
400 lines
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2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00
package lnx2d;
// Kha
import kha.math.Vector2;
import kha.input.KeyCode;
import kha.graphics2.Graphics;
using kha.graphics2.GraphicsExtension;
// Zui
import zui.Zui;
import leenkx.ui.Canvas;
// Editor
import lnx2d.tools.Math;
import lnx2d.ui.UIProperties;
import lnx2d.tools.CanvasTools;
class ElementController {
static var ui:Zui;
static var cui:Zui;
public static var isManipulating = false;
static var transformInitInput:Vector2;
static var transformInitPos:Vector2;
static var transformInitRot:Float;
static var transformInitSize:Vector2;
// Was the transformation editing started by dragging the mouse
static var transformStartedMouse = false;
static var drag = false;
static var dragLeft = false;
static var dragTop = false;
static var dragRight = false;
static var dragBottom = false;
static var grab = false;
static var grabX = false;
static var grabY = false;
static var rotate = false;
static var newElementSelected = false;
public static var handleSize(get, null):Int;
static inline function get_handleSize():Int { return Std.int(8 * ui.SCALE()); }
public static function initialize(ui: Zui, cui: Zui) {
ElementController.ui = ui;
ElementController.cui = cui;
public static function selectElement(canvas:TCanvas) {
if (ui == null) return;
var selectButton = Main.prefs.keyMap.selectMouseButton;
if (selectButton == "Left" && ui.inputStarted && ui.inputDown ||
selectButton == "Right" && ui.inputStartedR && ui.inputDownR) {
// Deselect
var lastSelected = Editor.selectedElem;
Editor.selectedElem = null;
newElementSelected = false;
// Elements are sorted by z position (descending), so the topmost element will get
// selected if multiple elements overlap each other at the mouse position
var sorted_elements = canvas.elements.copy();
for (elem in sorted_elements) {
var anchorOffset = Canvas.getAnchorOffset(canvas, elem);
var ex = scaled(Math.absx(canvas, elem)) + anchorOffset[0];
var ey = scaled(Math.absy(canvas, elem)) + anchorOffset[1];
var ew = scaled(elem.width);
var eh = scaled(elem.height);
// Element center
var cx = canvas.x + ex + ew / 2;
var cy = canvas.y + ey + eh / 2;
var rotHandleX = cx - handleSize / 2;
var rotHandleY = canvas.y + ey - handleSize * 2 - handleSize / 2;
var rotHandleH = handleSize * 2 + handleSize / 2;
if (Math.hitbox(cui, canvas.x + ex - handleSize / 2, canvas.y + ey - handleSize / 2, ew + handleSize, eh + handleSize, elem.rotation)
|| (Math.hitbox(cui, rotHandleX, rotHandleY, handleSize, rotHandleH, elem.rotation, [cx, cy]) // Rotation handle hitbox
&& lastSelected == elem)) { // Don't select elements other than the currently selected by their rotation handle
Editor.selectedElem = elem;
if (lastSelected != elem)
newElementSelected = true;
// force properties redraw to show selection
UIProperties.hwin.redraws = 2;
public static function render(g:Graphics, canvas:TCanvas) {
// Outline selected elem
if (Editor.selectedElem != null) {
var anchorOffset = Canvas.getAnchorOffset(canvas, Editor.selectedElem);
// Resize rects
var ex = scaled(Math.absx(canvas, Editor.selectedElem)) + anchorOffset[0];
var ey = scaled(Math.absy(canvas, Editor.selectedElem)) + anchorOffset[1];
var ew = scaled(Editor.selectedElem.width);
var eh = scaled(Editor.selectedElem.height);
// Element center
var cx = canvas.x + ex + ew / 2;
var cy = canvas.y + ey + eh / 2;
g.pushRotation(Editor.selectedElem.rotation, cx, cy);
// Draw element outline
g.color = 0xffffffff;
g.drawRect(canvas.x + ex, canvas.y + ey, ew, eh);
g.color = 0xff000000;
g.drawRect(canvas.x + ex + 1, canvas.y + ey + 1, ew, eh);
g.color = 0xffffffff;
// Rotate mouse coords in opposite direction as the element
var rotatedInput:Vector2 = Math.rotatePoint(ui.inputX, ui.inputY, cx, cy, -Editor.selectedElem.rotation);
// Draw corner drag handles
for (handlePosX in 0...3) {
// 0 = Left, 0.5 = Center, 1 = Right
var handlePosX:Float = handlePosX / 2;
for (handlePosY in 0...3) {
// 0 = Top, 0.5 = Center, 1 = Bottom
var handlePosY:Float = handlePosY / 2;
if (handlePosX == 0.5 && handlePosY == 0.5) {
var hX = canvas.x + ex + ew * handlePosX - handleSize / 2;
var hY = canvas.y + ey + eh * handlePosY - handleSize / 2;
// Check if the handle is currently dragged (not necessarily hovered!)
