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2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00
package zui;
import zui.Zui;
import kha.input.KeyCode;
class Ext {
public static function floatInput(ui: Zui, handle: Handle, label = "", align: Align = Left, precision = 1000.0): Float {
handle.text = Std.string(Math.round(handle.value * precision) / precision);
var text = ui.textInput(handle, label, align);
handle.value = Std.parseFloat(text);
return handle.value;
static function initPath(handle: Handle, systemId: String) {
handle.text = systemId == "Windows" ? "C:\\Users" : "/";
// %HOMEDRIVE% + %HomePath%
// ~
public static var dataPath = "";
static var lastPath = "";
public static function fileBrowser(ui: Zui, handle: Handle, foldersOnly = false): String {
var sep = "/";
#if kha_krom
var cmd = "ls ";
var systemId = kha.System.systemId;
if (systemId == "Windows") {
cmd = "dir /b ";
if (foldersOnly) cmd += "/ad ";
sep = "\\";
handle.text = StringTools.replace(handle.text, "\\\\", "\\");
handle.text = StringTools.replace(handle.text, "\r", "");
if (handle.text == "") initPath(handle, systemId);
var save = Krom.getFilesLocation() + sep + dataPath + "dir.txt";
if (handle.text != lastPath) Krom.sysCommand(cmd + '"' + handle.text + '"' + " > " + '"' + save + '"');
lastPath = handle.text;
var str = haxe.io.Bytes.ofData(Krom.loadBlob(save)).toString();
var files = str.split("\n");
#elseif kha_kore
if (handle.text == "") initPath(handle, kha.System.systemId);
var files = sys.FileSystem.isDirectory(handle.text) ? sys.FileSystem.readDirectory(handle.text) : [];
#elseif kha_webgl
var files: Array<String> = [];
var userAgent = untyped navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (userAgent.indexOf(" electron/") > -1) {
if (handle.text == "") {
var pp = untyped window.process.platform;
var systemId = pp == "win32" ? "Windows" : (pp == "darwin" ? "OSX" : "Linux");
initPath(handle, systemId);
try {
files = untyped require("fs").readdirSync(handle.text);
catch (e: Dynamic) {
// Non-directory item selected
var files: Array<String> = [];
// Up directory
var i1 = handle.text.indexOf("/");
var i2 = handle.text.indexOf("\\");
var nested =
(i1 > -1 && handle.text.length - 1 > i1) ||
(i2 > -1 && handle.text.length - 1 > i2);
handle.changed = false;
if (nested && ui.button("..", Align.Left)) {
handle.changed = ui.changed = true;
handle.text = handle.text.substring(0, handle.text.lastIndexOf(sep));
// Drive root
if (handle.text.length == 2 && handle.text.charAt(1) == ":") handle.text += sep;
// Directory contents
for (f in files) {
if (f == "" || f.charAt(0) == ".") continue; // Skip hidden
if (ui.button(f, Align.Left)) {
handle.changed = ui.changed = true;
if (handle.text.charAt(handle.text.length - 1) != sep) handle.text += sep;
handle.text += f;
return handle.text;
public static function inlineRadio(ui: Zui, handle: Handle, texts: Array<String>, align: Align = Left): Int {
if (!ui.isVisible(ui.ELEMENT_H())) {
return handle.position;
var step = ui._w / texts.length;
var hovered = -1;
if (ui.getHover()) {
var ix = Std.int(ui.inputX - ui._x - ui._windowX);
for (i in 0...texts.length) {
