline var STENCIL_FAIL : Int = 2964;
static inline var STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL : Int = 2965;
static inline var STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS : Int = 2966;
static inline var STENCIL_REF : Int = 2967;
static inline var STENCIL_VALUE_MASK : Int = 2963;
static inline var STENCIL_WRITEMASK : Int = 2968;
static inline var STENCIL_BACK_FUNC : Int = 34816;
static inline var STENCIL_BACK_FAIL : Int = 34817;
static inline var STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL : Int = 34818;
static inline var STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS : Int = 34819;
static inline var STENCIL_BACK_REF : Int = 36003;
static inline var STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK : Int = 36004;
static inline var STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK : Int = 36005;
static inline var VIEWPORT : Int = 2978;
static inline var SCISSOR_BOX : Int = 3088;
static inline var COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE : Int = 3106;
static inline var COLOR_WRITEMASK : Int = 3107;
static inline var UNPACK_ALIGNMENT : Int = 3317;
static inline var PACK_ALIGNMENT : Int = 3333;
static inline var MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE : Int = 3379;
static inline var MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS : Int = 3386;
static inline var SUBPIXEL_BITS : Int = 3408;
static inline var RED_BITS : Int = 3410;
static inline var GREEN_BITS : Int = 3411;
static inline var BLUE_BITS : Int = 3412;
static inline var ALPHA_BITS : Int = 3413;
static inline var DEPTH_BITS : Int = 3414;
static inline var STENCIL_BITS : Int = 3415;
static inline var POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS : Int = 10752;
static inline var POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR : Int = 32824;
static inline var TEXTURE_BINDING_2D : Int = 32873;
static inline var SAMPLE_BUFFERS : Int = 32936;
static inline var SAMPLES : Int = 32937;
static inline var SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE : Int = 32938;
static inline var SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT : Int = 32939;
static inline var COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS : Int = 34467;
static inline var DONT_CARE : Int = 4352;
static inline var FASTEST : Int = 4353;
static inline var NICEST : Int = 4354;
static inline var GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT : Int = 33170;
static inline var BYTE : Int = 5120;
static inline var UNSIGNED_BYTE : Int = 5121;
static inline var SHORT : Int = 5122;
static inline var UNSIGNED_SHORT : Int = 5123;
static inline var INT : Int = 5124;
static inline var UNSIGNED_INT : Int = 5125;
static inline var FLOAT : Int = 5126;
static inline var DEPTH_COMPONENT : Int = 6402;
static inline var ALPHA : Int = 6406;
static inline var RGB : Int = 6407;
static inline var RGBA : Int = 6408;
static inline var LUMINANCE : Int = 6409;
static inline var LUMINANCE_ALPHA : Int = 6410;
static inline var UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 : Int = 32819;
static inline var UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 : Int = 32820;
static inline var UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 : Int = 33635;
static inline var FRAGMENT_SHADER : Int = 35632;
static inline var VERTEX_SHADER : Int = 35633;
static inline var MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS : Int = 34921;
static inline var MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS : Int = 36347;
static inline var MAX_VARYING_VECTORS : Int = 36348;
static inline var MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS : Int = 35661;
static inline var MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS : Int = 35660;
static inline var MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS : Int = 34930;
static inline var MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS : Int = 36349;
static inline var SHADER_TYPE : Int = 35663;
static inline var DELETE_STATUS : Int = 35712;
static inline var LINK_STATUS : Int = 35714;
static inline var VALIDATE_STATUS : Int = 35715;
static inline var ATTACHED_SHADERS : Int = 35717;
static inline var ACTIVE_UNIFORMS : Int = 35718;
static inline var ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES : Int = 35721;
static inline var SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION : Int = 35724;
static inline var CURRENT_PROGRAM : Int = 35725;
static inline var NEVER : Int = 512;
static inline var LESS : Int = 513;
static inline var EQUAL : Int = 514;
static inline var LEQUAL : Int = 515;
static inline var GREATER : Int = 516;
static inline var NOTEQUAL : Int = 517;
static inline var GEQUAL : Int = 518;
static inline var ALWAYS : Int = 519;
static inline var KEEP : Int = 7680;
static inline var REPLACE : Int = 7681;
