forked from LeenkxTeam/LNXSDK
39 lines
645 B
39 lines
645 B
package eval.luv;
import eval.integers.UInt64;
typedef CpuInfo = {
var model:String;
var speed:Int;
var times:{
var user:UInt64;
var nice:UInt64;
var sys:UInt64;
var idle:UInt64;
var irq:UInt64;
typedef Uname = {
var sysname:String;
var release:String;
var version:String;
var machine:String;
System information.
extern class SystemInfo {
Gets information about the CPUs on the system.
static function cpuInfo():Result<Array<CpuInfo>>;
Gets information about the CPUs on the system.
static function uname():Result<Uname>;