forked from LeenkxTeam/LNXSDK
2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00

963 lines
39 KiB

* Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// This file is generated from mozilla\CSSStyleDeclaration.webidl. Do not edit!
package js.html;
`CSSStyleDeclaration` represents a collection of CSS property-value pairs. It is used in a few APIs:
Documentation [CSSStyleDeclaration](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CSSStyleDeclaration) by [Mozilla Contributors](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CSSStyleDeclaration$history), licensed under [CC-BY-SA 2.5](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/).
@see <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CSSStyleDeclaration>
extern class CSSStyleDeclaration implements ArrayAccess<String> {
var cssText : String;
var length(default,null) : Int;
var parentRule(default,null) : CSSRule;
/** Shorthand for the "align-content" CSS property. */
var alignContent :String;
/** Shorthand for the "align-items" CSS property. */
var alignItems :String;
/** Shorthand for the "align-self" CSS property. */
var alignSelf :String;
/** Shorthand for the "alignment-adjust" CSS property. */
var alignmentAdjust :String;
/** Shorthand for the "alignment-baseline" CSS property. */
var alignmentBaseline :String;
/** Shorthand for the "all" CSS property. */
var all :String;
/** Shorthand for the "anchor-point" CSS property. */
var anchorPoint :String;
/** Shorthand for the "animation" CSS property. */
var animation :String;
/** Shorthand for the "animation-delay" CSS property. */
var animationDelay :String;
/** Shorthand for the "animation-direction" CSS property. */
var animationDirection :String;
/** Shorthand for the "animation-duration" CSS property. */
var animationDuration :String;
/** Shorthand for the "animation-fill-mode" CSS property. */
var animationFillMode :String;
/** Shorthand for the "animation-iteration-count" CSS property. */
var animationIterationCount :String;
/** Shorthand for the "animation-name" CSS property. */
var animationName :String;
/** Shorthand for the "animation-play-state" CSS property. */
var animationPlayState :String;
/** Shorthand for the "animation-timing-function" CSS property. */
var animationTimingFunction :String;
/** Shorthand for the "azimuth" CSS property. */
var azimuth :String;
/** Shorthand for the "backface-visibility" CSS property. */
var backfaceVisibility :String;
/** Shorthand for the "background" CSS property. */
var background :String;
/** Shorthand for the "background-attachment" CSS property. */
var backgroundAttachment :String;
/** Shorthand for the "background-blend-mode" CSS property. */
var backgroundBlendMode :String;
/** Shorthand for the "background-clip" CSS property. */
var backgroundClip :String;
/** Shorthand for the "background-color" CSS property. */
var backgroundColor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "background-image" CSS property. */
var backgroundImage :String;
/** Shorthand for the "background-origin" CSS property. */
var backgroundOrigin :String;
/** Shorthand for the "background-position" CSS property. */
var backgroundPosition :String;
/** Shorthand for the "background-position-x" CSS property. */
var backgroundPositionX :String;
/** Shorthand for the "background-position-y" CSS property. */
var backgroundPositionY :String;
/** Shorthand for the "background-repeat" CSS property. */
var backgroundRepeat :String;
/** Shorthand for the "background-repeat-x" CSS property. */
var backgroundRepeatX :String;
/** Shorthand for the "background-repeat-y" CSS property. */
var backgroundRepeatY :String;
/** Shorthand for the "background-size" CSS property. */
var backgroundSize :String;
/** Shorthand for the "baseline-shift" CSS property. */
var baselineShift :String;
/** Shorthand for the "binding" CSS property. */
var binding :String;
/** Shorthand for the "bleed" CSS property. */
var bleed :String;
/** Shorthand for the "block-size" CSS property. */
var blockSize :String;
/** Shorthand for the "bookmark-label" CSS property. */
var bookmarkLabel :String;
/** Shorthand for the "bookmark-level" CSS property. */
var bookmarkLevel :String;
/** Shorthand for the "bookmark-state" CSS property. */
var bookmarkState :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border" CSS property. */
var border :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-block-end" CSS property. */
var borderBlockEnd :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-block-end-color" CSS property. */
var borderBlockEndColor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-block-end-style" CSS property. */
var borderBlockEndStyle :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-block-end-width" CSS property. */
var borderBlockEndWidth :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-block-start" CSS property. */
