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namespace cpp
template<typename T>
inline bool isIntType(const T &inRHS) { return false; }
template<> inline bool isIntType(const int &inRHS) { return true; }
template<> inline bool isIntType(const Dynamic &inRHS);
template<> inline bool isIntType(const cpp::Variant &inRHS);
template<typename T>
inline bool isStringType(const T &inRHS) { return false; }
template<> inline bool isStringType(const String &inRHS) { return true; }
template<> inline bool isStringType(const Dynamic &inRHS);
template<> inline bool isStringType(const cpp::Variant &inRHS);
struct Variant
enum Type
typeObject = 0,
// Although this is typed as 'char', it might be char16_t in the case of smart strings
const char *valStringPtr;
hx::Object *valObject;
double valDouble;
cpp::Int64 valInt64;
int valInt;
bool valBool;
Type type;
unsigned int valStringLen;
inline bool isNull() const {
return (type==typeObject && !valObject) || (type==typeString && !valStringPtr); }
inline bool isNumeric() const;
inline bool isBool() const;
inline int asInt() const;
inline bool isInt() const;
inline cpp::Int64 asInt64() const;
inline bool isInt64() const;
inline bool isString() const;
inline double asDouble() const;
inline hx::Object *asObject() const { return type==typeObject ? valObject : 0; }
inline hx::Object *asDynamic() const{ return type==typeObject ? valObject : toDynamic(); }
inline hx::Object *toDynamic() const; // later
inline String asString() const;
inline String getString() const;
inline Variant() : valInt64(0), type(typeObject) { }
//inline Variant() { copyBuf.b[0] = copyBuf.b[1] = 0; }
inline Variant(const null &) : type(typeObject), valObject(0) { }
inline Variant(bool inValue) : type(typeBool), valBool(inValue) { }
inline Variant(double inValue) : type(typeDouble), valDouble(inValue) { }
inline Variant(const ::String &inValue); // later
inline Variant(cpp::Int64 inValue) : type(typeInt64), valInt64(inValue) { }
inline Variant(cpp::UInt64 inValue) : type(typeInt64), valInt64(inValue) { }
inline Variant(int inValue) : type(typeInt), valInt(inValue) { }
inline Variant(cpp::UInt32 inValue) : type(typeInt), valInt(inValue) { }
inline Variant(cpp::Int16 inValue) : type(typeInt), valInt(inValue) { }
inline Variant(cpp::UInt16 inValue) : type(typeInt), valInt(inValue) { }
inline Variant(cpp::Int8 inValue) : type(typeInt), valInt(inValue) { }
inline Variant(cpp::UInt8 inValue) : type(typeInt), valInt(inValue) { }
#if defined(__OBJC__) && defined(HXCPP_OBJC)
inline Variant(const id inObjc);
inline operator id() const;
template<typename SOURCE_>
Variant(const hx::ObjectPtr<SOURCE_> &inObjectPtr);
inline Variant(const Dynamic &inRHS); // later
inline Variant(hx::Object *inValue) : type(typeObject), valObject(inValue) { }
template<typename T,typename H>
explicit inline Variant(const cpp::Struct<T,H> &inVal);
template<typename T>
explicit inline Variant(const cpp::Pointer<T> &inRHS) ;
template<typename T>
explicit inline Variant(const cpp::Function<T> &inRHS) ;
template<typename T>
explicit inline Variant(const hx::Native<T> &inRHS) ;
//inline operator Dynamic() const; // later
//inline operator String() const;
inline operator double() const { return asDouble(); }
inline operator int() const { return asInt(); }
inline operator bool() const { return asInt(); }
inline operator float () const { return asDouble(); }
inline operator unsigned int () const { return asInt(); }
inline operator short () const { return asInt(); }
inline operator unsigned short () const { return asInt(); }
inline operator unsigned char () const { return asInt(); }
inline operator char () const { return asInt(); }
inline operator signed char () const { return asInt(); }
inline operator cpp::Int64 () const { return asInt64(); }
inline operator cpp::UInt64 () const { return asInt64(); }
inline bool operator !() const { return !asInt(); }
inline int Compare(hx::Object *inRHS) const;
inline int Compare(const Dynamic &inRHS) const;
inline int Compare(const cpp::Variant &inRHS) const;