static inline var INCR : Int = 7682;
static inline var DECR : Int = 7683;
static inline var INVERT : Int = 5386;
static inline var INCR_WRAP : Int = 34055;
static inline var DECR_WRAP : Int = 34056;
static inline var VENDOR : Int = 7936;
static inline var RENDERER : Int = 7937;
static inline var VERSION : Int = 7938;
static inline var NEAREST : Int = 9728;
static inline var LINEAR : Int = 9729;
static inline var NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST : Int = 9984;
static inline var LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST : Int = 9985;
static inline var NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR : Int = 9986;
static inline var LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR : Int = 9987;
static inline var TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER : Int = 10240;
static inline var TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER : Int = 10241;
static inline var TEXTURE_WRAP_S : Int = 10242;
static inline var TEXTURE_WRAP_T : Int = 10243;
static inline var TEXTURE_2D : Int = 3553;
static inline var TEXTURE : Int = 5890;
static inline var TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP : Int = 34067;
static inline var TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP : Int = 34068;
static inline var TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X : Int = 34069;
static inline var TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X : Int = 34070;
static inline var TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y : Int = 34071;
static inline var TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y : Int = 34072;
static inline var TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z : Int = 34073;
static inline var TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z : Int = 34074;
static inline var MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE : Int = 34076;
static inline var TEXTURE0 : Int = 33984;
static inline var TEXTURE1 : Int = 33985;
static inline var TEXTURE2 : Int = 33986;
static inline var TEXTURE3 : Int = 33987;
static inline var TEXTURE4 : Int = 33988;
static inline var TEXTURE5 : Int = 33989;
static inline var TEXTURE6 : Int = 33990;
static inline var TEXTURE7 : Int = 33991;
static inline var TEXTURE8 : Int = 33992;
static inline var TEXTURE9 : Int = 33993;
static inline var TEXTURE10 : Int = 33994;
static inline var TEXTURE11 : Int = 33995;
static inline var TEXTURE12 : Int = 33996;
static inline var TEXTURE13 : Int = 33997;
static inline var TEXTURE14 : Int = 33998;
static inline var TEXTURE15 : Int = 33999;
static inline var TEXTURE16 : Int = 34000;
static inline var TEXTURE17 : Int = 34001;
static inline var TEXTURE18 : Int = 34002;
static inline var TEXTURE19 : Int = 34003;
static inline var TEXTURE20 : Int = 34004;
static inline var TEXTURE21 : Int = 34005;
static inline var TEXTURE22 : Int = 34006;
static inline var TEXTURE23 : Int = 34007;
static inline var TEXTURE24 : Int = 34008;
static inline var TEXTURE25 : Int = 34009;
static inline var TEXTURE26 : Int = 34010;
static inline var TEXTURE27 : Int = 34011;
static inline var TEXTURE28 : Int = 34012;
static inline var TEXTURE29 : Int = 34013;
static inline var TEXTURE30 : Int = 34014;
static inline var TEXTURE31 : Int = 34015;
static inline var ACTIVE_TEXTURE : Int = 34016;
static inline var REPEAT : Int = 10497;
static inline var CLAMP_TO_EDGE : Int = 33071;
static inline var MIRRORED_REPEAT : Int = 33648;
static inline var FLOAT_VEC2 : Int = 35664;
static inline var FLOAT_VEC3 : Int = 35665;
static inline var FLOAT_VEC4 : Int = 35666;
static inline var INT_VEC2 : Int = 35667;
static inline var INT_VEC3 : Int = 35668;
static inline var INT_VEC4 : Int = 35669;
static inline var BOOL : Int = 35670;
static inline var BOOL_VEC2 : Int = 35671;
static inline var BOOL_VEC3 : Int = 35672;
static inline var BOOL_VEC4 : Int = 35673;
static inline var FLOAT_MAT2 : Int = 35674;
static inline var FLOAT_MAT3 : Int = 35675;
static inline var FLOAT_MAT4 : Int = 35676;
static inline var SAMPLER_2D : Int = 35678;
static inline var SAMPLER_CUBE : Int = 35680;
static inline var VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED : Int = 34338;
static inline var VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE : Int = 34339;
static inline var VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE : Int = 34340;
static inline var VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE : Int = 34341;
static inline var VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED : Int = 34922;
static inline var VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER : Int = 34373;
static inline var VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING : Int = 34975;
static inline var IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE : Int = 35738;