var borderBlockStart :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-block-start-color" CSS property. */
var borderBlockStartColor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-block-start-style" CSS property. */
var borderBlockStartStyle :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-block-start-width" CSS property. */
var borderBlockStartWidth :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-bottom" CSS property. */
var borderBottom :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-bottom-color" CSS property. */
var borderBottomColor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-bottom-left-radius" CSS property. */
var borderBottomLeftRadius :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-bottom-right-radius" CSS property. */
var borderBottomRightRadius :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-bottom-style" CSS property. */
var borderBottomStyle :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-bottom-width" CSS property. */
var borderBottomWidth :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-collapse" CSS property. */
var borderCollapse :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-color" CSS property. */
var borderColor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-image" CSS property. */
var borderImage :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-image-outset" CSS property. */
var borderImageOutset :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-image-repeat" CSS property. */
var borderImageRepeat :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-image-slice" CSS property. */
var borderImageSlice :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-image-source" CSS property. */
var borderImageSource :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-image-width" CSS property. */
var borderImageWidth :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-inline-end" CSS property. */
var borderInlineEnd :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-inline-end-color" CSS property. */
var borderInlineEndColor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-inline-end-style" CSS property. */
var borderInlineEndStyle :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-inline-end-width" CSS property. */
var borderInlineEndWidth :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-inline-start" CSS property. */
var borderInlineStart :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-inline-start-color" CSS property. */
var borderInlineStartColor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-inline-start-style" CSS property. */
var borderInlineStartStyle :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-inline-start-width" CSS property. */
var borderInlineStartWidth :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-left" CSS property. */
var borderLeft :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-left-color" CSS property. */
var borderLeftColor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-left-style" CSS property. */
var borderLeftStyle :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-left-width" CSS property. */
var borderLeftWidth :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-radius" CSS property. */
var borderRadius :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-right" CSS property. */
var borderRight :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-right-color" CSS property. */
var borderRightColor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-right-style" CSS property. */
var borderRightStyle :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-right-width" CSS property. */
var borderRightWidth :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-spacing" CSS property. */
var borderSpacing :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-style" CSS property. */
var borderStyle :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-top" CSS property. */
var borderTop :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-top-color" CSS property. */
var borderTopColor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-top-left-radius" CSS property. */
var borderTopLeftRadius :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-top-right-radius" CSS property. */
var borderTopRightRadius :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-top-style" CSS property. */
var borderTopStyle :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-top-width" CSS property. */
var borderTopWidth :String;
/** Shorthand for the "border-width" CSS property. */
var borderWidth :String;
/** Shorthand for the "bottom" CSS property. */
var bottom :String;
/** Shorthand for the "box-decoration-break" CSS property. */
var boxDecorationBreak :String;
/** Shorthand for the "box-shadow" CSS property. */
