forked from LeenkxTeam/LNXSDK
91 lines
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91 lines
3.6 KiB
from lnx.logicnode.lnx_nodes import *
class MergeNode(LnxLogicTreeNode):
"""Activates the output when at least one connected input is activated.
If multiple inputs are active, the behaviour is specified by the
`Execution Mode` option.
@output Active Input Index: [*Available if Execution Mode is set to
Once Per Input*] The index of the last input that activated the output,
-1 if there was no execution yet on the current frame.
@option Execution Mode: The node's behaviour if multiple inputs are
active on the same frame.
- `Once Per Input`: If multiple inputs are active on one frame, activate
the output for each active input individually (simple forwarding).
- `Once Per Frame`: If multiple inputs are active on one frame,
trigger the output only once.
@option New: Add a new input socket.
@option X Button: Remove the lowermost input socket."""
bl_idname = 'LNMergeNode'
bl_label = 'Merge'
lnx_section = 'flow'
lnx_version = 3
min_inputs = 0
def update_exec_mode(self, context):
self.outputs['Active Input Index'].hide = self.property0 == 'once_per_frame'
property0: HaxeEnumProperty(
name='Execution Mode',
description='The node\'s behaviour if multiple inputs are active on the same frame',
items=[('once_per_input', 'Once Per Input',
'If multiple inputs are active on one frame, activate the'
' output for each active input individually (simple forwarding)'),
('once_per_frame', 'Once Per Frame',
'If multiple inputs are active on one frame, trigger the output only once')],
def __init__(self):
super(MergeNode, self).__init__()
array_nodes[str(id(self))] = self
def lnx_init(self, context):
self.add_output('LnxNodeSocketAction', 'Out')
self.add_output('LnxIntSocket', 'Active Input Index')
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, 'property0', text='')
row = layout.row(align=True)
op = row.operator('lnx.node_add_input', text='New', icon='PLUS', emboss=True)
op.node_index = str(id(self))
op.socket_type = 'LnxNodeSocketAction'
column = row.column(align=True)
op = column.operator('lnx.node_remove_input', text='', icon='X', emboss=True)
op.node_index = str(id(self))
if len(self.inputs) == self.min_inputs:
column.enabled = False
def draw_label(self) -> str:
if len(self.inputs) == self.min_inputs:
return self.bl_label
return f'{self.bl_label}: [{len(self.inputs)}]'
def get_replacement_node(self, node_tree: bpy.types.NodeTree):
if self.lnx_version not in (0, 2):
raise LookupError()
if self.lnx_version == 1 or self.lnx_version == 2:
newnode ='LNMergeNode')
newnode.property0 = self.property0
# Recreate all original inputs
array_nodes[str(id(newnode))] = newnode
for idx, input in enumerate(self.inputs):
bpy.ops.lnx.node_add_input('EXEC_DEFAULT', node_index=str(id(newnode)), socket_type='LnxNodeSocketAction')
for link in input.links:
|, newnode.inputs[idx])
# Recreate outputs
for link in self.outputs[0].links:
|[0], link.to_socket)
return newnode