if (ix < i * step + step) {
hovered = i;
if (ui.getReleased()) {
handle.position = hovered;
handle.changed = ui.changed = true;
else handle.changed = false;
for (i in 0...texts.length) {
if (handle.position == i) {
ui.g.color = ui.t.ACCENT_HOVER_COL;
if (!ui.enabled) ui.fadeColor();
ui.g.fillRect(ui._x + step * i, ui._y + ui.buttonOffsetY, step, ui.BUTTON_H());
else if (hovered == i) {
ui.g.color = ui.t.ACCENT_COL;
if (!ui.enabled) ui.fadeColor();
ui.g.drawRect(ui._x + step * i, ui._y + ui.buttonOffsetY, step, ui.BUTTON_H());
ui.g.color = ui.t.TEXT_COL; // Text
ui._x += step * i;
var _w = ui._w;
ui._w = Std.int(step);
ui.drawString(ui.g, texts[i], null, 0, align);
ui._x -= step * i;
ui._w = _w;
return handle.position;
static var wheelSelectedHandle: Handle = null;
static var gradientSelectedHandle: Handle = null;
public static function colorWheel(ui: Zui, handle: Handle, alpha = false, w: Null<Float> = null, h: Null<Float> = null, colorPreview = true, picker: Void->Void = null): kha.Color {
if (w == null) w = ui._w;
rgbToHsv(handle.color.R, handle.color.G, handle.color.B, ar);
var chue = ar[0];
var csat = ar[1];
var cval = ar[2];
var calpha = handle.color.A;
// Wheel
var px = ui._x;
var py = ui._y;
var scroll = ui.currentWindow != null ? ui.currentWindow.scrollEnabled : false;
if (!scroll) {
w -= ui.SCROLL_W();
px += ui.SCROLL_W() / 2;
var _x = ui._x;
var _y = ui._y;
var _w = ui._w;
ui._w = Std.int(28 * ui.SCALE());
if (picker != null && ui.button("P")) {
ui.changed = false;
handle.changed = false;
return handle.color;
ui._x = _x;
ui._y = _y;
ui._w = _w;
ui.image(ui.ops.color_wheel, kha.Color.fromFloats(cval, cval, cval));
// Picker
var ph = ui._y - py;
var ox = px + w / 2;
var oy = py + ph / 2;
var cw = w * 0.7;
var cwh = cw / 2;
var cx = ox;
var cy = oy + csat * cwh; // Sat is distance from center
var gradTx = px + 0.897 * w ;
var gradTy = oy - cwh;
var gradW = 0.0777 * w;
var gradH = cw;
// Rotate around origin by hue
var theta = chue * (Math.PI * 2.0);
var cx2 = Math.cos(theta) * (cx - ox) - Math.sin(theta) * (cy - oy) + ox;
var cy2 = Math.sin(theta) * (cx - ox) + Math.cos(theta) * (cy - oy) + oy;
cx = cx2;
cy = cy2;
ui._x = px - (scroll ? 0 : ui.SCROLL_W() / 2);
ui._y = py;
ui.g.color = 0xff000000;
ui.g.fillRect(cx - 3 * ui.SCALE(), cy - 3 * ui.SCALE(), 6 * ui.SCALE(), 6 * ui.SCALE());
ui.g.color = 0xffffffff;
ui.g.fillRect(cx - 2 * ui.SCALE(), cy - 2 * ui.SCALE(), 4 * ui.SCALE(), 4 * ui.SCALE());
ui.g.color = 0xff000000;
ui.g.fillRect(gradTx + gradW / 2 - 3 * ui.SCALE(), gradTy + (1 - cval) * gradH - 3 * ui.SCALE(), 6 * ui.SCALE(), 6 * ui.SCALE());
ui.g.color = 0xffffffff;
ui.g.fillRect(gradTx + gradW / 2 - 2 * ui.SCALE(), gradTy + (1 - cval) * gradH - 2 * ui.SCALE(), 4 * ui.SCALE(), 4 * ui.SCALE());
if (alpha) {
var alphaHandle = handle.nest(1, {value: Math.round(calpha * 100) / 100});
calpha = ui.slider(alphaHandle, "Alpha", 0.0, 1.0, true);
if (alphaHandle.changed) handle.changed = ui.changed = true;
// Mouse picking for color wheel
var gx = ox + ui._windowX;
var gy = oy + ui._windowY;
if (ui.inputStarted && ui.getInputInRect(gx - cwh, gy - cwh, cw, cw)) wheelSelectedHandle = handle;