var dragged = false;
if (handlePosX == 0 && dragLeft) {
if (handlePosY == 0 && dragTop) dragged = true;
else if (handlePosY == 0.5 && !(dragTop || dragBottom)) dragged = true;
else if (handlePosY == 1 && dragBottom) dragged = true;
} else if (handlePosX == 0.5 && !(dragLeft || dragRight)) {
if (handlePosY == 0 && dragTop) dragged = true;
else if (handlePosY == 1 && dragBottom) dragged = true;
} else if (handlePosX == 1 && dragRight) {
if (handlePosY == 0 && dragTop) dragged = true;
else if (handlePosY == 0.5 && !(dragTop || dragBottom)) dragged = true;
else if (handlePosY == 1 && dragBottom) dragged = true;
dragged = dragged && drag;
// Hover
if (rotatedInput.x > hX && rotatedInput.x < hX + handleSize || dragged) {
if (rotatedInput.y > hY && rotatedInput.y < hY + handleSize || dragged) {
g.color = 0xff205d9c;
g.fillRect(hX, hY, handleSize, handleSize);
g.color = 0xffffffff;
g.drawRect(hX, hY, handleSize, handleSize);
// Draw rotation handle
g.drawLine(cx, canvas.y + ey, cx, canvas.y + ey - handleSize * 2);
var rotHandleCenter = new Vector2(cx, canvas.y + ey - handleSize * 2);
if (rotatedInput.sub(rotHandleCenter).length <= handleSize / 2 || rotate) {
g.color = 0xff205d9c;
g.fillCircle(rotHandleCenter.x, rotHandleCenter.y, handleSize / 2);
g.color = 0xffffffff;
g.drawCircle(rotHandleCenter.x, rotHandleCenter.y, handleSize / 2);
public static function update(ui:Zui, cui:Zui, canvas:TCanvas) {
lnx2d.ElementController.ui = ui;
lnx2d.ElementController.cui = cui;
if (newElementSelected)
if (Editor.selectedElem != null) {
var elem = Editor.selectedElem;
var anchorOffset = Canvas.getAnchorOffset(canvas, elem);
var ex = scaled(Math.absx(canvas, elem)) + anchorOffset[0];
var ey = scaled(Math.absy(canvas, elem)) + anchorOffset[1];
var ew = scaled(elem.width);
var eh = scaled(elem.height);
var rotatedInput:Vector2 = Math.rotatePoint(ui.inputX, ui.inputY, canvas.x + ex + ew / 2, canvas.y + ey + eh / 2, -elem.rotation);
if (ui.inputStarted && ui.inputDown) {
// Drag selected element
if (Math.hitbox(ui, canvas.x + ex - handleSize / 2, canvas.y + ey - handleSize / 2, ew + handleSize, eh + handleSize, Editor.selectedElem.rotation)) {
drag = true;
// Resize
dragLeft = dragRight = dragTop = dragBottom = false;
if (rotatedInput.x > canvas.x + ex + ew - handleSize) dragRight = true;
else if (rotatedInput.x < canvas.x + ex + handleSize) dragLeft = true;
if (rotatedInput.y > canvas.y + ey + eh - handleSize) dragBottom = true;
else if (rotatedInput.y < canvas.y + ey + handleSize) dragTop = true;
} else {
var rotHandleCenter = new Vector2(canvas.x + ex + ew / 2, canvas.y + ey - handleSize * 2);
var inputPos = rotatedInput.sub(rotHandleCenter);
// Rotate selected element
if (inputPos.length <= handleSize) {
rotate = true;
if (isManipulating) {
UIProperties.hwin.redraws = 2;
// Confirm
if ((transformStartedMouse && ui.inputReleased) || (!transformStartedMouse && ui.inputStarted)) {
// Reset
} else if ((ui.isKeyPressed && ui.isEscapeDown) || ui.inputStartedR) {
} else if (drag) {
var transformDelta = new Vector2(ui.inputX, ui.inputY).sub(transformInitInput);
if (!transformStartedMouse) {
if (ui.isKeyPressed && ui.key == KeyCode.X) {
elem.width = Std.int(transformInitSize.x);
elem.height = Std.int(transformInitSize.y);
dragRight = true;
dragBottom = !dragBottom;
if (ui.isKeyPressed && ui.key == KeyCode.Y) {