static inline var IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT : Int = 35739;
static inline var COMPILE_STATUS : Int = 35713;
static inline var LOW_FLOAT : Int = 36336;
static inline var MEDIUM_FLOAT : Int = 36337;
static inline var HIGH_FLOAT : Int = 36338;
static inline var LOW_INT : Int = 36339;
static inline var MEDIUM_INT : Int = 36340;
static inline var HIGH_INT : Int = 36341;
static inline var FRAMEBUFFER : Int = 36160;
static inline var RENDERBUFFER : Int = 36161;
static inline var RGBA4 : Int = 32854;
static inline var RGB5_A1 : Int = 32855;
static inline var RGB565 : Int = 36194;
static inline var DEPTH_COMPONENT16 : Int = 33189;
static inline var STENCIL_INDEX8 : Int = 36168;
static inline var DEPTH_STENCIL : Int = 34041;
static inline var RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH : Int = 36162;
static inline var RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT : Int = 36163;
static inline var RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT : Int = 36164;
static inline var RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE : Int = 36176;
static inline var RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE : Int = 36177;
static inline var RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE : Int = 36178;
static inline var RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE : Int = 36179;
static inline var RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE : Int = 36180;
static inline var RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE : Int = 36181;
static inline var FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE : Int = 36048;
static inline var FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME : Int = 36049;
static inline var FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL : Int = 36050;
static inline var COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 : Int = 36064;
static inline var DEPTH_ATTACHMENT : Int = 36096;
static inline var STENCIL_ATTACHMENT : Int = 36128;
static inline var DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT : Int = 33306;
static inline var NONE : Int = 0;
static inline var FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE : Int = 36053;
static inline var FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT : Int = 36054;
static inline var FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS : Int = 36057;
static inline var FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED : Int = 36061;
static inline var FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING : Int = 36006;
static inline var RENDERBUFFER_BINDING : Int = 36007;
static inline var MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE : Int = 34024;
static inline var INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION : Int = 1286;
static inline var UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL : Int = 37440;
static inline var UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL : Int = 37441;
static inline var CONTEXT_LOST_WEBGL : Int = 37442;
static inline var UNPACK_COLORSPACE_CONVERSION_WEBGL : Int = 37443;
static inline var BROWSER_DEFAULT_WEBGL : Int = 37444;
A read-only back-reference to the `HTMLCanvasElement`. Might be `null` if it is not associated with a `canvas` element.
var canvas(default,null) : js.html.CanvasElement;
The read-only width of the current drawing buffer. Should match the width of the canvas element associated with this context.
var drawingBufferWidth(default,null) : Int;
The read-only height of the current drawing buffer. Should match the height of the canvas element associated with this context.
var drawingBufferHeight(default,null) : Int;
Updates buffer data.
@:overload( function( target : Int, size : Int, usage : Int ) : Void {} )
@:overload( function( target : Int, data : js.lib.ArrayBuffer, usage : Int ) : Void {} )
function bufferData( target : Int, data : js.lib.ArrayBufferView, usage : Int ) : Void;
Updates buffer data starting at a passed offset.
@:overload( function( target : Int, offset : Int, data : js.lib.ArrayBuffer ) : Void {} )
function bufferSubData( target : Int, offset : Int, data : js.lib.ArrayBufferView ) : Void;
Specifies a 2D texture image in a compressed format.
function compressedTexImage2D( target : Int, level : Int, internalformat : Int, width : Int, height : Int, border : Int, data : js.lib.ArrayBufferView ) : Void;
Specifies a 2D texture sub-image in a compressed format.
function compressedTexSubImage2D( target : Int, level : Int, xoffset : Int, yoffset : Int, width : Int, height : Int, format : Int, data : js.lib.ArrayBufferView ) : Void;
Reads a block of pixels from the `WebGLFrameBuffer`.
@throws DOMError
function readPixels( x : Int, y : Int, width : Int, height : Int, format : Int, type : Int, pixels : js.lib.ArrayBufferView ) : Void;
Specifies a 2D texture image.