if (ui.inputReleased && wheelSelectedHandle != null) { wheelSelectedHandle = null; handle.changed = ui.changed = true; }
if (ui.inputDown && wheelSelectedHandle == handle) {
csat = Math.min(dist(gx, gy, ui.inputX, ui.inputY), cwh) / cwh;
var angle = Math.atan2(ui.inputX - gx, ui.inputY - gy);
if (angle < 0) angle = Math.PI + (Math.PI - Math.abs(angle));
angle = Math.PI * 2 - angle;
chue = angle / (Math.PI * 2);
handle.changed = ui.changed = true;
// Mouse picking for cval
if (ui.inputStarted && ui.getInputInRect(gradTx + ui._windowX, gradTy + ui._windowY, gradW, gradH)) gradientSelectedHandle = handle;
if (ui.inputReleased && gradientSelectedHandle != null) { gradientSelectedHandle = null; handle.changed = ui.changed = true; }
if (ui.inputDown && gradientSelectedHandle == handle) {
cval = Math.max(0.01, Math.min(1, 1 - (ui.inputY - gradTy - ui._windowY) / gradH));
handle.changed = ui.changed = true;
// Save as rgb
hsvToRgb(chue, csat, cval, ar);
handle.color = kha.Color.fromFloats(ar[0], ar[1], ar[2], calpha);
if (colorPreview) ui.text("", Right, handle.color);
var pos = Ext.inlineRadio(ui, Id.handle(), ["RGB", "HSV", "Hex"]);
var h0 = handle.nest(0).nest(0);
var h1 = handle.nest(0).nest(1);
var h2 = handle.nest(0).nest(2);
if (pos == 0) {
h0.value = handle.color.R;
handle.color.R = ui.slider(h0, "R", 0, 1, true);
h1.value = handle.color.G;
handle.color.G = ui.slider(h1, "G", 0, 1, true);
h2.value = handle.color.B;
handle.color.B = ui.slider(h2, "B", 0, 1, true);
else if (pos == 1) {
rgbToHsv(handle.color.R, handle.color.G, handle.color.B, ar);
h0.value = ar[0];
h1.value = ar[1];
h2.value = ar[2];
var chue = ui.slider(h0, "H", 0, 1, true);
var csat = ui.slider(h1, "S", 0, 1, true);
var cval = ui.slider(h2, "V", 0, 1, true);
hsvToRgb(chue, csat, cval, ar);
handle.color = kha.Color.fromFloats(ar[0], ar[1], ar[2]);
else if (pos == 2) {
#if js
handle.text = untyped (handle.color >>> 0).toString(16);
var hexCode = ui.textInput(handle, "#");
if (hexCode.length >= 1 && hexCode.charAt(0) == "#") // Allow # at the beginning
hexCode = hexCode.substr(1);
if (hexCode.length == 3) // 3 digit CSS style values like fa0 --> ffaa00
hexCode = hexCode.charAt(0) + hexCode.charAt(0) + hexCode.charAt(1) + hexCode.charAt(1) + hexCode.charAt(2) + hexCode.charAt(2);
if (hexCode.length == 4) // 4 digit CSS style values
hexCode = hexCode.charAt(0) + hexCode.charAt(0) + hexCode.charAt(1) + hexCode.charAt(1) + hexCode.charAt(2) + hexCode.charAt(2) + hexCode.charAt(3) + hexCode.charAt(3);
if (hexCode.length == 6) // Make the alpha channel optional
hexCode = "ff" + hexCode;
handle.color = untyped parseInt(hexCode, 16);
if (h0.changed || h1.changed || h2.changed) handle.changed = ui.changed = true;
if (ui.getInputInRect(ui._windowX + px, ui._windowY + py, w, h == null ? (ui._y - py) : h) && ui.inputReleased) // Do not close if user clicks
ui.changed = true;
return handle.color;
static function rightAlignNumber(number: Int, length: Int): String {
var s = number + "";
while (s.length < length)
s = " " + s;
return s;
public static var textAreaLineNumbers = false;
public static var textAreaScrollPastEnd = false;
