forked from LeenkxTeam/LNXSDK
1293 lines
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1293 lines
40 KiB
#ifndef HX_ARRAY_H
#define HX_ARRAY_H
#include <cpp/FastIterator.h>
// --- hx::ReturnNull ------------------------------------------------------
// Provides an "Null<Object>" of given type. For types that can't actually be null, Dynamic is used.
namespace hx
enum ArrayStore
arrayNull = 0,
enum ArrayConvertId
aciAlwaysConvert = -4,
aciVirtualArray = -3,
aciStringArray = -2,
aciObjectArray = -1,
aciNotArray = 0,
aciPodBase = 1,
template<typename T>
struct ReturnNull { typedef T type; };
template<> struct ReturnNull<int> { typedef Dynamic type; };
template<> struct ReturnNull<double> { typedef Dynamic type; };
template<> struct ReturnNull<float> { typedef Dynamic type; };
template<> struct ReturnNull<bool> { typedef Dynamic type; };
template<> struct ReturnNull<char> { typedef Dynamic type; };
template<> struct ReturnNull<signed char> { typedef Dynamic type; };
template<> struct ReturnNull<unsigned char> { typedef Dynamic type; };
template<> struct ReturnNull<short> { typedef Dynamic type; };
template<> struct ReturnNull<unsigned short> { typedef Dynamic type; };
template<> struct ReturnNull<unsigned int> { typedef Dynamic type; };
template<> struct ReturnNull< ::cpp::Int64> { typedef Dynamic type; };
template<typename T>
struct ArrayTraits { enum { StoreType = arrayObject }; };
template<> struct ArrayTraits<int> { enum { StoreType = arrayInt }; };
template<> struct ArrayTraits<float> { enum { StoreType = arrayFloat}; };
template<> struct ArrayTraits<double> { enum { StoreType = arrayFloat}; };
template<> struct ArrayTraits<Dynamic> { enum { StoreType = arrayObject }; };
template<> struct ArrayTraits<String> { enum { StoreType = arrayString }; };
template<> struct ArrayTraits< ::cpp::Int64> { enum { StoreType = arrayInt64 }; };
namespace hx
// --- ArrayIterator -------------------------------------------
// An object that conforms to the standard iterator interface for arrays
template<typename FROM,typename TO>
class ArrayIterator : public cpp::FastIterator_obj<TO>
HX_IS_INSTANCE_OF enum { _hx_ClassId = hx::clsIdArrayIterator };
ArrayIterator(Array<FROM> inArray) : mArray(inArray), mIdx(0) { }
// Fast versions ...
bool hasNext() { return mIdx < mArray->length; }
inline TO toTo(const Dynamic &inD) { return inD.StaticCast<TO>(); }
template<typename T>
inline TO toTo(T inT) { return inT; }
TO next() { return toTo(mArray->__get(mIdx++)); }
void __Mark(hx::MarkContext *__inCtx) { HX_MARK_MEMBER_NAME(mArray,"mArray"); }
void __Visit(hx::VisitContext *__inCtx) { HX_VISIT_MEMBER_NAME(mArray,"mArray"); }
int mIdx;
Array<FROM> mArray;
// --- ArrayKeyValueIterator -------------------------------------------
template<typename FROM,typename TO>
class ArrayKeyValueIterator : public cpp::FastIterator_obj<Dynamic>
HX_IS_INSTANCE_OF enum { _hx_ClassId = hx::clsIdArrayIterator };
ArrayKeyValueIterator(Array<FROM> inArray) : mArray(inArray), mIdx(0) { }
bool hasNext() { return mIdx < mArray->length; }
inline TO toTo(const Dynamic &inD) { return inD.StaticCast<TO>(); }
template<typename T>
inline TO toTo(T inT) { return inT; }
Dynamic next();
void __Mark(hx::MarkContext *__inCtx) { HX_MARK_MEMBER_NAME(mArray,"mArray"); }
void __Visit(hx::VisitContext *__inCtx) { HX_VISIT_MEMBER_NAME(mArray,"mArray"); }
int mIdx;
Array<FROM> mArray;
namespace hx
// Also used by cpp::VirtualArray
class HXCPP_EXTERN_CLASS_ATTRIBUTES ArrayCommon : public hx::Object
int mArrayConvertId;
// Plain old data element size - or 0 if not plain-old-data
int getArrayConvertId() const { return mArrayConvertId; }
virtual hx::Object *__GetRealObject() { return this; }
// --- hx::ArrayBase ----------------------------------------------------
// Base class that treats array contents as a slab of bytes.
