forked from LeenkxTeam/LNXSDK

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2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00
#include <kinc/video.h>
#include <kinc/audio1/audio.h>
#include <kinc/graphics4/texture.h>
#include <kinc/io/filereader.h>
#include <kinc/log.h>
#include <kinc/system.h>
#include <android_native_app_glue.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#if KINC_ANDROID_API >= 15 && !defined(KINC_VULKAN)
#include <OMXAL/OpenMAXAL.h>
#include <OMXAL/OpenMAXAL_Android.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include <kinc/backend/Android.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#if KINC_ANDROID_API >= 15 && !defined(KINC_VULKAN)
#include <android/asset_manager.h>
#include <android/asset_manager_jni.h>
#include <android/native_window_jni.h>
void kinc_video_sound_stream_impl_init(kinc_internal_video_sound_stream_t *stream, int channel_count, int frequency) {
stream->bufferSize = 1;
stream->bufferReadPosition = 0;
stream->bufferWritePosition = 0;
stream->read = 0;
stream->written = 0;
void kinc_video_sound_stream_impl_destroy(kinc_internal_video_sound_stream_t *stream) {}
void kinc_video_sound_stream_impl_insert_data(kinc_internal_video_sound_stream_t *stream, float *data, int sample_count) {}
static float samples[2] = {0};
float *kinc_internal_video_sound_stream_next_frame(kinc_internal_video_sound_stream_t *stream) {
return samples;
bool kinc_internal_video_sound_stream_ended(kinc_internal_video_sound_stream_t *stream) {
return false;
#if KINC_ANDROID_API >= 15 && !defined(KINC_VULKAN)
#define videosCount 10
static kinc_video_t *videos[videosCount] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
#define NB_MAXAL_INTERFACES 3 // XAAndroidBufferQueueItf, XAStreamInformationItf and XAPlayItf
#define NB_BUFFERS 8
#define MPEG2_TS_PACKET_SIZE 188
static const int kEosBufferCntxt = 1980; // a magic value we can compare against
typedef struct kinc_android_video {
XAObjectItf engineObject;
XAEngineItf engineEngine;
XAObjectItf outputMixObject;
const char *path;
AAsset *file;
XAObjectItf playerObj;
XAPlayItf playerPlayItf;
XAAndroidBufferQueueItf playerBQItf;
XAStreamInformationItf playerStreamInfoItf;
XAVolumeItf playerVolItf;
char dataCache[BUFFER_SIZE * NB_BUFFERS];
ANativeWindow *theNativeWindow;
jboolean reachedEof;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_cond_t cond;
bool discontinuity;
} kinc_android_video_t;
void kinc_android_video_init(kinc_android_video_t *video) {
video->engineObject = NULL;
video->engineEngine = NULL;
video->outputMixObject = NULL;
video->file = NULL;
video->playerObj = NULL;
video->playerPlayItf = NULL;
video->playerBQItf = NULL;
video->playerStreamInfoItf = NULL;
video->playerVolItf = NULL;
video->theNativeWindow = NULL;
video->reachedEof = JNI_FALSE;
memset(&video->mutex, 0, sizeof(video->mutex)); // mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; // simple assign stopped working in Android Studio 2.2
memset(&video->cond, 0, sizeof(video->cond)); // cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; // simple assign stopped working in Android Studio 2.2
video->discontinuity = false;
bool kinc_android_video_enqueue_initial_buffers(kinc_android_video_t *video, bool discontinuity) {
// Fill our cache.
// We want to read whole packets (integral multiples of MPEG2_TS_PACKET_SIZE).