public static var textAreaColoring: TTextColoring = null;
public static function textArea(ui: Zui, handle: Handle, align = Align.Left, editable = true, label = "", wordWrap = false): String {
handle.text = StringTools.replace(handle.text, "\t", " ");
var selected = ui.textSelectedHandle == handle; // Text being edited
var lines = handle.text.split("\n");
var showLabel = (lines.length == 1 && lines[0] == "");
var keyPressed = selected && ui.isKeyPressed;
ui.highlightOnSelect = false;
ui.tabSwitchEnabled = false;
if (wordWrap && handle.text != "") {
var cursorSet = false;
var cursorPos = ui.cursorX;
for (i in 0...handle.position) cursorPos += lines[i].length + 1; // + \n
var words = lines.join(" ").split(" ");
lines = [];
var line = "";
for (w in words) {
var linew = ui.ops.font.width(ui.fontSize, line + " " + w);
var wordw = ui.ops.font.width(ui.fontSize, " " + w);
if (linew > ui._w - 10 && linew > wordw) {
line = "";
line = line == "" ? w : line + " " + w;
var linesLen = lines.length;
for (l in lines) linesLen += l.length;
if (selected && !cursorSet && cursorPos <= linesLen + line.length) {
cursorSet = true;
handle.position = lines.length;
ui.cursorX = ui.highlightAnchor = cursorPos - linesLen;
if (selected) {
ui.textSelected = handle.text = lines[handle.position];
var cursorStartX = ui.cursorX;
if (textAreaLineNumbers) {
var _y = ui._y;
var _TEXT_COL = ui.t.TEXT_COL;
ui.t.TEXT_COL = ui.t.ACCENT_COL;
var maxLength = Math.ceil(Math.log(lines.length + 0.5) / Math.log(10)); // Express log_10 with natural log
for (i in 0...lines.length) {
ui.text(rightAlignNumber(i + 1, maxLength));
ui._y -= ui.ELEMENT_OFFSET();
ui._y = _y;
ui._x += (lines.length + "").length * 16 + 4;
ui.g.color = ui.t.SEPARATOR_COL; // Background
ui.drawRect(ui.g, true, ui._x + ui.buttonOffsetY, ui._y + ui.buttonOffsetY, ui._w - ui.buttonOffsetY * 2, lines.length * ui.ELEMENT_H() - ui.buttonOffsetY * 2);
var _textColoring = ui.textColoring;
ui.textColoring = textAreaColoring;
for (i in 0...lines.length) { // Draw lines
if ((!selected && ui.getHover()) || (selected && i == handle.position)) {
handle.position = i; // Set active line
handle.text = lines[i];
ui.submitTextHandle = null;
ui.textInput(handle, showLabel ? label : "", align, editable);
if (keyPressed && ui.key != KeyCode.Return && ui.key != KeyCode.Escape) { // Edit text
lines[i] = ui.textSelected;
else {
if (showLabel) {
var TEXT_COL = ui.t.TEXT_COL;
ui.t.TEXT_COL = ui.t.LABEL_COL;
ui.text(label, Right);
else {
ui.text(lines[i], align);
ui._y -= ui.ELEMENT_OFFSET();
ui._y += ui.ELEMENT_OFFSET();
ui.textColoring = _textColoring;
if (textAreaScrollPastEnd) {
ui._y += ui._h - ui.windowHeaderH - ui.ELEMENT_H() - ui.ELEMENT_OFFSET();
if (keyPressed) {
// Move cursor vertically
if (ui.key == KeyCode.Down && handle.position < lines.length - 1) {
scrollAlign(ui, handle);
if (ui.key == KeyCode.Up && handle.position > 0) {
scrollAlign(ui, handle);
// New line
if (editable && ui.key == KeyCode.Return && !wordWrap) {
lines.insert(handle.position, lines[handle.position - 1].substr(ui.cursorX));
lines[handle.position - 1] = lines[handle.position - 1].substr(0, ui.cursorX);