@throws DOMError
@:overload( function( target : Int, level : Int, internalformat : Int, width : Int, height : Int, border : Int, format : Int, type : Int, pixels : js.lib.ArrayBufferView ) : Void {} )
@:overload( function( target : Int, level : Int, internalformat : Int, format : Int, type : Int, pixels : js.html.ImageBitmap ) : Void {} )
@:overload( function( target : Int, level : Int, internalformat : Int, format : Int, type : Int, pixels : js.html.ImageData ) : Void {} )
@:overload( function( target : Int, level : Int, internalformat : Int, format : Int, type : Int, image : js.html.ImageElement ) : Void {} )
@:overload( function( target : Int, level : Int, internalformat : Int, format : Int, type : Int, canvas : js.html.CanvasElement ) : Void {} )
function texImage2D( target : Int, level : Int, internalformat : Int, format : Int, type : Int, video : js.html.VideoElement ) : Void;
Updates a sub-rectangle of the current `WebGLTexture`.
@throws DOMError
@:overload( function( target : Int, level : Int, xoffset : Int, yoffset : Int, width : Int, height : Int, format : Int, type : Int, pixels : js.lib.ArrayBufferView ) : Void {} )
@:overload( function( target : Int, level : Int, xoffset : Int, yoffset : Int, format : Int, type : Int, pixels : js.html.ImageBitmap ) : Void {} )
@:overload( function( target : Int, level : Int, xoffset : Int, yoffset : Int, format : Int, type : Int, pixels : js.html.ImageData ) : Void {} )
@:overload( function( target : Int, level : Int, xoffset : Int, yoffset : Int, format : Int, type : Int, image : js.html.ImageElement ) : Void {} )
@:overload( function( target : Int, level : Int, xoffset : Int, yoffset : Int, format : Int, type : Int, canvas : js.html.CanvasElement ) : Void {} )
function texSubImage2D( target : Int, level : Int, xoffset : Int, yoffset : Int, format : Int, type : Int, video : js.html.VideoElement ) : Void;
@:overload( function( location : UniformLocation, data : Array<Float>) : Void {} )
function uniform1fv( location : UniformLocation, data : js.lib.Float32Array ) : Void;
@:overload( function( location : UniformLocation, data : Array<Float>) : Void {} )
function uniform2fv( location : UniformLocation, data : js.lib.Float32Array ) : Void;
@:overload( function( location : UniformLocation, data : Array<Float>) : Void {} )
function uniform3fv( location : UniformLocation, data : js.lib.Float32Array ) : Void;
@:overload( function( location : UniformLocation, data : Array<Float>) : Void {} )
function uniform4fv( location : UniformLocation, data : js.lib.Float32Array ) : Void;
@:overload( function( location : UniformLocation, data : Array<Int>) : Void {} )
function uniform1iv( location : UniformLocation, data : js.lib.Int32Array ) : Void;
@:overload( function( location : UniformLocation, data : Array<Int>) : Void {} )
function uniform2iv( location : UniformLocation, data : js.lib.Int32Array ) : Void;
@:overload( function( location : UniformLocation, data : Array<Int>) : Void {} )
function uniform3iv( location : UniformLocation, data : js.lib.Int32Array ) : Void;
@:overload( function( location : UniformLocation, data : Array<Int>) : Void {} )
function uniform4iv( location : UniformLocation, data : js.lib.Int32Array ) : Void;
@:overload( function( location : UniformLocation, transpose : Bool, data : Array<Float>) : Void {} )
function uniformMatrix2fv( location : UniformLocation, transpose : Bool, data : js.lib.Float32Array ) : Void;
@:overload( function( location : UniformLocation, transpose : Bool, data : Array<Float>) : Void {} )
function uniformMatrix3fv( location : UniformLocation, transpose : Bool, data : js.lib.Float32Array ) : Void;
@:overload( function( location : UniformLocation, transpose : Bool, data : Array<Float>) : Void {} )
function uniformMatrix4fv( location : UniformLocation, transpose : Bool, data : js.lib.Float32Array ) : Void;
Returns a `WebGLContextAttributes` object that contains the actual context parameters. Might return `null`, if the context is lost.
function getContextAttributes() : ContextAttributes;
Returns `true` if the context is lost, otherwise returns `false`.
function isContextLost() : Bool;
Returns an `Array` of `DOMString` elements with all the supported WebGL extensions.
function getSupportedExtensions() : Array<String>;
Returns an extension object.