// fread returns units of "elements" not bytes, so we ask for 1-byte elements
// and then check that the number of elements is a multiple of the packet size.
size_t bytesRead;
// bytesRead = fread(dataCache, 1, BUFFER_SIZE * NB_BUFFERS, file);
bytesRead = AAsset_read(video->file, video->dataCache, BUFFER_SIZE * NB_BUFFERS);
if (bytesRead <= 0) {
// could be premature EOF or I/O error
return false;
if ((bytesRead % MPEG2_TS_PACKET_SIZE) != 0) {
kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Dropping last packet because it is not whole");
size_t packetsRead = bytesRead / MPEG2_TS_PACKET_SIZE;
kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Initially queueing %zu packets", packetsRead);
// Enqueue the content of our cache before starting to play,
// we don't want to starve the player
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < NB_BUFFERS && packetsRead > 0; i++) {
// compute size of this buffer
size_t packetsThisBuffer = packetsRead;
if (packetsThisBuffer > PACKETS_PER_BUFFER) {
packetsThisBuffer = PACKETS_PER_BUFFER;
size_t bufferSize = packetsThisBuffer * MPEG2_TS_PACKET_SIZE;
XAresult res;
if (discontinuity) {
// signal discontinuity
XAAndroidBufferItem items[1];
items[0].itemSize = 0;
// DISCONTINUITY message has no parameters,
// so the total size of the message is the size of the key
// plus the size if itemSize, both XAuint32
res = (*video->playerBQItf)
->Enqueue(video->playerBQItf, NULL /*pBufferContext*/, video->dataCache + i * BUFFER_SIZE, bufferSize, items /*pMsg*/,
sizeof(XAuint32) * 2 /*msgLength*/);
discontinuity = JNI_FALSE;
else {
res = (*video->playerBQItf)->Enqueue(video->playerBQItf, NULL /*pBufferContext*/, video->dataCache + i * BUFFER_SIZE, bufferSize, NULL, 0);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
packetsRead -= packetsThisBuffer;
return true;
static XAresult AndroidBufferQueueCallback(XAAndroidBufferQueueItf caller, void *pCallbackContext, /* input */
void *pBufferContext, /* input */
void *pBufferData, /* input */
XAuint32 dataSize, /* input */
XAuint32 dataUsed, /* input */
const XAAndroidBufferItem *pItems, /* input */
XAuint32 itemsLength /* input */) {
kinc_android_video_t *self = (kinc_android_video_t *)pCallbackContext;
XAresult res;
int ok;
// pCallbackContext was specified as NULL at RegisterCallback and is unused here
// assert(NULL == pCallbackContext);
// note there is never any contention on this mutex unless a discontinuity request is active
ok = pthread_mutex_lock(&self->mutex);
assert(0 == ok);
// was a discontinuity requested?
if (self->discontinuity) {
// Note: can't rewind after EOS, which we send when reaching EOF
// (don't send EOS if you plan to play more content through the same player)
if (!self->reachedEof) {
// clear the buffer queue
res = (*self->playerBQItf)->Clear(self->playerBQItf);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
// rewind the data source so we are guaranteed to be at an appropriate point
// rewind(file);
AAsset_seek(self->file, 0, SEEK_SET);
// Enqueue the initial buffers, with a discontinuity indicator on first buffer
kinc_android_video_enqueue_initial_buffers(self, JNI_TRUE);
// acknowledge the discontinuity request
self->discontinuity = JNI_FALSE;
ok = pthread_cond_signal(&self->cond);
assert(0 == ok);
goto exit;
if ((pBufferData == NULL) && (pBufferContext != NULL)) {
const int processedCommand = *(int *)pBufferContext;
if (kEosBufferCntxt == processedCommand) {
kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "EOS was processed");
// our buffer with the EOS message has been consumed
assert(0 == dataSize);
goto exit;
// pBufferData is a pointer to a buffer that we previously Enqueued
assert((dataSize > 0) && ((dataSize % MPEG2_TS_PACKET_SIZE) == 0));
assert(self->dataCache <= (char *)pBufferData && (char *)pBufferData < &self->dataCache[BUFFER_SIZE * NB_BUFFERS]);
assert(0 == (((char *)pBufferData - self->dataCache) % BUFFER_SIZE));
// don't bother trying to read more data once we've hit EOF
if (self->reachedEof) {
goto exit;
size_t nbRead;
// note we do call fread from multiple threads, but never concurrently
