forked from LeenkxTeam/LNXSDK

21 lines
554 B
Raw Normal View History

2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00
#version 450
// World to view projection matrix to correctly position the vertex on screen
uniform mat4 WVP;
// Matrix to transform normals from local into world space
uniform mat3 N;
// Position and normal vectors of the current vertex in local space
// Leenkx packs the vertex data to preserve memory, so nor.z values are
// saved in pos.w
in vec4 pos; // pos.xyz, nor.w
in vec2 nor; // nor.xy
// Normal vector in world space
out vec3 wnormal;
void main() {
wnormal = normalize(N * vec3(nor.xy, pos.w));
gl_Position = WVP * vec4(pos.xyz, 1.0);