forked from LeenkxTeam/LNXSDK

159 lines
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2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00
name: ''
vmImage: ''
arch: '' # hxcpp's target arch (HXCPP_Mxx), can be '32' or '64'
platform: '' # can be linux64, mac, windows, or windows64
listPlatform32: ['linux32', 'windows']
listPlatform64: ['linux64', 'mac', 'windows64']
- job: ${{ parameters.name }}
vmImage: ${{ parameters.vmImage }}
${{ if startsWith(parameters.vmImage, 'ubuntu-') }}:
libExt: .dso
sep: '/'
${{ if contains(parameters.vmImage, 'mac') }}:
libExt: .dylib
sep: '/'
${{ if contains(parameters.vmImage, 'win') }}:
libExt: .dll
sep: '\'
- ${{ if startsWith(parameters.vmImage, 'ubuntu-') }}:
- script: |
set -ex
sudo rm -R /var/lib/mysql/
# mariadb
curl -sS https://downloads.mariadb.com/MariaDB/mariadb_repo_setup > mariadb_repo_setup
curl -sS https://downloads.mariadb.com/MariaDB/mariadb_repo_setup.sha256 > mariadb_repo_setup.sha256
sha256sum --check mariadb_repo_setup.sha256
sudo bash mariadb_repo_setup
sudo apt-get update -qqy
sudo apt-get remove -qqy mysql-common
sudo apt-get autoremove -qqy
sudo apt-get install -qqy mariadb-server
# remaining packages
sudo apt-get install -qqy gcc-multilib g++-multilib
displayName: Install dependencies
- script: |
set -ex
sudo systemctl start mysql
sudo mysql -u root -e "create database hxcpp; grant all privileges on hxcpp.* to hxcpp@localhost identified by 'hxcpp'; flush privileges;"
displayName: Configure MariaDB
- template: install-neko-snapshot.yaml
platform: ${{ parameters.platform }}
- template: install-haxe-snapshot.yaml
platform: ${{ parameters.platform }}
- script: |
set -ex
mkdir -p ~/haxelib
haxelib setup ~/haxelib
haxelib install utest
haxelib dev hxcpp $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
haxelib list
displayName: Install Haxe libraries
- script: haxe compile.hxml
workingDirectory: tools/run
displayName: Build run.n
- script: haxe compile.hxml
workingDirectory: tools/hxcpp
displayName: Build hxcpp
- script: haxe compile-cppia.hxml
workingDirectory: project
displayName: Build cppia
# cffi
- script: haxelib run hxcpp build.xml -debug -DHXCPP_M${{parameters.arch}}
workingDirectory: test/cffi/project
displayName: Build cffi project
- bash: |
set -ex
haxe compile.hxml -debug -D HXCPP_M${{parameters.arch}}
haxe compile-utf8.hxml -debug -D HXCPP_M${{parameters.arch}}
haxe compile-neko.hxml -debug -D HXCPP_M${{parameters.arch}}
workingDirectory: test/cffi
displayName: cffi test - Compile
- script: bin$(sep)cpp$(sep)TestMain-debug
workingDirectory: test/cffi
displayName: cffi test - Run
- script: bin$(sep)cpp-utf8$(sep)TestMain-debug
workingDirectory: test/cffi
displayName: cffi-utf8 test - Run
- ${{ if or(and(containsValue(parameters.listPlatform32, parameters.platform), eq(parameters.arch, '32')), and(containsValue(parameters.listPlatform64, parameters.platform), eq(parameters.arch, '64'))) }}:
- bash: cp test/cffi/project/ndll/*/prime$(libExt) test/cffi/bin/neko/prime.ndll
displayName: Copy prime.ndll
- script: neko TestMain.n
workingDirectory: test/cffi/bin/neko
displayName: cffi-neko test - Run
# haxe
- script: haxe compile.hxml -debug -D HXCPP_M${{parameters.arch}}
workingDirectory: test/haxe
displayName: haxe test - Compile
- script: bin$(sep)TestMain-debug
workingDirectory: test/haxe
displayName: haxe test - Run
# telemetry, should work in debug and non-debug modes
- script: haxe compile.hxml -debug -D HXCPP_M${{parameters.arch}}
workingDirectory: test/telemetry
displayName: telemetry test (debug) - Compile
- script: bin$(sep)TestMain-debug
workingDirectory: test/telemetry
displayName: telemetry test (debug) - Run
- script: haxe compile.hxml -D HXCPP_M${{parameters.arch}}
workingDirectory: test/telemetry
displayName: telemetry test - Compile
- script: bin$(sep)TestMain
workingDirectory: test/telemetry
displayName: telemetry test - Run
# std
- script: haxe compile${{parameters.arch}}.hxml
workingDirectory: test/std
displayName: std test - Compile
- script: cpp${{parameters.arch}}$(sep)Test
workingDirectory: test/std
displayName: std test - Run
# debugger
- script: haxe compile.hxml -D HXCPP_M${{parameters.arch}}
workingDirectory: test/debugger
displayName: debugger test - Compile
- script: bin$(sep)App-debug
workingDirectory: test/debugger
displayName: debugger test - Run
# native
- script: haxe compile.hxml -D HXCPP_M${{parameters.arch}}
workingDirectory: test/native
displayName: native test - Compile
- script: bin$(sep)Native
workingDirectory: test/native
displayName: native test - Run
# haxe unit test
- bash: |
set -ex
HAXE_VERSION=`haxe -version`
HAXE_HASH=`[[ "$HAXE_VERSION" =~ ^.+\+(.+) ]] && echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}`
git clone -q https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/haxe.git
pushd haxe
git reset --hard "$HAXE_HASH"
git clean -fdx
displayName: haxe unit test - Clone haxe repo
- script: haxelib install compile-cpp.hxml --always
workingDirectory: haxe/tests/unit
displayName: haxe unit test - Install haxelibs
- script: haxe compile-cpp.hxml -D HXCPP_M${{parameters.arch}} -D no_http
workingDirectory: haxe/tests/unit
displayName: haxe unit test - Compile
- script: bin$(sep)cpp$(sep)TestMain-debug
workingDirectory: haxe/tests/unit
displayName: haxe unit test - Run