size_t bytesRead;
// bytesRead = fread(pBufferData, 1, BUFFER_SIZE, file);
bytesRead = AAsset_read(self->file, pBufferData, BUFFER_SIZE);
if (bytesRead > 0) {
if ((bytesRead % MPEG2_TS_PACKET_SIZE) != 0) {
kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Dropping last packet because it is not whole");
size_t packetsRead = bytesRead / MPEG2_TS_PACKET_SIZE;
size_t bufferSize = packetsRead * MPEG2_TS_PACKET_SIZE;
res = (*caller)->Enqueue(caller, NULL /*pBufferContext*/, pBufferData /*pData*/, bufferSize /*dataLength*/, NULL /*pMsg*/, 0 /*msgLength*/);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
else {
// EOF or I/O error, signal EOS
XAAndroidBufferItem msgEos[1];
msgEos[0].itemKey = XA_ANDROID_ITEMKEY_EOS;
msgEos[0].itemSize = 0;
// EOS message has no parameters, so the total size of the message is the size of the key
// plus the size if itemSize, both XAuint32
res = (*caller)->Enqueue(caller, (void *)&kEosBufferCntxt /*pBufferContext*/, NULL /*pData*/, 0 /*dataLength*/, msgEos /*pMsg*/,
sizeof(XAuint32) * 2 /*msgLength*/);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
self->reachedEof = JNI_TRUE;
ok = pthread_mutex_unlock(&self->mutex);
assert(0 == ok);
static void StreamChangeCallback(XAStreamInformationItf caller, XAuint32 eventId, XAuint32 streamIndex, void *pEventData, void *pContext) {
kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "StreamChangeCallback called for stream %u", streamIndex);
kinc_android_video_t *self = (kinc_android_video_t *)pContext;
// pContext was specified as NULL at RegisterStreamChangeCallback and is unused here
// assert(NULL == pContext);
switch (eventId) {
// From spec 1.0.1:
// "This event indicates that stream property change has occurred.
// The streamIndex parameter identifies the stream with the property change.
// The pEventData parameter for this event is not used and shall be ignored."
XAresult res;
XAuint32 domain;
res = (*caller)->QueryStreamType(caller, streamIndex, &domain);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
switch (domain) {
XAVideoStreamInformation videoInfo;
res = (*caller)->QueryStreamInformation(caller, streamIndex, &videoInfo);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Found video size %u x %u, codec ID=%u, frameRate=%u, bitRate=%u, duration=%u ms", videoInfo.width, videoInfo.height,
videoInfo.codecId, videoInfo.frameRate, videoInfo.bitRate, videoInfo.duration);
} break;
kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Unexpected domain %u\n", domain);
} break;
kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Unexpected stream event ID %u\n", eventId);
bool kinc_android_video_open(kinc_android_video_t *video, const char *filename) {
XAresult res;
// create engine
res = xaCreateEngine(&video->engineObject, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
// realize the engine
res = (*video->engineObject)->Realize(video->engineObject, XA_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
// get the engine interface, which is needed in order to create other objects
res = (*video->engineObject)->GetInterface(video->engineObject, XA_IID_ENGINE, &video->engineEngine);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
// create output mix
res = (*video->engineEngine)->CreateOutputMix(video->engineEngine, &video->outputMixObject, 0, NULL, NULL);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
// realize the output mix
res = (*video->outputMixObject)->Realize(video->outputMixObject, XA_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
// open the file to play
video->file = AAssetManager_open(kinc_android_get_asset_manager(), filename, AASSET_MODE_STREAMING);
if (video->file == NULL) {
kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Could not find video file.");
return false;
// configure data source
XADataSource dataSrc = {&loc_abq, &format_mime};
// configure audio sink
XADataLocator_OutputMix loc_outmix = {XA_DATALOCATOR_OUTPUTMIX, video->outputMixObject};
XADataSink audioSnk = {&loc_outmix, NULL};
// configure image video sink
XADataLocator_NativeDisplay loc_nd = {