elem.width = Std.int(transformInitSize.x);
elem.height = Std.int(transformInitSize.y);
dragBottom = true;
dragRight = !dragRight;
if (dragRight) {
transformDelta.x = Math.calculateTransformDelta(ui, Editor.gridSnapPos, Editor.gridUseRelative, Editor.gridSize, transformDelta.x, transformInitPos.x + transformInitSize.x);
elem.width = Std.int(transformInitSize.x + transformDelta.x);
} else if (dragLeft) {
transformDelta.x = Math.calculateTransformDelta(ui, Editor.gridSnapPos, Editor.gridUseRelative, Editor.gridSize, transformDelta.x, transformInitPos.x);
elem.x = transformInitPos.x + transformDelta.x;
elem.width = Std.int(transformInitSize.x - transformDelta.x);
if (dragBottom) {
transformDelta.y = Math.calculateTransformDelta(ui, Editor.gridSnapPos, Editor.gridUseRelative, Editor.gridSize, transformDelta.y, transformInitPos.y + transformInitSize.y);
elem.height = Std.int(transformInitSize.y + transformDelta.y);
else if (dragTop) {
transformDelta.y = Math.calculateTransformDelta(ui, Editor.gridSnapPos, Editor.gridUseRelative, Editor.gridSize, transformDelta.y, transformInitPos.y);
elem.y = transformInitPos.y + transformDelta.y;
elem.height = Std.int(transformInitSize.y - transformDelta.y);
if (elem.type != ElementType.Image) {
if (elem.width < 1) elem.width = 1;
if (elem.height < 1) elem.height = 1;
if (!dragLeft && !dragRight && !dragBottom && !dragTop) {
grab = true;
grabX = true;
grabY = true;
drag = false;
} else {
// Ensure there the delta is 0 on unused axes
if (!dragBottom && !dragTop) transformDelta.y = 0;
else if (!dragLeft && !dragRight) transformDelta.y = 0;
Editor.currentOperation = ' x: ${elem.x} y: ${elem.y} w: ${elem.width} h: ${elem.height} (dx: ${transformDelta.x} dy: ${transformDelta.y})';
} else if (grab) {
var transformDelta = new Vector2(ui.inputX, ui.inputY).sub(transformInitInput);
if (ui.isKeyPressed && ui.key == KeyCode.X) {
elem.x = transformInitPos.x;
elem.y = transformInitPos.y;
grabX = true;
grabY = !grabY;
if (ui.isKeyPressed && ui.key == KeyCode.Y) {
elem.x = transformInitPos.x;
elem.y = transformInitPos.y;
grabY = true;
grabX = !grabX;
if (grabX) {
transformDelta.x = Math.calculateTransformDelta(ui, Editor.gridSnapPos, Editor.gridUseRelative, Editor.gridSize, transformDelta.x, transformInitPos.x);
elem.x = Std.int(transformInitPos.x + transformDelta.x);
if (grabY) {
transformDelta.y = Math.calculateTransformDelta(ui, Editor.gridSnapPos, Editor.gridUseRelative, Editor.gridSize, transformDelta.y, transformInitPos.y);
elem.y = Std.int(transformInitPos.y + transformDelta.y);
// Ensure there the delta is 0 on unused axes
if (!grabX) transformDelta.x = 0;
else if (!grabY) transformDelta.y = 0;
Editor.currentOperation = ' x: ${elem.x} y: ${elem.y} (dx: ${transformDelta.x} dy: ${transformDelta.y})';
} else if (rotate) {
var elemCenter = new Vector2(canvas.x + ex + ew / 2, canvas.y + ey + eh / 2);
var inputPos = new Vector2(ui.inputX, ui.inputY).sub(elemCenter);
// inputPos.x and inputPos.y are both positive when the mouse is in the lower right
// corner of the elements center, so the positive x axis used for the angle calculation
// in atan2() is equal to the global negative y axis. That's why we have to invert the
// angle and add Pi to get the correct rotation. atan2() also returns an angle in the
// intervall (-PI, PI], so we don't have to calculate the angle % PI*2 anymore.