@throws DOMError
function getExtension<T>( name : Extension<T> ) : T;
Selects the active texture unit.
function activeTexture( texture : Int ) : Void;
Attaches a `WebGLShader` to a `WebGLProgram`.
function attachShader( program : Program, shader : Shader ) : Void;
Binds a generic vertex index to a named attribute variable.
function bindAttribLocation( program : Program, index : Int, name : String ) : Void;
Binds a `WebGLBuffer` object to a given target.
function bindBuffer( target : Int, buffer : Buffer ) : Void;
Binds a `WebGLFrameBuffer` object to a given target.
function bindFramebuffer( target : Int, framebuffer : Framebuffer ) : Void;
Binds a `WebGLRenderBuffer` object to a given target.
function bindRenderbuffer( target : Int, renderbuffer : Renderbuffer ) : Void;
Binds a `WebGLTexture` object to a given target.
function bindTexture( target : Int, texture : Texture ) : Void;
Sets the source and destination blending factors.
function blendColor( red : Float, green : Float, blue : Float, alpha : Float ) : Void;
Sets both the RGB blend equation and alpha blend equation to a single equation.
function blendEquation( mode : Int ) : Void;
Sets the RGB blend equation and alpha blend equation separately.
function blendEquationSeparate( modeRGB : Int, modeAlpha : Int ) : Void;
Defines which function is used for blending pixel arithmetic.
function blendFunc( sfactor : Int, dfactor : Int ) : Void;
Defines which function is used for blending pixel arithmetic for RGB and alpha components separately.
function blendFuncSeparate( srcRGB : Int, dstRGB : Int, srcAlpha : Int, dstAlpha : Int ) : Void;
Returns the status of the framebuffer.
function checkFramebufferStatus( target : Int ) : Int;
Clears specified buffers to preset values.
function clear( mask : Int ) : Void;
Specifies the color values used when clearing color buffers.
function clearColor( red : Float, green : Float, blue : Float, alpha : Float ) : Void;
Specifies the depth value used when clearing the depth buffer.
function clearDepth( depth : Float ) : Void;
Specifies the stencil value used when clearing the stencil buffer.
function clearStencil( s : Int ) : Void;
Sets which color components to enable or to disable when drawing or rendering to a `WebGLFramebuffer`.
function colorMask( red : Bool, green : Bool, blue : Bool, alpha : Bool ) : Void;
Compiles a `WebGLShader`.
function compileShader( shader : Shader ) : Void;
Copies a 2D texture image.
function copyTexImage2D( target : Int, level : Int, internalformat : Int, x : Int, y : Int, width : Int, height : Int, border : Int ) : Void;
Copies a 2D texture sub-image.
function copyTexSubImage2D( target : Int, level : Int, xoffset : Int, yoffset : Int, x : Int, y : Int, width : Int, height : Int ) : Void;
Creates a `WebGLBuffer` object.
function createBuffer() : Buffer;
Creates a `WebGLFrameBuffer` object.
function createFramebuffer() : Framebuffer;
Creates a `WebGLProgram`.
function createProgram() : Program;
Creates a `WebGLRenderBuffer` object.
function createRenderbuffer() : Renderbuffer;
Creates a `WebGLShader`.
function createShader( type : Int ) : Shader;
Creates a `WebGLTexture` object.
function createTexture() : Texture;
Specifies whether or not front- and/or back-facing polygons can be culled.
function cullFace( mode : Int ) : Void;
Deletes a `WebGLBuffer` object.
function deleteBuffer( buffer : Buffer ) : Void;
Deletes a `WebGLFrameBuffer` object.
function deleteFramebuffer( framebuffer : Framebuffer ) : Void;
Deletes a `WebGLProgram`.
function deleteProgram( program : Program ) : Void;
Deletes a `WebGLRenderBuffer` object.
function deleteRenderbuffer( renderbuffer : Renderbuffer ) : Void;
Deletes a `WebGLShader`.
function deleteShader( shader : Shader ) : Void;
Deletes a `WebGLTexture` object.
function deleteTexture( texture : Texture ) : Void;
Specifies a function that compares incoming pixel depth to the current depth buffer value.
function depthFunc( func : Int ) : Void;
Sets whether writing into the depth buffer is enabled or disabled.
function depthMask( flag : Bool ) : Void;
Specifies the depth range mapping from normalized device coordinates to window or viewport coordinates.
function depthRange( zNear : Float, zFar : Float ) : Void;
Detaches a `WebGLShader`.
function detachShader( program : Program, shader : Shader ) : Void;
Disables specific WebGL capabilities for this context.
function disable( cap : Int ) : Void;
Disables a vertex attribute array at a given position.