// the video sink must be an ANativeWindow created from a Surface or SurfaceTexture
(void *)video->theNativeWindow, // hWindow
// must be NULL
NULL // hDisplay
XADataSink imageVideoSink = {&loc_nd, NULL};
// declare interfaces to use
// create media player
res = (*video->engineEngine)
->CreateMediaPlayer(video->engineEngine, &video->playerObj, &dataSrc, NULL, &audioSnk, &imageVideoSink, NULL, NULL,
NB_MAXAL_INTERFACES /*XAuint32 numInterfaces*/, iidArray /*const XAInterfaceID *pInterfaceIds*/,
required /*const XAboolean *pInterfaceRequired*/);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
// realize the player
res = (*video->playerObj)->Realize(video->playerObj, XA_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
// get the play interface
res = (*video->playerObj)->GetInterface(video->playerObj, XA_IID_PLAY, &video->playerPlayItf);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
// get the stream information interface (for video size)
res = (*video->playerObj)->GetInterface(video->playerObj, XA_IID_STREAMINFORMATION, &video->playerStreamInfoItf);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
// get the volume interface
res = (*video->playerObj)->GetInterface(video->playerObj, XA_IID_VOLUME, &video->playerVolItf);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
// get the Android buffer queue interface
res = (*video->playerObj)->GetInterface(video->playerObj, XA_IID_ANDROIDBUFFERQUEUESOURCE, &video->playerBQItf);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
// specify which events we want to be notified of
res = (*video->playerBQItf)->SetCallbackEventsMask(video->playerBQItf, XA_ANDROIDBUFFERQUEUEEVENT_PROCESSED);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
// register the callback from which OpenMAX AL can retrieve the data to play
res = (*video->playerBQItf)->RegisterCallback(video->playerBQItf, AndroidBufferQueueCallback, video);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
// we want to be notified of the video size once it's found, so we register a callback for that
res = (*video->playerStreamInfoItf)->RegisterStreamChangeCallback(video->playerStreamInfoItf, StreamChangeCallback, video);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
// enqueue the initial buffers
if (!kinc_android_video_enqueue_initial_buffers(video, false)) {
kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Could not enqueue initial buffers for video decoding.");
return false;
// prepare the player
res = (*video->playerPlayItf)->SetPlayState(video->playerPlayItf, XA_PLAYSTATE_PAUSED);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
// set the volume
res = (*video->playerVolItf)->SetVolumeLevel(video->playerVolItf, 0);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
// start the playback
res = (*video->playerPlayItf)->SetPlayState(video->playerPlayItf, XA_PLAYSTATE_PLAYING);
assert(XA_RESULT_SUCCESS == res);
kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Successfully loaded video.");
return true;
void kinc_android_video_shutdown(kinc_android_video_t *video) {
// destroy streaming media player object, and invalidate all associated interfaces
if (video->playerObj != NULL) {
video->playerObj = NULL;
video->playerPlayItf = NULL;
video->playerBQItf = NULL;
video->playerStreamInfoItf = NULL;
video->playerVolItf = NULL;
// destroy output mix object, and invalidate all associated interfaces
if (video->outputMixObject != NULL) {
video->outputMixObject = NULL;
// destroy engine object, and invalidate all associated interfaces
if (video->engineObject != NULL) {
video->engineObject = NULL;
video->engineEngine = NULL;
// close the file
if (video->file != NULL) {
video->file = NULL;
// make sure we don't leak native windows
if (video->theNativeWindow != NULL) {
video->theNativeWindow = NULL;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_tech_kinc_KincMoviePlayer_nativeCreate(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jstring jpath, jobject surface, jint id) {
#if KINC_ANDROID_API >= 15 && !defined(KINC_VULKAN)