// The derived "Array_obj" adds strong typing to the "[]" operator
class HXCPP_EXTERN_CLASS_ATTRIBUTES ArrayBase : public ArrayCommon
ArrayBase(int inSize,int inReserve,int inElementSize,bool inAtomic);
// Defined later so we can use "Array"
static Array<Dynamic> __new(int inSize=0,int inReserve=0);
static void __boot();
typedef hx::Object super;
HX_IS_INSTANCE_OF enum { _hx_ClassId = hx::clsIdArrayBase };
// Used by cpp.ArrayBase
inline int getElementSize() const { return GetElementSize(); }
inline int getByteCount() const { return GetElementSize()*length; }
inline char * getBase() const { return mBase; }
hx::Val __SetField(const String &inString,const hx::Val &inValue ,hx::PropertyAccess inCallProp) { return null(); }
static hx::Class __mClass;
static hx::Class &__SGetClass() { return __mClass; }
hx::Class __GetClass() const { return __mClass; }
String toString();
String __ToString() const;
int __Compare(const hx::Object *inRHS) const;
void setData(void *inData, int inElements)
mBase = (char *)inData;
length = inElements;
mAlloc = inElements;
void setUnmanagedData(void *inData, int inElements)
mBase = (char *)inData;
length = inElements;
mAlloc = -1;
int __GetType() const { return vtArray; }
inline size_t size() const { return length; }
inline int __length() const { return (int)length; }
virtual String ItemString(int inI) = 0;
const char * __CStr() const { return mBase; }
inline const char *GetBase() const { return mBase; }
inline char *GetBase() { return mBase; }
virtual int GetElementSize() const = 0;
inline void resize(int inSize)
if (inSize<length)
int s = GetElementSize();
memset(mBase + inSize*s, 0, (length-inSize)*s);
length = inSize;
else if (inSize>length)
length = inSize;
inline void __SetSize(int inLen) { resize(inLen); }
void __SetSizeExact(int inLen=0);
Dynamic __unsafe_get(const Dynamic &i);
Dynamic __unsafe_set(const Dynamic &i, const Dynamic &val);
void safeSort(Dynamic sorter, bool isString);
inline void __unsafeStringReference(String inString)
mBase = (char *)inString.raw_ptr();
length = inString.length / GetElementSize();
mAlloc = length;
virtual hx::ArrayStore getStoreType() const = 0;
// Dynamic interface
hx::Val __Field(const String &inString ,hx::PropertyAccess inCallProp);
#if (HXCPP_API_LEVEL < 330)
virtual Dynamic __concat(const Dynamic &a0) = 0;
virtual Dynamic __copy() = 0;
virtual Dynamic __insert(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1) = 0;
virtual Dynamic __iterator() = 0;
virtual Dynamic __keyValueIterator() = 0;
virtual Dynamic __join(const Dynamic &a0) = 0;
virtual Dynamic __pop() = 0;
virtual Dynamic __push(const Dynamic &a0) = 0;
virtual Dynamic __remove(const Dynamic &a0) = 0;
virtual Dynamic __removeAt(const Dynamic &a0) = 0;
virtual Dynamic __indexOf(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1) = 0;
virtual Dynamic __lastIndexOf(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1) = 0;
virtual Dynamic __reverse() = 0;
virtual Dynamic __shift() = 0;
virtual Dynamic __slice(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1) = 0;
virtual Dynamic __splice(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1) =0;
virtual Dynamic __sort(const Dynamic &a0) = 0;
virtual Dynamic __toString() = 0;
virtual Dynamic __unshift(const Dynamic &a0) = 0;
virtual Dynamic __map(const Dynamic &func) = 0;
virtual Dynamic __filter(const Dynamic &func) = 0;
inline Dynamic ____SetSize(const Dynamic &len) { resize(len); return this; }
inline Dynamic ____SetSizeExact(const Dynamic &len) { __SetSizeExact(len); return this; }
inline Dynamic ____unsafe_set(const Dynamic &i, const Dynamic &val) { return __SetItem(i,val); }
inline Dynamic ____unsafe_get(const Dynamic &i) { return __GetItem(i); }
virtual Dynamic __blit(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1,const Dynamic &a2,const Dynamic &a3) = 0;
inline Dynamic __zero(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1) { zero(a0,a1); return null(); }
virtual Dynamic __memcmp(const Dynamic &a0) = 0;
virtual void __qsort(Dynamic inCompare) = 0;
virtual Dynamic __resize(const Dynamic &a0) = 0;
inline void ____SetSize(int len) { resize(len); }
inline void ____SetSizeExact(int len) { __SetSizeExact(len); }
inline Dynamic ____unsafe_set(const Dynamic &i, const Dynamic &val) { return __SetItem(i,val); }
inline Dynamic ____unsafe_get(const Dynamic &i) { return __GetItem(i); }
virtual hx::ArrayBase *__concat(const cpp::VirtualArray &a0) = 0;
virtual hx::ArrayBase *__copy() = 0;
virtual void __insert(int inIndex,const Dynamic &a1) = 0;
virtual Dynamic __iterator() = 0;
virtual Dynamic __keyValueIterator() = 0;
virtual ::String __join(::String a0) = 0;
virtual Dynamic __pop() = 0;
virtual int __push(const Dynamic &a0) = 0;
virtual bool __contains(const Dynamic &a0) = 0;
virtual bool __remove(const Dynamic &a0) = 0;
