forked from LeenkxTeam/LNXSDK
206 lines
9.8 KiB
206 lines
9.8 KiB
from typing import Union
import bpy
from mathutils import Euler, Vector
import lnx.log
import lnx.material.cycles as c
import lnx.material.cycles_functions as c_functions
from lnx.material.parser_state import ParserState, ParserPass
from lnx.material.shader import floatstr, vec3str
import lnx.utils as utils
if lnx.is_reload(__name__):
lnx.log = lnx.reload_module(lnx.log)
c = lnx.reload_module(c)
c_functions = lnx.reload_module(c_functions)
lnx.material.parser_state = lnx.reload_module(lnx.material.parser_state)
from lnx.material.parser_state import ParserState, ParserPass
lnx.material.shader = lnx.reload_module(lnx.material.shader)
from lnx.material.shader import floatstr, vec3str
utils = lnx.reload_module(utils)
def parse_curvevec(node: bpy.types.ShaderNodeVectorCurve, out_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, state: ParserState) -> vec3str:
fac = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
vec = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1])
curves = node.mapping.curves
name = c.node_name(
# mapping.curves[0].points[0].handle_type # bezier curve
return '(vec3({0}, {1}, {2}) * {3})'.format(
c.vector_curve(name + '0', vec + '.x', curves[0].points),
c.vector_curve(name + '1', vec + '.y', curves[1].points),
c.vector_curve(name + '2', vec + '.z', curves[2].points), fac)
def parse_bump(node: bpy.types.ShaderNodeBump, out_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, state: ParserState) -> vec3str:
if state.curshader.shader_type != 'frag':
lnx.log.warn("Bump node not supported outside of fragment shaders")
return 'vec3(0.0)'
# Interpolation strength
strength = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
# Height multiplier
# distance = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
height = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[2])
state.current_pass = ParserPass.DX_SCREEN_SPACE
height_dx = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[2])
state.current_pass = ParserPass.DY_SCREEN_SPACE
height_dy = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[2])
state.current_pass = ParserPass.REGULAR
# nor = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[3])
if height_dx != height or height_dy != height:
tangent = f'{c.dfdx_fine("wposition")} + n * ({height_dx} - {height})'
bitangent = f'{c.dfdy_fine("wposition")} + n * ({height_dy} - {height})'
# Cross-product operand order, dFdy is flipped on d3d11
bitangent_first = utils.get_gapi() == 'direct3d11'
if node.invert:
bitangent_first = not bitangent_first
if bitangent_first:
# We need to normalize twice, once for the correct "weight" of the strength,
# once for having a normalized output vector (lerping vectors does not preserve magnitude)
res = f'normalize(mix(n, normalize(cross({bitangent}, {tangent})), {strength}))'
res = f'normalize(mix(n, normalize(cross({tangent}, {bitangent})), {strength}))'
res = 'n'
return res
def parse_mapping(node: bpy.types.ShaderNodeMapping, out_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, state: ParserState) -> vec3str:
# Only "Point", "Texture" and "Vector" types supported for now..
# More information about the order of operations for this node:
input_vector: bpy.types.NodeSocket = node.inputs[0]
input_location: bpy.types.NodeSocket = node.inputs['Location']
input_rotation: bpy.types.NodeSocket = node.inputs['Rotation']
input_scale: bpy.types.NodeSocket = node.inputs['Scale']
out = c.parse_vector_input(input_vector) if input_vector.is_linked else c.to_vec3(input_vector.default_value)
location = c.parse_vector_input(input_location) if input_location.is_linked else c.to_vec3(input_location.default_value)
rotation = c.parse_vector_input(input_rotation) if input_rotation.is_linked else c.to_vec3(input_rotation.default_value)
scale = c.parse_vector_input(input_scale) if input_scale.is_linked else c.to_vec3(input_scale.default_value)
# Use inner functions because the order of operations varies between
# mapping node vector types. This adds a slight overhead but makes
# the code much more readable.
# - "Point" and "Vector" use Scale -> Rotate -> Translate
# - "Texture" uses Translate -> Rotate -> Scale
def calc_location(output: str) -> str:
# Vectors and Eulers support the "!=" operator
if input_scale.is_linked or input_scale.default_value != Vector((1, 1, 1)):
if node.vector_type == 'TEXTURE':
output = f'({output} / {scale})'
output = f'({output} * {scale})'
return output
def calc_scale(output: str) -> str:
if input_location.is_linked or input_location.default_value != Vector((0, 0, 0)):