var boxShadow :String;
/** Shorthand for the "box-sizing" CSS property. */
var boxSizing :String;
/** Shorthand for the "box-snap" CSS property. */
var boxSnap :String;
/** Shorthand for the "box-suppress" CSS property. */
var boxSuppress :String;
/** Shorthand for the "break-after" CSS property. */
var breakAfter :String;
/** Shorthand for the "break-before" CSS property. */
var breakBefore :String;
/** Shorthand for the "break-inside" CSS property. */
var breakInside :String;
/** Shorthand for the "buffered-rendering" CSS property. */
var bufferedRendering :String;
/** Shorthand for the "caption-side" CSS property. */
var captionSide :String;
/** Shorthand for the "caret-color" CSS property. */
var caretColor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "chains" CSS property. */
var chains :String;
/** Shorthand for the "clear" CSS property. */
var clear :String;
/** Shorthand for the "clip" CSS property. */
var clip :String;
/** Shorthand for the "clip-path" CSS property. */
var clipPath :String;
/** Shorthand for the "clip-rule" CSS property. */
var clipRule :String;
/** Shorthand for the "color" CSS property. */
var color :String;
/** Shorthand for the "color-adjust" CSS property. */
var colorAdjust :String;
/** Shorthand for the "color-interpolation" CSS property. */
var colorInterpolation :String;
/** Shorthand for the "color-interpolation-filters" CSS property. */
var colorInterpolationFilters :String;
/** Shorthand for the "color-rendering" CSS property. */
var colorRendering :String;
/** Shorthand for the "column-count" CSS property. */
var columnCount :String;
/** Shorthand for the "column-fill" CSS property. */
var columnFill :String;
/** Shorthand for the "column-gap" CSS property. */
var columnGap :String;
/** Shorthand for the "column-rule" CSS property. */
var columnRule :String;
/** Shorthand for the "column-rule-color" CSS property. */
var columnRuleColor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "column-rule-style" CSS property. */
var columnRuleStyle :String;
/** Shorthand for the "column-rule-width" CSS property. */
var columnRuleWidth :String;
/** Shorthand for the "column-span" CSS property. */
var columnSpan :String;
/** Shorthand for the "column-width" CSS property. */
var columnWidth :String;
/** Shorthand for the "columns" CSS property. */
var columns :String;
/** Shorthand for the "contain" CSS property. */
var contain :String;
/** Shorthand for the "content" CSS property. */
var content :String;
/** Shorthand for the "counter-increment" CSS property. */
var counterIncrement :String;
/** Shorthand for the "counter-reset" CSS property. */
var counterReset :String;
/** Shorthand for the "counter-set" CSS property. */
var counterSet :String;
/** Shorthand for the "crop" CSS property. */
var crop :String;
/** Shorthand for the "css-float" CSS property. */
var cssFloat :String;
/** Shorthand for the "cue" CSS property. */
var cue :String;
/** Shorthand for the "cue-after" CSS property. */
var cueAfter :String;
/** Shorthand for the "cue-before" CSS property. */
var cueBefore :String;
/** Shorthand for the "cursor" CSS property. */
var cursor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "cx" CSS property. */
var cx :String;
/** Shorthand for the "cy" CSS property. */
var cy :String;
/** Shorthand for the "d" CSS property. */
var d :String;
/** Shorthand for the "direction" CSS property. */
var direction :String;
/** Shorthand for the "display" CSS property. */
var display :String;
/** Shorthand for the "display-inside" CSS property. */
var displayInside :String;
/** Shorthand for the "display-list" CSS property. */
var displayList :String;
/** Shorthand for the "display-outside" CSS property. */
var displayOutside :String;
/** Shorthand for the "dominant-baseline" CSS property. */
var dominantBaseline :String;
/** Shorthand for the "elevation" CSS property. */
var elevation :String;
/** Shorthand for the "empty-cells" CSS property. */
var emptyCells :String;
/** Shorthand for the "fill" CSS property. */
var fill :String;
/** Shorthand for the "fill-opacity" CSS property. */
var fillOpacity :String;
/** Shorthand for the "fill-rule" CSS property. */
var fillRule :String;
/** Shorthand for the "filter" CSS property. */
var filter :String;
/** Shorthand for the "flex" CSS property. */
var flex :String;
/** Shorthand for the "flex-basis" CSS property. */
var flexBasis :String;
/** Shorthand for the "flex-direction" CSS property. */
var flexDirection :String;
/** Shorthand for the "flex-flow" CSS property. */
var flexFlow :String;
/** Shorthand for the "flex-grow" CSS property. */
var flexGrow :String;
/** Shorthand for the "flex-shrink" CSS property. */
var flexShrink :String;
/** Shorthand for the "flex-wrap" CSS property. */
var flexWrap :String;
/** Shorthand for the "float" CSS property. */
