forked from LeenkxTeam/LNXSDK
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*Aura* is a fast and lightweight 3D audio engine for [Kha]( to ease creating realistic sound atmospheres for your games and applications.
# Table of Content
- [Features](#features)
- [Setup](#setup)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Platform Support](#platform-support)
- [License](#license)
# Features
- Multiple attenuation models for 3D sound
- Mix channels for modifying groups of sounds together
- Doppler effect
- Noise generator channels
- Built-in [DSP]( filters:
- High-/band-/lowpass filter
- Haas effect
- Per-channel source effects, e.g. to generate variations using Velvet noise ([original paper](
- Extendable DSP system – easily write your own filters
- [[Experimental](] Support for [HRTFs (head-related transfer functions)](
# Setup
1. In your project directory, create a folder called `Subprojects`.
2. Open a command line in that folder and execute the following command (Git must be installed on your machine):
git clone
3. Add the following line to your project's `khafile.js` (if you're using [Leenkx 3D](, you can skip this step):
await project.addProject("Subprojects/aura");
4. *[Optional]* If you're using [Iron](, but not Leenkx 3D, please also add the following to your Khafile to be able to use Iron's vector classes with Aura:
# Usage
- Load sounds (and automatically uncompress them when needed):
import aura.Aura;
Aura.init(); // <-- Don't forget this!
var loadConfig: AuraLoadConfig = {
// List of sounds to uncompress
uncompressed: ["MySoundFile"],
// List of sounds to remain compressed
compressed: ["AnotherSoundFile"],
// List of .mhr HRTF files for the HRTFPanner, if used (empty lists can be omitted)
hrtf: ["myHRTF_mhr"],
Aura.loadSounds(loadConfig, () -> {
// Access a loaded sound
var mySound: kha.Sound = Aura.getSound("MySoundFile");
> **Note**<br>
> Instead of referencing sounds by hard-coded names (like it is done in the above example), you can also rely on Kha's asset system and use the IDE's autocompletion for assistance:
> ```haxe
> kha.Assets.sounds.MySoundFileName; // Note the "Name" ending. This will give you the ID name for this sound
> kha.Assets.blobs.myHRTF_mhrName; // The same works for blobs and all other asset types
> ```
> As a positive side effect, there will be errors during _compile time_ if an asset does not exist.
- Play a sound:
// Plays the uncompressed sound `mySound` without repeat on the master channel
// Plays the uncompressed sound `mySound` with repeat on the master channel
Aura.createUncompBufferChannel(mySound, true).play();
// Plays the uncompressed sound `mySound` without repeat on the predefined fx channel
Aura.createUncompBufferChannel(mySound, false, Aura.mixChannels["fx"]).play();
You can also play audio from compressed sounds without having to uncompress them first (Kha calls this "streaming").
This is useful for longer sounds such as background music, they need less memory and load faster if they do not need to be uncompressed, but on the other side this is more computationally demanding than playing uncompressed sounds.
Whether a sound can be streamed highly depends on the target, please consult the Kha sources if in doubt.
Aura.createCompBufferChannel(mySound, false, Aura.mixChannels["music"]).play();
Both `Aura.createUncompBufferChannel()` and `Aura.createCompBufferChannel()` return so-called handle objects with which you can control channel playback and relevant parameters.
- Create a `MixChannelHandle` to control a group of sounds:
// Create a channel for all voices for example and store a handle to it in `voiceChannel`.
// The channel can also be accessed with `Aura.mixChannels["voice"]`
var voiceChannel = Aura.createMixChannel("voice");
// Mix the output of `voiceChannel` into the master channel
// Create a new channel handle for `mySound` and mix the output of that channel into the voice mix channel
Aura.createUncompBufferChannel(mySound, false, voiceChannel).play();
- Add a lowpass filter to the master channel:
import aura.dsp.Filter;
var lowPass = new Filter(LowPass);
lowPass.setCutoffFreq(1000); // Frequency in Hertz
// Aura.masterChannel is short for Aura.mixChannels["master"]
- 2D sound:
import aura.dsp.panner.StereoPanner;
var mySoundHandle = Aura.createUncompBufferChannel(mySound);
var panner = StereoPanner(mySoundHandle);
// Some utility constants
panner.setBalance(CENTER); // Default
// Set angle in degrees between -90 (left) and 90 (right)
// You can also use Rad(value) for radians in [-pi/2, pi/2]
- 3D sound:
import aura.dsp.panner.HRTFPanner;
import aura.dsp.panner.StereoPanner;
var mySoundHandle = Aura.createUncompBufferChannel(mySound);
// Create a panner for the sound handle (choose one)
new StereoPanner(channel); // Simple left-right panner
new HRTFPanner(channel, Aura.getHRTF("myHRTF_mhr")); // More realistic panning using head-related transfer functions, but slower to calculate
// Set the 3D location and view direction of the listener
var cam = getCurrentCamera(); // <-- dummy function
Aura.listener.set(cam.worldPosition, cam.look, cam.right);
// Set the 3D location of the sound independent of the math API used
mySoundHandle.panner.setLocation(new kha.math.FastVector3(-1.0, 1.0, 0.2));
mySoundHandle.panner.setLocation(new iron.math.Vec3(-1.0, 1.0, 0.2));
mySoundHandle.panner.setLocation(new aura.math.Vec3(-1.0, 1.0, 0.2));
// Apply the changes to the sound to make them audible (!)
// Switch back to 2D sound. The sound's saved location will not be reset, but
// you won't hear it at that location anymore. The panner however still exists
// and can be re-enabled via update3D().
Aura's own `Vec3` type can be implicitly converted from and to Kha or Iron vectors (3D and 4D)!
# Platform Support
Thanks to Haxe and Kha, Aura runs almost everywhere!
The following targets were tested so far:
| Target | Tested environments | Supported | Notes |
| --- | --- | :---: | --- |
| [Armorcore]( (Krom) | Windows 10 | ✔ | |
| HTML5 | Electron, Firefox | ✔ | - No dedicated audio thread for non-streaming playback<br>- If `kha.SystemImpl.mobileAudioPlaying` is true, streamed playback is not included in the Aura mix pipeline (no DSP etc.) |
| Hashlink/C | Windows 10 | ✔ | |
| hxcpp | Windows 10 | ✔ | |
# License
This work is licensed under multiple licences, which are specified at [`.reuse/dep5`](.reuse/dep5) (complying to the [REUSE recommendations]( The license texts can be found in the [`LICENSES`](LICENSES) directory, or in case of submodules in their respective repositories.
**Short summary**:
- The entire source code in [`Sources/aura`](Sources/aura) is licensed under the Zlib license which is a very permissive license also used by Kha and Leenkx at the time of writing this. This is the important license for you if you include Aura code in your project.
- This readme file and other configuration files are licensed under CC0-1.0.
- All files in [`.img/`](.img) are licensed under CC-BY-4.0.