virtual bool __removeAt(int inIndex) = 0;
virtual int __indexOf(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1) = 0;
virtual int __lastIndexOf(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1) = 0;
virtual void __reverse() = 0;
virtual Dynamic __shift() = 0;
virtual hx::ArrayBase *__slice(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1) = 0;
virtual hx::ArrayBase *__splice(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1) = 0;
virtual void __sort(const Dynamic &a0) = 0;
virtual ::String __toString() = 0;
virtual void __unshift(const Dynamic &a0) = 0;
virtual cpp::VirtualArray_obj *__map(const Dynamic &func) = 0;
virtual hx::ArrayBase *__filter(const Dynamic &func) = 0;
virtual void __blit(int inDestElement,const cpp::VirtualArray &inSourceArray,int inSourceElement,int inElementCount) = 0;
virtual int __memcmp(const cpp::VirtualArray &a0) = 0;
inline void __zero(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1) { zero(a0,a1); }
virtual void __qsort(Dynamic inCompare) = 0;
virtual void __resize(int inLen) = 0;
virtual void set(int inIdx, const cpp::Variant &inValue) = 0;
virtual void setUnsafe(int inIdx, const cpp::Variant &inValue) = 0;
Dynamic concat_dyn();
Dynamic copy_dyn();
Dynamic insert_dyn();
Dynamic iterator_dyn();
Dynamic keyValueIterator_dyn();
Dynamic join_dyn();
Dynamic pop_dyn();
Dynamic push_dyn();
Dynamic contains_dyn();
Dynamic remove_dyn();
Dynamic removeAt_dyn();
Dynamic indexOf_dyn();
Dynamic lastIndexOf_dyn();
Dynamic reverse_dyn();
Dynamic shift_dyn();
Dynamic slice_dyn();
Dynamic splice_dyn();
Dynamic sort_dyn();
Dynamic toString_dyn();
Dynamic unshift_dyn();
Dynamic map_dyn();
Dynamic filter_dyn();
Dynamic __SetSize_dyn();
Dynamic __SetSizeExact_dyn();
Dynamic __unsafe_get_dyn();
Dynamic __unsafe_set_dyn();
Dynamic blit_dyn();
Dynamic zero_dyn();
Dynamic memcmp_dyn();
Dynamic resize_dyn();
void Realloc(int inLen) const;
inline void EnsureSize(int inLen) const
if (inLen>length)
if (inLen>mAlloc)
length = inLen;
void RemoveElement(int inIndex);
void Insert(int inPos);
void Splice(hx::ArrayBase *outResult,int inPos,int inLen);
void Slice(hx::ArrayBase *outResult,int inPos,int inEnd);
void Concat(hx::ArrayBase *outResult,const char *inEnd, int inLen);
void reserve(int inN) const;
inline int capacity() const { return mAlloc; }
// Set numeric values to 0, pointers to null, bools to false
void zero(Dynamic inFirst, Dynamic inCount);
int Memcmp(ArrayBase *inArray);
// Copy section of other array.
void Blit(int inDestElement, ArrayBase *inSourceArray, int inSourceElement, int inElementCount);
static String joinArray(hx::ArrayBase *inBase, String inSeparator);
static String joinArray(Array_obj<String> *inArray, String inSeparator);
virtual bool AllocAtomic() const { return false; }
inline bool IsByteArray() const { return getStoreType()==arrayBool; }
inline Dynamic __get(int inIndex) const { return __GetItem(inIndex); }
// Plain old data element size - or 0 if not plain-old-data
int getArrayConvertId() const { return mArrayConvertId; }
mutable int length;
static inline int baseOffset() { return (int)offsetof(ArrayBase,mBase); }
static inline int allocOffset() { return (int)offsetof(ArrayBase,mAlloc); }
static inline int lengthOffset() { return (int)offsetof(ArrayBase,length); }
mutable int mAlloc;
mutable char *mBase;
} // end namespace hx for ArrayBase
namespace cpp
typedef hx::ArrayBase ArrayBase_obj;
// Use by cpp.ArrayBase extern
typedef hx::ObjectPtr<ArrayBase_obj> ArrayBase;
#if (HXCPP_API_LEVEL>=330)
#include "cpp/VirtualArray.h"
// --- Array_obj ------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Array_obj specialises the ArrayBase, adding typing where required
namespace hx
// This is to determine is we need to include our slab of bytes in garbage collection
template<typename T>
inline bool TypeContainsPointers(T *) { return true; }
template<> inline bool TypeContainsPointers(bool *) { return false; }
template<> inline bool TypeContainsPointers(int *) { return false; }
template<> inline bool TypeContainsPointers(double *) { return false; }
template<> inline bool TypeContainsPointers(float *) { return false; }
template<> inline bool TypeContainsPointers(short *) { return false; }
template<> inline bool TypeContainsPointers(unsigned char *) { return false; }
template<> inline bool TypeContainsPointers(::cpp::Int64 *) { return false; }
template<typename TYPE> inline bool ContainsPointers()
return TypeContainsPointers( (TYPE *)0 );
struct TNonGcStringSet;
//template<typename T> inline const void *PointerOf(hx::ObjectPtr<T> &o) { return o.mPtr; }
//inline const void *PointerOf(String &s) { return s.raw_ptr(); }
inline const void *PointerOf(hx::TNonGcStringSet &set) { return 0; }
//inline const void *PointerOf(...) { return 0; }
// For returning "null" when out of bounds ...