var inputAngle = -std.Math.atan2(inputPos.x, inputPos.y) + std.Math.PI;
// Ctrl toggles rotation step mode
if ((ui.isKeyDown && ui.key == Main.prefs.keyMap.gridInvert) != Editor.useRotationSteps) {
inputAngle = std.Math.round(inputAngle / Editor.rotationSteps) * Editor.rotationSteps;
elem.rotation = inputAngle;
Editor.currentOperation = " Rot: " + Math.roundPrecision(Math.toDegrees(inputAngle), 2) + "deg";
if (ui.isKeyPressed && !ui.isTyping) {
if (!grab && ui.key == Main.prefs.keyMap.grabKey){startElementManipulation(); grab = true; grabX = true; grabY = true;}
if (!drag && ui.key == Main.prefs.keyMap.sizeKey) {startElementManipulation(); drag = true; dragLeft = false; dragTop = false; dragRight = true; dragBottom = true;}
if (!rotate && ui.key == Main.prefs.keyMap.rotateKey) {startElementManipulation(); rotate = true;}
if (!isManipulating) {
// Move with arrows
if (ui.key == KeyCode.Left) Editor.gridSnapPos ? elem.x -= Editor.gridSize : elem.x--;
if (ui.key == KeyCode.Right) Editor.gridSnapPos ? elem.x += Editor.gridSize : elem.x++;
if (ui.key == KeyCode.Up) Editor.gridSnapPos ? elem.y -= Editor.gridSize : elem.y--;
if (ui.key == KeyCode.Down) Editor.gridSnapPos ? elem.y += Editor.gridSize : elem.y++;
if (ui.isBackspaceDown || ui.isDeleteDown){
CanvasTools.removeElem(canvas, Editor.selectedElem);
Editor.selectedElem = null;
else if (ui.key == KeyCode.D) Editor.selectedElem = CanvasTools.duplicateElem(canvas, elem);
} else {
static function startElementManipulation(?mousePressed=false) {
if (isManipulating) endElementManipulation(true);
transformInitInput = new Vector2(ui.inputX, ui.inputY);
transformInitPos = new Vector2(Editor.selectedElem.x, Editor.selectedElem.y);
transformInitSize = new Vector2(Editor.selectedElem.width, Editor.selectedElem.height);
transformInitRot = Editor.selectedElem.rotation;
transformStartedMouse = mousePressed;
isManipulating = true;
static function endElementManipulation(reset=false) {
if (reset) {
Editor.selectedElem.x = transformInitPos.x;
Editor.selectedElem.y = transformInitPos.y;
Editor.selectedElem.width = Std.int(transformInitSize.x);
Editor.selectedElem.height = Std.int(transformInitSize.y);
Editor.selectedElem.rotation = transformInitRot;
isManipulating = false;
grab = false;
drag = false;
rotate = false;
transformStartedMouse = false;
Editor.currentOperation = "";
static inline function scaled(f: Float): Int { return Std.int(f * cui.SCALE()); }