inline double set(const double &inValue) { type=typeDouble; return valDouble=inValue; }
inline double set(const float &inValue) { type=typeDouble; return valDouble=inValue; }
inline void mark(hx::MarkContext *__inCtx); // later
inline void visit(hx::VisitContext *__inCtx); // later
//inline Variant &operator=(const Variant &inRhs) { copyBuf = inRhs.copyBuf; return *this; }
template<typename T>
bool operator==(const T &inRHS) const;
template<typename T>
bool operator==(const hx::ObjectPtr<T> &inRHS) const
{ return Compare(inRHS.mPtr)==0; }
template<typename T>
bool operator!=(const hx::ObjectPtr<T> &inRHS) const
{ return Compare(inRHS.mPtr)!=0; }
inline bool operator==(const null &inRHS) const { return isNull(); }
inline bool operator==(const String &inRHS) const;
inline bool operator!=(const null &inRHS) const { return !isNull(); }
inline bool operator!=(const Variant &inRHS) const { return !operator==(inRHS); }
inline bool operator!=(const String &inRHS) const;
template<typename RETURN_>
RETURN_ Cast() const { return RETURN_(*this); }
void CheckFPtr();
// Operator + is different, since it must consider strings too...
inline String operator+(const String &s) const;
template<typename T>
inline cpp::Variant operator + (const T &inRHS) const;
inline double operator%(const Dynamic &inRHS) const;
inline double operator-() const { return -asDouble(); }
inline double operator++() { return set(asDouble()+1); }
inline double operator++(int) {double val = asDouble(); set(val+1); return val; }
inline double operator--() { return set(asDouble()-1); }
inline double operator--(int) {double val = asDouble(); set(val-1); return val; }
template<typename T>
inline double operator / (const T &inRHS) const { return asDouble() / (double)inRHS; } \
template<typename T>
inline cpp::Variant operator - (const T &inRHS) const
if (::cpp::isIntType(inRHS) && isInt() )
return asInt() - (int)inRHS;
return asDouble() - (double)inRHS;
template<typename T>
inline cpp::Variant operator * (const T &inRHS) const
if (::cpp::isIntType(inRHS) && isInt())
return asInt() * (int)inRHS;
return asDouble() * (double)inRHS;
inline bool operator < (const String &inRHS) const;
inline bool operator <= (const String &inRHS) const;
inline bool operator > (const String &inRHS) const;
inline bool operator >= (const String &inRHS) const;
#define HX_VARIANT_COMPARE_OP( op ) \
inline bool operator op (double inRHS) const { return isNumeric() && (asDouble() op inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (cpp::Int64 inRHS) const { return isNumeric() && (asInt64() op inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (cpp::UInt64 inRHS) const { return isNumeric() && ((cpp::UInt64)(asInt64()) op inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (float inRHS) const { return isNumeric() && (asDouble() op inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (int inRHS) const { return isNumeric() && (asDouble() op (double)inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (unsigned int inRHS) const { return isNumeric() && (asDouble() op (double)inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (short inRHS) const { return isNumeric() && (asDouble() op (double)inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (unsigned short inRHS) const { return isNumeric() && (asDouble() op (double)inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (signed char inRHS) const { return isNumeric() && (asDouble() op (double)inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (unsigned char inRHS) const { return isNumeric() && (asDouble() op (double)inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (bool inRHS) const { return isBool() && (asDouble() op (double)inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (const Dynamic &inRHS) const { return Compare(inRHS) op 0; } \
inline bool operator op (const null &inRHS) const { return false; } \
inline bool operator op (const cpp::Variant &inRHS) const { return Compare(inRHS) op 0; } \
#else // Second time ...