template<typename TYPE>
inline TYPE *NewNull() { Dynamic d; return (TYPE *)hx::NewGCBytes(&d,sizeof(d)); }
template<> inline int *NewNull<int>() { int i=0; return (int *)hx::NewGCPrivate(&i,sizeof(i)); }
template<> inline bool *NewNull<bool>() { bool b=0; return (bool *)hx::NewGCPrivate(&b,sizeof(b)); }
template<> inline double *NewNull<double>() { double d=0.0; return (double *)hx::NewGCPrivate(&d,sizeof(d)); }
template<> inline float *NewNull<float>() { float d=0.0f; return (float *)hx::NewGCPrivate(&d,sizeof(d)); }
template<> inline unsigned char *NewNull<unsigned char>() { unsigned char u=0; return (unsigned char *)hx::NewGCPrivate(&u,sizeof(u)); }
template<> inline ::cpp::Int64 *NewNull< ::cpp::Int64>() { ::cpp::Int64 i=0; return (::cpp::Int64 *)hx::NewGCPrivate(&i,sizeof(i)); }
bool DynamicEq(const Dynamic &a, const Dynamic &b);
template<typename T> struct ArrayClassId { enum { id=hx::clsIdArrayObject }; };
template<> struct ArrayClassId<unsigned char> { enum { id=hx::clsIdArrayByte }; };
template<> struct ArrayClassId<signed char> { enum { id=hx::clsIdArrayByte }; };
template<> struct ArrayClassId<unsigned short> { enum { id=hx::clsIdArrayShort }; };
template<> struct ArrayClassId<signed short> { enum { id=hx::clsIdArrayShort }; };
template<> struct ArrayClassId<unsigned int> { enum { id=hx::clsIdArrayInt }; };
template<> struct ArrayClassId<signed int> { enum { id=hx::clsIdArrayInt }; };
template<> struct ArrayClassId<float> { enum { id=hx::clsIdArrayFloat32 }; };
template<> struct ArrayClassId<double> { enum { id=hx::clsIdArrayFloat64 }; };
template<> struct ArrayClassId<String> { enum { id=hx::clsIdArrayString }; };
template<> struct ArrayClassId< ::cpp::Int64> { enum { id=hx::clsIdArrayInt64 }; };
// sort...
#include <algorithm>
namespace hx
template<typename T>
inline bool arrayElemEq(const T &a, const T &b) { return a==b; }
inline bool arrayElemEq<Dynamic>(const Dynamic &a, const Dynamic &b) {
return hx::DynamicEq(a,b);
template<typename ELEM_>
class Array_obj : public hx::ArrayBase
typedef ELEM_ Elem;
typedef hx::ObjectPtr< Array_obj<ELEM_> > ObjPtr;
typedef typename hx::ReturnNull<ELEM_>::type NullType;
enum { _hx_ClassId = ArrayClassId<ELEM_>::id };
Array_obj(int inSize,int inReserve) :
hx::ArrayBase(inSize,inReserve,sizeof(ELEM_),!hx::ContainsPointers<ELEM_>()) { }
// Defined later so we can use "Array"
static Array<ELEM_> __new(int inSize=0,int inReserve=0);
static Array<ELEM_> __newConstWrapper(ELEM_ *inData,int inSize);
static Array<ELEM_> fromData(const ELEM_ *inData,int inCount);
bool _hx_isInstanceOf(int inClassId)
return inClassId==1 || inClassId==(int)hx::clsIdArrayBase || inClassId==(int)_hx_ClassId;
virtual bool AllocAtomic() const { return !hx::ContainsPointers<ELEM_>(); }
virtual Dynamic __GetItem(int inIndex) const { return __get(inIndex); }
virtual Dynamic __SetItem(int inIndex,Dynamic inValue)
ELEM_ &elem = Item(inIndex);
elem = inValue;
if (hx::ContainsPointers<ELEM_>()) { HX_OBJ_WB_GET(this,hx::PointerOf(elem)); }
return inValue;
inline ELEM_ *Pointer() { return (ELEM_ *)mBase; }
inline ELEM_ &Item(int inIndex)
if (inIndex>=(int)length) EnsureSize(inIndex+1);
else if (inIndex<0) { return * hx::NewNull<ELEM_>(); }
return * (ELEM_ *)(mBase + inIndex*sizeof(ELEM_));
inline ELEM_ __get(int inIndex) const
if ((unsigned int)inIndex>=(unsigned int)length ) return null();
return * (ELEM_ *)(mBase + inIndex*sizeof(ELEM_));
// Does not check for size valid - use with care
inline ELEM_ &__unsafe_get(int inIndex) { return * (ELEM_ *)(mBase + inIndex*sizeof(ELEM_)); }
inline ELEM_ & __unsafe_set(int inIndex, ELEM_ inValue)
ELEM_ &elem = *(ELEM_*)(mBase + inIndex*sizeof(ELEM_));
elem = inValue;
if (hx::ContainsPointers<ELEM_>()) { HX_OBJ_WB_GET(this, hx::PointerOf(elem)); }
return elem;
inline int memcmp(Array<ELEM_> inOther)
return ArrayBase::Memcmp(inOther.GetPtr());
inline void memcpy(int inStart, const ELEM_ *inData, int inElements)
int s = GetElementSize();
::memcpy(mBase + s*inStart, inData, s*inElements);
