forked from LeenkxTeam/LNXSDK

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2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00
package haxe;
Base class for exceptions.
If this class (or derivatives) is used to catch an exception, then
`haxe.CallStack.exceptionStack()` will not return a stack for the exception
caught. Use `haxe.Exception.stack` property instead:
try {
} catch(e:Exception) {
Custom exceptions should extend this class:
class MyException extends haxe.Exception {}
throw new MyException('terrible exception');
`haxe.Exception` is also a wildcard type to catch any exception:
try {
throw 'Catch me!';
} catch(e:haxe.Exception) {
trace(e.message); // Output: Catch me!
To rethrow an exception just throw it again.
Haxe will try to rethrow an original native exception whenever possible.
try {
var a:Array<Int> = null;
a.push(1); // generates target-specific null-pointer exception
} catch(e:haxe.Exception) {
throw e; // rethrows native exception instead of haxe.Exception
extern class Exception {
Exception message.
public var message(get,never):String;
private function get_message():String;
The call stack at the moment of the exception creation.
public var stack(get,never):CallStack;
private function get_stack():CallStack;
Contains an exception, which was passed to `previous` constructor argument.
public var previous(get,never):Null<Exception>;
private function get_previous():Null<Exception>;
Native exception, which caused this exception.
public var native(get,never):Any;
final private function get_native():Any;
Used internally for wildcard catches like `catch(e:Exception)`.
static private function caught(value:Any):Exception;
Used internally for wrapping non-throwable values for `throw` expressions.
static private function thrown(value:Any):Any;
Create a new Exception instance.
The `previous` argument could be used for exception chaining.
The `native` argument is for internal usage only.
There is no need to provide `native` argument manually and no need to keep it
upon extending `haxe.Exception` unless you know what you're doing.
public function new(message:String, ?previous:Exception, ?native:Any):Void;
Extract an originally thrown value.
Used internally for catching non-native exceptions.
Do _not_ override unless you know what you are doing.
private function unwrap():Any;
Returns exception message.
public function toString():String;
Detailed exception description.
Includes message, stack and the chain of previous exceptions (if set).
public function details():String;
If this field is defined in a target implementation, then a call to this
field will be generated automatically in every constructor of derived classes
to make exception stacks point to derived constructor invocations instead of
`super` calls.
// @:noCompletion @:ifFeature("haxe.Exception.stack") private function __shiftStack():Void;