bool Variant::isInt() const
return type==typeInt || (type==typeObject && valObject && valObject->__GetType()==vtInt);
bool Variant::isInt64() const
return type==typeInt64 || (type==typeObject && valObject && valObject->__GetType()==vtInt64);
bool Variant::isString() const
return type==typeString || (type==typeObject && valObject && valObject->__GetType()==vtString);
#if defined(__OBJC__) && defined(HXCPP_OBJC)
// Variant type neither adds nor releases references counts while holding the value as an id on the stack
// The Dynamic created here owns the id, and we refer to the Dynamic and use his reference count to keep the id alive
inline Variant::Variant(const id inObjc) { type=typeObject; valObject = Dynamic(inObjc).mPtr; }
#ifdef OBJC_ARC
inline Variant::operator id () const { return type==typeObject && valObject ? (__bridge id)valObject->__GetHandle() : 0; }
inline Variant::operator id () const { return type==typeObject && valObject ? (id)valObject->__GetHandle() : 0; }
template<> inline bool isIntType(const Dynamic &inRHS) { return inRHS->__GetType()==vtInt; }
template<> inline bool isIntType(const cpp::Variant &inRHS) { return inRHS.isInt(); }
template<> inline bool isStringType(const Dynamic &inRHS) { return inRHS.mPtr && inRHS->__GetType()==vtString; }
template<> inline bool isStringType(const cpp::Variant &inRHS) { return inRHS.isString(); }
template<typename T,typename H>
Variant::Variant(const cpp::Struct<T,H> &inVal) :
type(typeObject), valObject(Dynamic(inVal).mPtr) { }
template<typename T>
Variant::Variant(const cpp::Pointer<T> &inRHS) : type(typeObject), valObject( Dynamic(inRHS).mPtr ) { }
template<typename T>
Variant::Variant(const cpp::Function<T> &inRHS) : type(typeObject), valObject( Dynamic(inRHS).mPtr ) { }
template<typename T>
Variant::Variant(const hx::Native<T> &inRHS) : type(typeObject), valObject( CreateDynamicPointer(inRHS.ptr).mPtr ) { }
#define HX_ARITH_VARIANT( op ) \
inline double operator op (const double &inLHS,const cpp::Variant &inRHS) { return inLHS op (double)inRHS;} \
inline double operator op (const float &inLHS,const cpp::Variant &inRHS) { return inLHS op (double)inRHS;} \
inline double operator op (const int &inLHS,const cpp::Variant &inRHS) { return inLHS op (double)inRHS; } \
inline double operator op (const unsigned int &inLHS,const cpp::Variant &inRHS) { return inLHS op (double)inRHS; } \
inline double operator op (const signed char &inLHS,const cpp::Variant &inRHS) { return inLHS op (double)inRHS; } \
inline double operator op (const unsigned char &inLHS,const cpp::Variant &inRHS) { return inLHS op (double)inRHS; } \
inline double operator op (const signed short &inLHS,const cpp::Variant &inRHS) { return inLHS op (double)inRHS; } \
inline double operator op (const unsigned short &inLHS,const cpp::Variant &inRHS) { return inLHS op (double)inRHS; } \
inline double operator op (const cpp::Int64 &inLHS,const cpp::Variant &inRHS) { return inLHS op (double)inRHS; } \
inline double operator op (const cpp::UInt64 &inLHS,const cpp::Variant &inRHS) { return inLHS op (double)inRHS; } \
inline bool Variant::operator==(const String &inString) const
if (isNull()) return inString==null();
return type==typeString && asString()==inString;
inline bool Variant::operator!=(const String &inString) const
if (isNull()) return inString!=null();
return type!=typeString || asString()!=inString;
inline bool Variant::operator < (const String &inRHS) const { return asString() < inRHS; }
inline bool Variant::operator <= (const String &inRHS) const { return asString() < inRHS; }
inline bool Variant::operator > (const String &inRHS) const { return asString() > inRHS; }
inline bool Variant::operator >= (const String &inRHS) const { return asString() >= inRHS; }
Variant::Variant(const ::String &inValue) :
type(typeString), valStringPtr(inValue.raw_ptr()), valStringLen(inValue.length) { }