if (hx::ContainsPointers<ELEM_>())
inline void blit(int inDestElement, Array<ELEM_> inSourceArray,
int inSourceElement, int inElementCount)
ArrayBase::Blit(inDestElement, inSourceArray.GetPtr(), inSourceElement, inElementCount);
void __Mark(hx::MarkContext *__inCtx)
if (mAlloc>0) hx::MarkAlloc((void *)mBase, __inCtx );
if (length && hx::ContainsPointers<ELEM_>())
ELEM_ *ptr = (ELEM_ *)mBase;
void __Visit(hx::VisitContext *__inCtx)
if (mAlloc>0) __inCtx->visitAlloc((void **)&mBase);
if (hx::ContainsPointers<ELEM_>())
ELEM_ *ptr = (ELEM_ *)mBase;
for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
inline Array<ELEM_> __SetSizeExact(int inLen);
int GetElementSize() const { return sizeof(ELEM_); }
String ItemString(int inI)
String result(__get(inI));
if (result==null()) return HX_CSTRING("null");
return result;
Array_obj<ELEM_> *Add(const ELEM_ &inItem) { push(inItem); return this; }
Array<ELEM_> init(int inIndex, ELEM_ inValue)
* (ELEM_ *)(mBase + inIndex*sizeof(ELEM_)) = inValue;
if (hx::ContainsPointers<ELEM_>())
{ HX_OBJ_WB_GET(this, hx::PointerOf(inValue)); }
return this;
inline int pushCtx(hx::StackContext *_hx_ctx, ELEM_ inVal )
int l = length;
* (ELEM_ *)(mBase + l*sizeof(ELEM_)) = inVal;
if (hx::ContainsPointers<ELEM_>()) { HX_ARRAY_WB(this,inIdx, hx::PointerOf(inVal) ); }
return length;
// Haxe API
inline int push( ELEM_ inVal )
if (hx::ContainsPointers<ELEM_>())
return pushCtx(HX_CTX_GET,inVal);
int l = length;
* (ELEM_ *)(mBase + l*sizeof(ELEM_)) = inVal;
return length;
inline NullType pop( )
if (!length) return null();
ELEM_ result = __get((int)length-1);
return result;
int Find(ELEM_ inValue)
ELEM_ *e = (ELEM_ *)mBase;
for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
if (hx::arrayElemEq(e[i],inValue))
return i;
return -1;
bool contains(ELEM_ inValue)
ELEM_ *e = (ELEM_ *)mBase;
for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
if (hx::arrayElemEq(e[i],inValue))
return true;
return false;
bool remove(ELEM_ inValue)
ELEM_ *e = (ELEM_ *)mBase;
for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
if (hx::arrayElemEq(e[i],inValue))
return true;
return false;
bool removeAt( int idx )
if( idx < 0 ) idx += length;
if (idx>=length || idx<0) return false;
return true;
int indexOf(ELEM_ inValue, Dynamic fromIndex = null())
int len = length;
int i = fromIndex==null() ? 0 : fromIndex->__ToInt();
ELEM_ *e = (ELEM_ *)mBase;
if (i < 0)
i += len;
if (i < 0) i = 0;
if (hx::arrayElemEq(e[i],inValue))
return i;
return -1;
int lastIndexOf(ELEM_ inValue, Dynamic fromIndex = null())
int len = length;
int i = fromIndex==null() ? len-1 : fromIndex->__ToInt();
ELEM_ *e = (ELEM_ *)mBase;
if (i >= len)
i = len - 1;
else if (i < 0)
i += len;
if (hx::arrayElemEq(e[i],inValue))
return i;
return -1;
NullType shift()
if (length==0) return null();
ELEM_ result = __get(0);
return result;
String join(String inSeparator) { return ArrayBase::joinArray(this, inSeparator); }
Array<ELEM_> concat( Array<ELEM_> inTail );
Array<ELEM_> copy( );
Array<ELEM_> slice(int inPos, Dynamic end = null());
Array<ELEM_> splice(int inPos, int len);
inline void removeRange(int inPos, int len)
cpp::VirtualArray map(Dynamic inFunc);
Dynamic map(Dynamic inFunc);
Array<ELEM_> filter(Dynamic inFunc);
void insert(int inPos, ELEM_ inValue)
if (inPos<0)
if (inPos<0) inPos = 0;
else if (inPos>length)
inPos = length;
Item(inPos) = inValue;
if (hx::ContainsPointers<ELEM_>())
{ HX_OBJ_WB_GET(this,hx::PointerOf(inValue)); }
void unshift(ELEM_ inValue)
void reverse()
int half = length/2;
ELEM_ *e = (ELEM_ *)mBase;
for(int i=0;i<half;i++)
ELEM_ tmp = e[length-i-1];
e[length-i-1] = e[i];
e[i] = tmp;
// Will do random pointer sorting for object pointers
inline void sortAscending()
ELEM_ *e = (ELEM_ *)mBase;
std::sort(e, e+length);
static inline bool greaterThan(const ELEM_ &inA, const ELEM_ &inB) { return inB < inA; }
inline void sortDescending()
ELEM_ *e = (ELEM_ *)mBase;
std::sort(e, e+length, greaterThan);
struct Sorter
Sorter(Dynamic inFunc) : mFunc(inFunc) { }