const char *path = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jpath, NULL);
kinc_android_video_t *av = malloc(sizeof *av);
av->theNativeWindow = ANativeWindow_fromSurface(env, surface);
kinc_android_video_open(av, path);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
if (videos[i] != NULL && videos[i]->impl.id == id) {
videos[i]->impl.androidVideo = av;
(*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jpath, path);
void KoreAndroidVideoInit() {
JNIEnv *env;
(*kinc_android_get_activity()->vm)->AttachCurrentThread(kinc_android_get_activity()->vm, &env, NULL);
jclass clazz = kinc_android_find_class(env, "tech.kinc.KincMoviePlayer");
// String path, Surface surface, int id
JNINativeMethod methodTable[] = {{"nativeCreate", "(Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/view/Surface;I)V", (void *)Java_tech_kinc_KincMoviePlayer_nativeCreate}};
int methodTableSize = sizeof(methodTable) / sizeof(methodTable[0]);
int failure = (*env)->RegisterNatives(env, clazz, methodTable, methodTableSize);
if (failure != 0) {
kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Failed to register KincMoviePlayer.nativeCreate");
void kinc_video_init(kinc_video_t *video, const char *filename) {
video->impl.playing = false;
video->impl.sound = NULL;
#if KINC_ANDROID_API >= 15 && !defined(KINC_VULKAN)
kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Opening video %s.", filename);
video->impl.myWidth = 1023;
video->impl.myHeight = 684;
video->impl.next = 0;
video->impl.audioTime = 0;
JNIEnv *env = NULL;
(*kinc_android_get_activity()->vm)->AttachCurrentThread(kinc_android_get_activity()->vm, &env, NULL);
jclass koreMoviePlayerClass = kinc_android_find_class(env, "tech.kinc.KincMoviePlayer");
jmethodID constructor = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, koreMoviePlayerClass, "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
jobject object = (*env)->NewObject(env, koreMoviePlayerClass, constructor, (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, filename));
jmethodID getId = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, koreMoviePlayerClass, "getId", "()I");
video->impl.id = (*env)->CallIntMethod(env, object, getId);
for (int i = 0; i < videosCount; ++i) {
if (videos[i] == NULL) {
videos[i] = video;
jmethodID jinit = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, koreMoviePlayerClass, "init", "()V");
(*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, object, jinit);
jmethodID getTextureId = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, koreMoviePlayerClass, "getTextureId", "()I");
int texid = (*env)->CallIntMethod(env, object, getTextureId);
kinc_g4_texture_init_from_id(&video->impl.image, texid);
void kinc_video_destroy(kinc_video_t *video) {
#if KINC_ANDROID_API >= 15 && !defined(KINC_VULKAN)
kinc_android_video_t *av = (kinc_android_video_t *)video->impl.androidVideo;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
if (videos[i] == video) {
videos[i] = NULL;
void kinc_video_play(kinc_video_t *video, bool loop) {
#if KINC_ANDROID_API >= 15 && !defined(KINC_VULKAN)
video->impl.playing = true;
video->impl.start = kinc_time();
void kinc_video_pause(kinc_video_t *video) {
#if KINC_ANDROID_API >= 15 && !defined(KINC_VULKAN)
video->impl.playing = false;
void kinc_video_stop(kinc_video_t *video) {
#if KINC_ANDROID_API >= 15 && !defined(KINC_VULKAN)
void kinc_video_update(kinc_video_t *video, double time) {}
int kinc_video_width(kinc_video_t *video) {
#if KINC_ANDROID_API >= 15 && !defined(KINC_VULKAN)
return video->impl.myWidth;
return 512;
int kinc_video_height(kinc_video_t *video) {
#if KINC_ANDROID_API >= 15 && !defined(KINC_VULKAN)
return video->impl.myHeight;
return 512;
kinc_g4_texture_t *kinc_video_current_image(kinc_video_t *video) {
#if KINC_ANDROID_API >= 15 && !defined(KINC_VULKAN)
return &video->impl.image;
return NULL;
double kinc_video_duration(kinc_video_t *video) {
return 0.0;
double kinc_video_position(kinc_video_t *video) {
return 0.0;
bool kinc_video_finished(kinc_video_t *video) {
return false;
bool kinc_video_paused(kinc_video_t *video) {
return !video->impl.playing;