Variant::Variant(const Dynamic &inRHS) : type(typeObject), valObject(inRHS.mPtr) { }
template<typename SOURCE_>
Variant::Variant(const hx::ObjectPtr<SOURCE_> &inObjectPtr) :
type(typeObject), valObject(inObjectPtr.mPtr) { }
inline void Variant::CheckFPtr()
if (isNull()) Dynamic::ThrowBadFunctionError();
int Variant::asInt() const
if (type==typeInt)
return valInt;
case typeDouble: return valDouble;
case typeInt64: return (int)valInt64;
case typeBool: return valBool;
case typeObject: return valObject ? valObject->__ToInt() : 0;
default: ;
return 0;
cpp::Int64 Variant::asInt64() const
if (type==typeInt64)
return valInt64;
case typeDouble: return valDouble;
case typeInt: return valInt;
case typeBool: return valBool;
case typeObject: return valObject ? valObject->__ToInt64() : 0;
default: ;
return 0;
double Variant::asDouble() const
if (type==typeDouble)
return valDouble;
else if (type==typeInt)
return valInt;
else if (type==typeBool)
return valBool ? 1.0 : 0.0;
else if (type==typeInt64)
return valInt64;
else if (type==typeObject)
return valObject ? valObject->__ToDouble() : 0.0;
return 0.0;
inline hx::Object *Variant::toDynamic() const
case typeInt: return Dynamic(valInt).mPtr;
case typeDouble: return Dynamic(valDouble).mPtr;
case typeBool: return Dynamic(valBool).mPtr;
case typeString: return Dynamic(String(valStringPtr, valStringLen)).mPtr;
case typeInt64: return Dynamic(valInt64).mPtr;
case typeObject: return valObject;
default: ;
return 0;
Variant::operator Dynamic() const
case typeInt: return valInt;
case typeDouble: return valDouble;
case typeBool: return valBool;
case typeString: return String(valStringPtr, valStringLen);
case typeObject: return valObject;
default: ;
return null();
bool Variant::isNumeric() const
if (type==typeInt || type==typeDouble || type==typeInt64)
return true;
if (type!=typeObject || valObject==0)
return false;
int t = valObject->__GetType();
return t==vtInt || t==vtFloat;
bool Variant::isBool() const
if (type==typeBool)
return true;
if (type!=typeObject || valObject==0)
return false;
return valObject->__GetType() == vtBool;
String Variant::getString() const { return String(valStringPtr, valStringLen); }
String Variant::asString() const
case typeInt: return String(valInt);
case typeDouble: return String(valDouble);
case typeBool: return String(valBool);
case typeString: return String(valStringPtr, valStringLen);
case typeInt64: return String(valInt64);
case typeObject: return valObject ? valObject->toString() : String();
default: ;
return String();
//Variant::operator String() const { return asString(); }
void Variant::mark(hx::MarkContext *__inCtx)
if (type==typeString)
else if (type==typeObject)
template<typename T>
bool Variant::operator==(const T &inRHS) const
case typeInt: return valInt==(double)inRHS;
case typeDouble:return valDouble==(double)inRHS;
case typeBool: return valBool==(bool)inRHS;
case typeInt64: return valInt64==(cpp::Int64)inRHS;
case typeString: return getString()==String(inRHS);
case typeObject:
if (!valObject)
return inRHS == null();
return valObject->__Compare( Dynamic(inRHS).mPtr )==0;
return false;
int Variant::Compare(hx::Object *inPtr) const
if (!inPtr)
return isNull() ? 0 : 1;
case typeInt:
double diff = valInt - inPtr->__ToDouble();
return diff<0 ? -1 : diff==0 ? 0 : 1;
case typeDouble:
double diff = valDouble - inPtr->__ToDouble();
return diff<0 ? -1 : diff==0 ? 0 : 1;
case typeInt64:
cpp::Int64 diff = valInt64 - inPtr->__ToInt64();
return diff<0 ? -1 : diff==0 ? 0 : 1;
case typeBool:
if (!inPtr) return 1;
return valBool==(bool)(inPtr->__ToInt()) ? 1 : 0;
case typeString:
if (!inPtr) return valStringPtr ? 1 : 0;
if (inPtr->__GetType()!=vtString)
return 1;
return String(valStringPtr, valStringLen)==inPtr->toString() ? 1 : 0;
case typeObject:
#if (HXCPP_API_LEVEL>=331)
return valObject->__Compare( inPtr );
return valObject->__Compare( inPtr->__GetRealObject() );
default: ;
return 0;