bool operator()(const ELEM_ &inA, const ELEM_ &inB)
return mFunc( Dynamic(inA), Dynamic(inB))->__ToInt() < 0;
Dynamic mFunc;
inline void qsort(Dynamic inSorter)
ELEM_ *e = (ELEM_ *)mBase;
std::sort(e, e+length, Sorter(inSorter) );
void sort(Dynamic inSorter)
if ( (int)hx::ArrayTraits<ELEM_>::StoreType==(int)hx::arrayObject ||
// Keep references from being hidden inside sorters buffers
safeSort(inSorter, (int)hx::ArrayTraits<ELEM_>::StoreType==(int)hx::arrayString);
ELEM_ *e = (ELEM_ *)mBase;
std::stable_sort(e, e+length, Sorter(inSorter) );
Dynamic iterator() { return new hx::ArrayIterator<ELEM_,ELEM_>(this); }
Dynamic keyValueIterator() { return new hx::ArrayKeyValueIterator<ELEM_,ELEM_>(this); }
template<typename TO>
Dynamic iteratorFast() { return new hx::ArrayIterator<ELEM_,TO>(this); }
template<typename TO>
Dynamic keyValueIteratorFast() { return new hx::ArrayKeyValueIterator<ELEM_,TO>(this); }
virtual hx::ArrayStore getStoreType() const
return (hx::ArrayStore) hx::ArrayTraits<ELEM_>::StoreType;
inline ELEM_ &setCtx(hx::StackContext *_hx_ctx, int inIdx, ELEM_ inValue)
ELEM_ &elem = Item(inIdx);
HX_ARRAY_WB(this,inIdx, hx::PointerOf(inValue) );
return elem = inValue;
// Dynamic interface
#if (HXCPP_API_LEVEL < 330)
virtual Dynamic __concat(const Dynamic &a0) { return concat(a0); }
virtual Dynamic __copy() { return copy(); }
virtual Dynamic __insert(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1) { insert(a0,a1); return null(); }
virtual Dynamic __iterator() { return iterator(); }
virtual Dynamic __keyValueIterator() { return keyValueIterator(); }
virtual Dynamic __join(const Dynamic &a0) { return join(a0); }
virtual Dynamic __pop() { return pop(); }
virtual Dynamic __push(const Dynamic &a0) { return push(a0);}
virtual Dynamic __remove(const Dynamic &a0) { return remove(a0); }
virtual Dynamic __removeAt(const Dynamic &a0) { return removeAt(a0); }
virtual Dynamic __indexOf(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1) { return indexOf(a0, a1); }
virtual Dynamic __lastIndexOf(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1) { return lastIndexOf(a0, a1); }
virtual Dynamic __reverse() { reverse(); return null(); }
virtual Dynamic __shift() { return shift(); }
virtual Dynamic __slice(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1) { return slice(a0,a1); }
virtual Dynamic __splice(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1) { return splice(a0,a1); }
virtual Dynamic __sort(const Dynamic &a0) { sort(a0); return null(); }
virtual Dynamic __toString() { return toString(); }
virtual Dynamic __unshift(const Dynamic &a0) { unshift(a0); return null(); }
virtual Dynamic __map(const Dynamic &func) { return map(func); }
virtual Dynamic __filter(const Dynamic &func) { return filter(func); }
virtual Dynamic __blit(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1,const Dynamic &a2,const Dynamic &a3) { blit(a0,a1,a2,a3); return null(); }
virtual Dynamic __memcmp(const Dynamic &a0) { return memcmp(a0); }
virtual Dynamic __resize(const Dynamic &a0) { resize(a0); return null(); }
virtual void __qsort(Dynamic inCompare) { this->qsort(inCompare); };
#else //(HXCPP_API_LEVEL < 330)
virtual hx::ArrayBase *__concat(const cpp::VirtualArray &a0) { return concat(a0).mPtr; }
virtual hx::ArrayBase *__copy() { return copy().mPtr; }
virtual void __insert(int inIndex,const Dynamic &a1) { insert(inIndex,a1);}
virtual Dynamic __iterator() { return iterator(); }
virtual Dynamic __keyValueIterator() { return keyValueIterator(); }
virtual ::String __join(::String a0) { return join(a0); }
virtual Dynamic __pop() { return pop(); }
virtual int __push(const Dynamic &a0) { return push(a0);}
virtual bool __contains(const Dynamic &a0) { return contains(a0); }
virtual bool __remove(const Dynamic &a0) { return remove(a0); }
virtual bool __removeAt(int inIndex) { return removeAt(inIndex); }
virtual int __indexOf(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1) { return indexOf(a0, a1); }