function disableVertexAttribArray( index : Int ) : Void;
Renders primitives from array data.
function drawArrays( mode : Int, first : Int, count : Int ) : Void;
Renders primitives from element array data.
function drawElements( mode : Int, count : Int, type : Int, offset : Int ) : Void;
Enables specific WebGL capabilities for this context.
function enable( cap : Int ) : Void;
Enables a vertex attribute array at a given position.
function enableVertexAttribArray( index : Int ) : Void;
Blocks execution until all previously called commands are finished.
function finish() : Void;
Empties different buffer commands, causing all commands to be executed as quickly as possible.
function flush() : Void;
Attaches a `WebGLRenderingBuffer` object to a `WebGLFrameBuffer` object.
function framebufferRenderbuffer( target : Int, attachment : Int, renderbuffertarget : Int, renderbuffer : Renderbuffer ) : Void;
Attaches a textures image to a `WebGLFrameBuffer` object.
function framebufferTexture2D( target : Int, attachment : Int, textarget : Int, texture : Texture, level : Int ) : Void;
Specifies whether polygons are front- or back-facing by setting a winding orientation.
function frontFace( mode : Int ) : Void;
Generates a set of mipmaps for a `WebGLTexture` object.
function generateMipmap( target : Int ) : Void;
Returns information about an active attribute variable.
function getActiveAttrib( program : Program, index : Int ) : ActiveInfo;
Returns information about an active uniform variable.
function getActiveUniform( program : Program, index : Int ) : ActiveInfo;
Returns a list of `WebGLShader` objects attached to a `WebGLProgram`.
function getAttachedShaders( program : Program ) : Array<Shader>;
Returns the location of an attribute variable.
function getAttribLocation( program : Program, name : String ) : Int;
Returns information about the buffer.
function getBufferParameter( target : Int, pname : Int ) : Dynamic;
Returns a value for the passed parameter name.
@throws DOMError
function getParameter( pname : Int ) : Dynamic;
Returns error information.
function getError() : Int;
Returns information about the framebuffer.
@throws DOMError
function getFramebufferAttachmentParameter( target : Int, attachment : Int, pname : Int ) : Dynamic;
Returns information about the program.
function getProgramParameter( program : Program, pname : Int ) : Dynamic;
Returns the information log for a `WebGLProgram` object.
function getProgramInfoLog( program : Program ) : String;
Returns information about the renderbuffer.
function getRenderbufferParameter( target : Int, pname : Int ) : Dynamic;
Returns information about the shader.
function getShaderParameter( shader : Shader, pname : Int ) : Dynamic;
Returns a `WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat` object describing the precision for the numeric format of the shader.
function getShaderPrecisionFormat( shadertype : Int, precisiontype : Int ) : ShaderPrecisionFormat;
Returns the information log for a `WebGLShader` object.
function getShaderInfoLog( shader : Shader ) : String;
Returns the source code of a `WebGLShader` as a string.
function getShaderSource( shader : Shader ) : String;
Returns information about the texture.
function getTexParameter( target : Int, pname : Int ) : Dynamic;
Returns the value of a uniform variable at a given location.
function getUniform( program : Program, location : UniformLocation ) : Dynamic;
Returns the location of a uniform variable.
function getUniformLocation( program : Program, name : String ) : UniformLocation;
Returns information about a vertex attribute at a given position.
@throws DOMError
function getVertexAttrib( index : Int, pname : Int ) : Dynamic;
Returns the address of a given vertex attribute.
function getVertexAttribOffset( index : Int, pname : Int ) : Int;
Specifies hints for certain behaviors. The interpretation of these hints depend on the implementation.
function hint( target : Int, mode : Int ) : Void;
Returns a Boolean indicating if the passed buffer is valid.
function isBuffer( buffer : Buffer ) : Bool;
Tests whether a specific WebGL capability is enabled or not for this context.
function isEnabled( cap : Int ) : Bool;
Returns a Boolean indicating if the passed `WebGLFrameBuffer` object is valid.
function isFramebuffer( framebuffer : Framebuffer ) : Bool;
Returns a Boolean indicating if the passed `WebGLProgram` is valid.
function isProgram( program : Program ) : Bool;
Returns a Boolean indicating if the passed `WebGLRenderingBuffer` is valid.