ui.cursorX = ui.highlightAnchor = 0;
scrollAlign(ui, handle);
// Delete line
if (editable && ui.key == KeyCode.Backspace && cursorStartX == 0 && handle.position > 0) {
ui.cursorX = ui.highlightAnchor = lines[handle.position].length;
lines[handle.position] += lines[handle.position + 1];
lines.splice(handle.position + 1, 1);
scrollAlign(ui, handle);
ui.textSelected = lines[handle.position];
ui.highlightOnSelect = true;
ui.tabSwitchEnabled = true;
handle.text = lines.join("\n");
return handle.text;
static function scrollAlign(ui: Zui, handle: Handle) {
// Scroll down
if ((handle.position + 1) * ui.ELEMENT_H() + ui.currentWindow.scrollOffset > ui._h - ui.windowHeaderH) {
ui.currentWindow.scrollOffset -= ui.ELEMENT_H();
// Scroll up
else if ((handle.position + 1) * ui.ELEMENT_H() + ui.currentWindow.scrollOffset < ui.windowHeaderH) {
ui.currentWindow.scrollOffset += ui.ELEMENT_H();
static var _ELEMENT_OFFSET = 0;
static var _BUTTON_COL = 0;
public static function beginMenu(ui: Zui) {
ui.g.color = ui.t.SEPARATOR_COL;
ui.g.fillRect(0, 0, ui._windowW, MENUBAR_H(ui));
public static function endMenu(ui: Zui) {
public static function menuButton(ui: Zui, text: String): Bool {
ui._w = Std.int(ui.ops.font.width(ui.fontSize, text) + 25 * ui.SCALE());
return ui.button(text);
public static inline function MENUBAR_H(ui: Zui): Float {
return ui.BUTTON_H() * 1.1 + 2 + ui.buttonOffsetY;
static inline function dist(x1: Float, y1: Float, x2: Float, y2: Float): Float {
var vx = x1 - x2;
var vy = y1 - y2;
return Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
static inline function fract(f: Float): Float {
return f - Std.int(f);
static inline function mix(x: Float, y: Float, a: Float): Float {
return x * (1.0 - a) + y * a;
static inline function clamp(x: Float, minVal: Float, maxVal: Float): Float {
return Math.min(Math.max(x, minVal), maxVal);
static inline function step(edge: Float, x: Float): Float {
return x < edge ? 0.0 : 1.0;
static inline var kx = 1.0;
static inline var ky = 2.0 / 3.0;
static inline var kz = 1.0 / 3.0;
static inline var kw = 3.0;
static var ar = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
static function hsvToRgb(cR: Float, cG: Float, cB: Float, out: Array<Float>) {
var px = Math.abs(fract(cR + kx) * 6.0 - kw);
var py = Math.abs(fract(cR + ky) * 6.0 - kw);
var pz = Math.abs(fract(cR + kz) * 6.0 - kw);
out[0] = cB * mix(kx, clamp(px - kx, 0.0, 1.0), cG);
out[1] = cB * mix(kx, clamp(py - kx, 0.0, 1.0), cG);
out[2] = cB * mix(kx, clamp(pz - kx, 0.0, 1.0), cG);
static inline var Kx = 0.0;
static inline var Ky = -1.0 / 3.0;
static inline var Kz = 2.0 / 3.0;
static inline var Kw = -1.0;
static inline var e = 1.0e-10;
static function rgbToHsv(cR: Float, cG: Float, cB: Float, out: Array<Float>) {
var px = mix(cB, cG, step(cB, cG));
var py = mix(cG, cB, step(cB, cG));
var pz = mix(Kw, Kx, step(cB, cG));
var pw = mix(Kz, Ky, step(cB, cG));
var qx = mix(px, cR, step(px, cR));
var qy = mix(py, py, step(px, cR));
var qz = mix(pw, pz, step(px, cR));
var qw = mix(cR, px, step(px, cR));
var d = qx - Math.min(qw, qy);
out[0] = Math.abs(qz + (qw - qy) / (6.0 * d + e));
out[1] = d / (qx + e);
out[2] = qx;