# z location is a little off sometimes?...
if node.vector_type == 'TEXTURE':
output = f'({output} - {location})'
output = f'({output} + {location})'
return output
out = calc_location(out) if node.vector_type == 'TEXTURE' else calc_scale(out)
if input_rotation.is_linked or input_rotation.default_value != Euler((0, 0, 0)):
var_name = c.node_name( + "_rotation" + state.get_parser_pass_suffix()
if node.vector_type == 'TEXTURE':
state.curshader.write(f'mat3 {var_name}X = mat3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cos({rotation}.x), sin({rotation}.x), 0.0, -sin({rotation}.x), cos({rotation}.x));')
state.curshader.write(f'mat3 {var_name}Y = mat3(cos({rotation}.y), 0.0, -sin({rotation}.y), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, sin({rotation}.y), 0.0, cos({rotation}.y));')
state.curshader.write(f'mat3 {var_name}Z = mat3(cos({rotation}.z), sin({rotation}.z), 0.0, -sin({rotation}.z), cos({rotation}.z), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);')
# A little bit redundant, but faster than 12 more multiplications to make it work dynamically
state.curshader.write(f'mat3 {var_name}X = mat3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cos(-{rotation}.x), sin(-{rotation}.x), 0.0, -sin(-{rotation}.x), cos(-{rotation}.x));')
state.curshader.write(f'mat3 {var_name}Y = mat3(cos(-{rotation}.y), 0.0, -sin(-{rotation}.y), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, sin(-{rotation}.y), 0.0, cos(-{rotation}.y));')
state.curshader.write(f'mat3 {var_name}Z = mat3(cos(-{rotation}.z), sin(-{rotation}.z), 0.0, -sin(-{rotation}.z), cos(-{rotation}.z), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);')
# XYZ-order euler rotation
out = f'{out} * {var_name}X * {var_name}Y * {var_name}Z'
out = calc_scale(out) if node.vector_type == 'TEXTURE' else calc_location(out)
return out
def parse_normal(node: bpy.types.ShaderNodeNormal, out_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, state: ParserState) -> Union[floatstr, vec3str]:
nor1 = c.to_vec3(node.outputs['Normal'].default_value)
if out_socket == node.outputs['Normal']:
return nor1
elif out_socket == node.outputs['Dot']:
nor2 = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs["Normal"])
return f'dot({nor1}, {nor2})'
def parse_normalmap(node: bpy.types.ShaderNodeNormalMap, out_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, state: ParserState) -> vec3str:
if state.curshader == state.tese:
return c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1])
# space =
# map = node.uv_map
# Color
c.parse_normal_map_color_input(node.inputs[1], node.inputs[0])
return 'n'
def parse_vectortransform(node: bpy.types.ShaderNodeVectorTransform, out_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, state: ParserState) -> vec3str:
# type = node.vector_type
# conv_from = node.convert_from
# conv_to = node.convert_to
# Pass through
return c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
def parse_displacement(node: bpy.types.ShaderNodeDisplacement, out_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, state: ParserState) -> vec3str:
height = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[0])
midlevel = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[1])
scale = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[2])
nor = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[3])
return f'(vec3({height}) * {scale})'
def parse_vectorrotate(node: bpy.types.ShaderNodeVectorRotate, out_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, state: ParserState) -> vec3str:
type = node.rotation_type
input_vector: bpy.types.NodeSocket = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[0])
input_center: bpy.types.NodeSocket = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[1])
input_axis: bpy.types.NodeSocket = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[2])
input_angle: bpy.types.NodeSocket = c.parse_value_input(node.inputs[3])
input_rotation: bpy.types.NodeSocket = c.parse_vector_input(node.inputs[4])
if node.invert:
input_invert = "0"
input_invert = "1"
if type == 'AXIS_ANGLE':
return f'vec3( (length({input_axis}) != 0.0) ? rotate_around_axis({input_vector} - {input_center}, normalize({input_axis}), {input_angle} * {input_invert}) + {input_center} : {input_vector} )'
elif type == 'X_AXIS':
return f'vec3( rotate_around_axis({input_vector} - {input_center}, vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), {input_angle} * {input_invert}) + {input_center} )'
elif type == 'Y_AXIS':
return f'vec3( rotate_around_axis({input_vector} - {input_center}, vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), {input_angle} * {input_invert}) + {input_center} )'
elif type == 'Z_AXIS':
return f'vec3( rotate_around_axis({input_vector} - {input_center}, vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), {input_angle} * {input_invert}) + {input_center} )'
elif type == 'EULER_XYZ':
return f'vec3( mat3(({input_invert} < 0.0) ? transpose(euler_to_mat3({input_rotation})) : euler_to_mat3({input_rotation})) * ({input_vector} - {input_center}) + {input_center})'
return f'(vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0))'