int Variant::Compare(const Dynamic &inD) const { return Compare(inD.mPtr); }
int Variant::Compare(const cpp::Variant &inVar) const
if (inVar.type==typeObject)
return Compare(inVar.valObject);
case typeInt:
double diff = valInt - inVar.asDouble();
return diff<0 ? -1 : diff==0 ? 0 : 1;
case typeDouble:
double diff = valDouble - inVar.asDouble();
return diff<0 ? -1 : diff==0 ? 0 : 1;
case typeInt64:
cpp::Int64 diff = valInt64 - inVar.asInt64();
return diff<0 ? -1 : diff==0 ? 0 : 1;
case typeBool:
return valBool==(bool)(inVar.asInt()) ? 1 : 0;
case typeString:
if (inVar.type!=typeString)
return 1;
return String(valStringPtr, valStringLen)==inVar.asString();
case typeObject:
if (!valObject)
return 1;
return - inVar.Compare(*this);
return 0;
String cpp::Variant::operator+(const String &s) const
return asString() + s;
template<typename T>
cpp::Variant Variant::operator + (const T &inRHS) const
if (isString() || ::cpp::isStringType(inRHS))
return asString() + String(inRHS);
return asDouble() + (double)inRHS;
void Variant::visit(hx::VisitContext *__inCtx)
if (type==typeString)
else if (type==typeObject)
inline bool operator == (const T &inLHS,const cpp::Variant &inRHS) { return inRHS==inLHS; } \
inline bool operator != (const T &inLHS,const cpp::Variant &inRHS) { return inRHS!=inLHS; }
inline bool operator == (const T &inLHS,const cpp::Variant &inRHS) { return inRHS==inLHS; } \
inline bool operator != (const T &inLHS,const cpp::Variant &inRHS) { return inRHS!=inLHS; }
HX_VARIANT_OP_ISEQ(unsigned int)
HX_VARIANT_OP_ISEQ(unsigned short)
HX_VARIANT_OP_ISEQ(signed char)
HX_VARIANT_OP_ISEQ(unsigned char)
inline bool operator < (bool inLHS,const cpp::Variant &inRHS) { return false; }
inline bool operator <= (bool inLHS,const cpp::Variant &inRHS) { return false; }
inline bool operator >= (bool inLHS,const cpp::Variant &inRHS) { return false; }
inline bool operator > (bool inLHS,const cpp::Variant &inRHS) { return false; }
#define HX_COMPARE_VARIANT_OP( op ) \
inline bool operator op (double inLHS,const ::cpp::Variant &inRHS) \
{ return inRHS.isNumeric() && (inLHS op (double)inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (float inLHS,const ::cpp::Variant &inRHS) \
{ return inRHS.isNumeric() && ((double)inLHS op (double)inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (cpp::Int64 inLHS,const ::cpp::Variant &inRHS) \
{ return inRHS.isNumeric() && (inLHS op (double)inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (cpp::UInt64 inLHS,const ::cpp::Variant &inRHS) \
{ return inRHS.isNumeric() && (inLHS op (double)inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (int inLHS,const ::cpp::Variant &inRHS) \
{ return inRHS.isNumeric() && (inLHS op (double)inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (unsigned int inLHS,const ::cpp::Variant &inRHS) \
{ return inRHS.isNumeric() && (inLHS op (double)inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (short inLHS,const ::cpp::Variant &inRHS) \
{ return inRHS.isNumeric() && (inLHS op (double)inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (unsigned short inLHS,const ::cpp::Variant &inRHS) \
{ return inRHS.isNumeric() && (inLHS op (double)inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (signed char inLHS,const ::cpp::Variant &inRHS) \
{ return inRHS.isNumeric() && (inLHS op (double)inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (unsigned char inLHS,const ::cpp::Variant &inRHS) \
{ return inRHS.isNumeric() && (inLHS op (double)inRHS); } \
inline bool operator op (const null &,const ::cpp::Variant &inRHS) \
{ return false; } \
} // close cpp
namespace hx {
template<typename T>
bool ObjectPtr<T>::operator==(const cpp::Variant &inRHS) const {
return inRHS.Compare(mPtr)==0;
template<typename T>
bool ObjectPtr<T>::operator!=(const cpp::Variant &inRHS) const {
return inRHS.Compare(mPtr)!=0;
} // close hx
namespace cpp {
#endif // not twice
} // end namespace cpp