virtual int __lastIndexOf(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1) { return lastIndexOf(a0, a1); }
virtual void __reverse() { reverse(); }
virtual Dynamic __shift() { return shift(); }
virtual hx::ArrayBase *__slice(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1) { return slice(a0,a1).mPtr; }
virtual hx::ArrayBase *__splice(const Dynamic &a0,const Dynamic &a1) { return splice(a0,a1).mPtr; }
virtual void __sort(const Dynamic &a0) { sort(a0); }
virtual ::String __toString() { return toString(); }
virtual void __unshift(const Dynamic &a0) { unshift(a0); }
virtual cpp::VirtualArray_obj *__map(const Dynamic &func) { return map(func).mPtr; }
virtual void __resize(int inLen) { resize(inLen); }
virtual hx::ArrayBase *__filter(const Dynamic &func) { return filter(func).mPtr; }
virtual void __blit(int inDestElement,const cpp::VirtualArray &inSourceArray,int inSourceElement,int inElementCount)
virtual int __memcmp(const cpp::VirtualArray &a0) { return memcmp(a0); }
virtual void __qsort(Dynamic inCompare) { this->qsort(inCompare); };
virtual void set(int inIndex, const cpp::Variant &inValue) {
ELEM_ &elem = Item(inIndex);
elem = ELEM_(inValue);
if (hx::ContainsPointers<ELEM_>()) {
HX_OBJ_WB_GET(this, hx::PointerOf(elem));
virtual void setUnsafe(int inIndex, const cpp::Variant &inValue) {
ELEM_ &elem = *(ELEM_ *)(mBase + inIndex*sizeof(ELEM_));
elem = ELEM_(inValue);
if (hx::ContainsPointers<ELEM_>()) { HX_OBJ_WB_GET(this,hx::PointerOf(elem)); }
// --- Array ---------------------------------------------------------------
// The array class adds object syntax to the Array_obj pointer
template<typename ELEM_>
class Array : public hx::ObjectPtr< Array_obj<ELEM_> >
typedef hx::ObjectPtr< Array_obj<ELEM_> > super;
typedef Array_obj<ELEM_> OBJ_;
typedef ELEM_ Elem;
typedef Array_obj<ELEM_> *Ptr;
using super::mPtr;
using super::GetPtr;
Array() { }
Array(int inSize,int inReserve) : super( OBJ_::__new(inSize,inReserve) ) { }
Array(const null &inNull) : super(0) { }
Array(Ptr inPtr) : super(inPtr) { }
inline OBJ_ *CheckGetPtr() const
if (!mPtr) hx::NullReference("Array", true);
// The handler might have fixed up the null value
if (!mPtr) hx::NullReference("Array", false);
return mPtr;
inline OBJ_ *CheckGetPtr() const { return mPtr; }
// Construct from our type ...
Array ( const hx::ObjectPtr< OBJ_ > &inArray )
: hx::ObjectPtr< OBJ_ >(inArray) { }
Array(const Array<ELEM_> &inArray) : super(inArray.GetPtr()) { }
// Build dynamic array from foreign array
template<typename SOURCE_>
Array( const Array<SOURCE_> &inRHS ) : super(0)
Array_obj<SOURCE_> *ptr = inRHS.GetPtr();
if (ptr)
OBJ_ *arr = dynamic_cast<OBJ_ *>(ptr);
if (!arr)
// Non-identical type (syntactically, should be creating from Array<Dynamic>)
// Copy elements one-by-one
// Not quite right, but is the best we can do...
int n = ptr->__length();
*this = Array_obj<ELEM_>::__new(n);
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
mPtr = arr;
// From VirtualArray
Array( const cpp::VirtualArray &inVArray) { fromVArray(inVArray.mPtr); }
void fromVArray(cpp::VirtualArray_obj *inVArray)
if (!inVArray || inVArray->store==hx::arrayNull)
mPtr = 0;
// Switch on type?
Array &operator=( const cpp::VirtualArray &inRHS )
return *this;
inline void setDynamic( const Dynamic &inRHS, bool inIgnoreVirtualArray=false )
hx::Object *ptr = inRHS.GetPtr();
if (ptr)
OBJ_ *arr = dynamic_cast<OBJ_ *>(ptr);
if (!arr && ptr->__GetClass().mPtr == super::__SGetClass().mPtr )
cpp::VirtualArray_obj *varray = inIgnoreVirtualArray ? 0 :
dynamic_cast<cpp::VirtualArray_obj *>(ptr);
if (varray)
// Non-identical type.
// Copy elements one-by-one
// Not quite right, but is the best we can do...
int n = ptr->__length();
*this = Array_obj<ELEM_>::__new(n);
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
mPtr = arr;
Array( const Dynamic &inRHS ) : super(0) { setDynamic(inRHS); }
Array( const cpp::ArrayBase &inRHS ) : super(0) { setDynamic(inRHS); }
inline Array(const ::cpp::Variant &inVariant) : super(0)
// operator= exact match...