function isRenderbuffer( renderbuffer : Renderbuffer ) : Bool;
Returns a Boolean indicating if the passed `WebGLShader` is valid.
function isShader( shader : Shader ) : Bool;
Returns a Boolean indicating if the passed `WebGLTexture` is valid.
function isTexture( texture : Texture ) : Bool;
Sets the line width of rasterized lines.
function lineWidth( width : Float ) : Void;
Links the passed `WebGLProgram` object.
function linkProgram( program : Program ) : Void;
Specifies the pixel storage modes
function pixelStorei( pname : Int, param : Int ) : Void;
Specifies the scale factors and units to calculate depth values.
function polygonOffset( factor : Float, units : Float ) : Void;
Creates a renderbuffer data store.
function renderbufferStorage( target : Int, internalformat : Int, width : Int, height : Int ) : Void;
Specifies multi-sample coverage parameters for anti-aliasing effects.
function sampleCoverage( value : Float, invert : Bool ) : Void;
Defines the scissor box.
function scissor( x : Int, y : Int, width : Int, height : Int ) : Void;
Sets the source code in a `WebGLShader`.
function shaderSource( shader : Shader, source : String ) : Void;
Sets the both front and back function and reference value for stencil testing.
function stencilFunc( func : Int, ref : Int, mask : Int ) : Void;
Sets the front and/or back function and reference value for stencil testing.
function stencilFuncSeparate( face : Int, func : Int, ref : Int, mask : Int ) : Void;
Controls enabling and disabling of both the front and back writing of individual bits in the stencil planes.
function stencilMask( mask : Int ) : Void;
Controls enabling and disabling of front and/or back writing of individual bits in the stencil planes.
function stencilMaskSeparate( face : Int, mask : Int ) : Void;
Sets both the front and back-facing stencil test actions.
function stencilOp( fail : Int, zfail : Int, zpass : Int ) : Void;
Sets the front and/or back-facing stencil test actions.
function stencilOpSeparate( face : Int, fail : Int, zfail : Int, zpass : Int ) : Void;
function texParameterf( target : Int, pname : Int, param : Float ) : Void;
function texParameteri( target : Int, pname : Int, param : Int ) : Void;
function uniform1f( location : UniformLocation, x : Float ) : Void;
function uniform2f( location : UniformLocation, x : Float, y : Float ) : Void;
function uniform3f( location : UniformLocation, x : Float, y : Float, z : Float ) : Void;
function uniform4f( location : UniformLocation, x : Float, y : Float, z : Float, w : Float ) : Void;
function uniform1i( location : UniformLocation, x : Int ) : Void;
function uniform2i( location : UniformLocation, x : Int, y : Int ) : Void;
function uniform3i( location : UniformLocation, x : Int, y : Int, z : Int ) : Void;
function uniform4i( location : UniformLocation, x : Int, y : Int, z : Int, w : Int ) : Void;
Uses the specified `WebGLProgram` as part the current rendering state.
function useProgram( program : Program ) : Void;
Validates a `WebGLProgram`.
function validateProgram( program : Program ) : Void;
function vertexAttrib1f( indx : Int, x : Float ) : Void;
@:overload( function( indx : Int, values : Array<Float>) : Void {} )
function vertexAttrib1fv( indx : Int, values : js.lib.Float32Array ) : Void;
function vertexAttrib2f( indx : Int, x : Float, y : Float ) : Void;
@:overload( function( indx : Int, values : Array<Float>) : Void {} )
function vertexAttrib2fv( indx : Int, values : js.lib.Float32Array ) : Void;
function vertexAttrib3f( indx : Int, x : Float, y : Float, z : Float ) : Void;
@:overload( function( indx : Int, values : Array<Float>) : Void {} )
function vertexAttrib3fv( indx : Int, values : js.lib.Float32Array ) : Void;
function vertexAttrib4f( indx : Int, x : Float, y : Float, z : Float, w : Float ) : Void;
@:overload( function( indx : Int, values : Array<Float>) : Void {} )
function vertexAttrib4fv( indx : Int, values : js.lib.Float32Array ) : Void;
Specifies the data formats and locations of vertex attributes in a vertex attributes array.
function vertexAttribPointer( indx : Int, size : Int, type : Int, normalized : Bool, stride : Int, offset : Int ) : Void;
Sets the viewport.
function viewport( x : Int, y : Int, width : Int, height : Int ) : Void;