Array &operator=( Array<ELEM_> inRHS )
mPtr = inRHS.GetPtr();
return *this;
// Foreign array
template<typename OTHER>
Array &operator=( const Array<OTHER> &inRHS )
*this = Array(inRHS);
return *this;
Array &operator=( const Dynamic &inRHS )
return *this;
Array &operator=( const cpp::ArrayBase &inRHS )
return *this;
Array &operator=( const cpp::Variant &inRHS )
if (inRHS.type!=cpp::Variant::typeObject)
setDynamic( null() );
return *this;
Array &operator=( const null &inNull )
mPtr = 0;
return *this;
#if (HXCPP_API_LEVEL >= 330)
inline bool operator==(const cpp::VirtualArray &varray) const { return varray==*this; }
inline bool operator!=(const cpp::VirtualArray &varray) const { return varray!=*this; }
inline ELEM_ &operator[](int inIdx) { return CheckGetPtr()->Item(inIdx); }
inline ELEM_ operator[](int inIdx) const { return CheckGetPtr()->__get(inIdx); }
//inline ELEM_ __get(int inIdx) const { return CheckGetPtr()->__get(inIdx); }
inline int __length() const { return CheckGetPtr()->__length(); }
inline Array<ELEM_> &Add(const ELEM_ &inElem) { CheckGetPtr()->Add(inElem); return *this; }
inline Array<ELEM_> & operator<<(const ELEM_ &inElem) { CheckGetPtr()->Add(inElem); return *this; }
// Now that the "Array" object is defined, we can implement this function ....
template<typename ELEM_>
Array<ELEM_> Array_obj<ELEM_>::__new(int inSize,int inReserve)
{ return Array<ELEM_>(new Array_obj(inSize,inReserve)); }
template<typename ELEM_>
Array<ELEM_> Array_obj<ELEM_>::__newConstWrapper(ELEM_ *inData,int inSize)
Array_obj<ELEM_> temp(0,0);
Array_obj<ELEM_> *result = (Array_obj<ELEM_> *)hx::InternalCreateConstBuffer(&temp,sizeof(temp));
result->setUnmanagedData(inData, inSize);
return result;
template<typename ELEM_>
Array<ELEM_> Array_obj<ELEM_>::fromData(const ELEM_ *inData,int inCount)
Array<ELEM_> result = new Array_obj(inCount,inCount);
if (inCount)
result->memcpy(0, inData, inCount);
return result;
inline bool Dynamic::IsClass<Array<Dynamic> >()
{ return mPtr && mPtr->__GetClass()== hx::ArrayBase::__mClass; }
template<typename ELEM_>
Array<ELEM_> Array_obj<ELEM_>::concat( Array<ELEM_> inTail )
Array_obj *result = new Array_obj(inTail->__length()+(int)length,0);
return result;
template<typename ELEM_>
Array<ELEM_> Array_obj<ELEM_>::copy( )
Array_obj *result = new Array_obj((int)length,0);
return result;
// Copies the range of the array starting at pos up to, but not including, end.
// Both pos and end can be negative to count from the end: -1 is the last item in the array.
template<typename ELEM_>
Array<ELEM_> Array_obj<ELEM_>::slice(int inPos, Dynamic end)
int e = end==null() ? length : end->__ToInt();
Array_obj *result = new Array_obj(0,0);
return result;
template<typename ELEM_>
Array<ELEM_> Array_obj<ELEM_>::splice(int inPos, int len)
Array_obj * result = new Array_obj(0,0);
return result;
template<typename ELEM_>
Array<ELEM_> Array_obj<ELEM_>::filter(Dynamic inFunc)
Array_obj *result = new Array_obj(0,0);
for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
if (inFunc(__unsafe_get(i)))
return result;
template<typename ELEM_>
Array<ELEM_> Array_obj<ELEM_>::__SetSizeExact(int inLen)
return this;
// Static externs
template<typename ARRAY>
inline ARRAY _hx_array_set_size_exact(ARRAY inArray, int inLen)
return inArray->__SetSizeExact(inLen);
template<typename ARRAY1,typename ARRAY2>
inline int _hx_array_memcmp(ARRAY1 inArray1, ARRAY2 inArray2)
return inArray1->memcmp(inArray2);
template<typename ARRAY,typename VALUE>
inline typename ARRAY::Elem _hx_array_unsafe_set(ARRAY inArray, int inIndex, VALUE inValue)
return inArray->__unsafe_set(inIndex, inValue);
template<typename ARRAY>
inline typename ARRAY::Elem _hx_array_unsafe_get(ARRAY inArray, int inIndex)
return inArray->__unsafe_get(inIndex);
// Include again, for functions that required Array definition
#include "cpp/VirtualArray.h"
#if HXCPP_API_LEVEL >= 330
template<typename ELEM_>
cpp::VirtualArray Array_obj<ELEM_>::map(Dynamic inFunc)
cpp::VirtualArray result = cpp::VirtualArray_obj::__new(length,0);
for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
return result;
template<typename ELEM_>
Dynamic Array_obj<ELEM_>::map(Dynamic inFunc)
Array_obj<Dynamic> *result = new Array_obj<Dynamic>(length,0);
for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
return result;