var float :String;
/** Shorthand for the "float-offset" CSS property. */
var floatOffset :String;
/** Shorthand for the "flood-color" CSS property. */
var floodColor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "flood-opacity" CSS property. */
var floodOpacity :String;
/** Shorthand for the "flow-from" CSS property. */
var flowFrom :String;
/** Shorthand for the "flow-into" CSS property. */
var flowInto :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font" CSS property. */
var font :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font-display" CSS property. */
var fontDisplay :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font-family" CSS property. */
var fontFamily :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font-feature-settings" CSS property. */
var fontFeatureSettings :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font-kerning" CSS property. */
var fontKerning :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font-language-override" CSS property. */
var fontLanguageOverride :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font-optical-sizing" CSS property. */
var fontOpticalSizing :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font-size" CSS property. */
var fontSize :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font-size-adjust" CSS property. */
var fontSizeAdjust :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font-stretch" CSS property. */
var fontStretch :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font-style" CSS property. */
var fontStyle :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font-synthesis" CSS property. */
var fontSynthesis :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font-variant" CSS property. */
var fontVariant :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font-variant-alternates" CSS property. */
var fontVariantAlternates :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font-variant-caps" CSS property. */
var fontVariantCaps :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font-variant-east-asian" CSS property. */
var fontVariantEastAsian :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font-variant-ligatures" CSS property. */
var fontVariantLigatures :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font-variant-numeric" CSS property. */
var fontVariantNumeric :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font-variant-position" CSS property. */
var fontVariantPosition :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font-variation-settings" CSS property. */
var fontVariationSettings :String;
/** Shorthand for the "font-weight" CSS property. */
var fontWeight :String;
/** Shorthand for the "gap" CSS property. */
var gap :String;
/** Shorthand for the "grid" CSS property. */
var grid :String;
/** Shorthand for the "grid-area" CSS property. */
var gridArea :String;
/** Shorthand for the "grid-auto-columns" CSS property. */
var gridAutoColumns :String;
/** Shorthand for the "grid-auto-flow" CSS property. */
var gridAutoFlow :String;
/** Shorthand for the "grid-auto-rows" CSS property. */
var gridAutoRows :String;
/** Shorthand for the "grid-column" CSS property. */
var gridColumn :String;
/** Shorthand for the "grid-column-end" CSS property. */
var gridColumnEnd :String;
/** Shorthand for the "grid-column-gap" CSS property. */
var gridColumnGap :String;
/** Shorthand for the "grid-column-start" CSS property. */
var gridColumnStart :String;
/** Shorthand for the "grid-gap" CSS property. */
var gridGap :String;
/** Shorthand for the "grid-row" CSS property. */
var gridRow :String;
/** Shorthand for the "grid-row-end" CSS property. */
var gridRowEnd :String;
/** Shorthand for the "grid-row-gap" CSS property. */
var gridRowGap :String;
/** Shorthand for the "grid-row-start" CSS property. */
var gridRowStart :String;
/** Shorthand for the "grid-template" CSS property. */
var gridTemplate :String;
/** Shorthand for the "grid-template-areas" CSS property. */
var gridTemplateAreas :String;
/** Shorthand for the "grid-template-columns" CSS property. */
var gridTemplateColumns :String;
/** Shorthand for the "grid-template-rows" CSS property. */
var gridTemplateRows :String;
/** Shorthand for the "hanging-punctuation" CSS property. */
var hangingPunctuation :String;
/** Shorthand for the "height" CSS property. */
var height :String;
/** Shorthand for the "hyphens" CSS property. */
var hyphens :String;
/** Shorthand for the "icon" CSS property. */
var icon :String;
/** Shorthand for the "image-orientation" CSS property. */
var imageOrientation :String;
/** Shorthand for the "image-rendering" CSS property. */
var imageRendering :String;
/** Shorthand for the "image-resolution" CSS property. */
var imageResolution :String;
/** Shorthand for the "ime-mode" CSS property. */
var imeMode :String;
/** Shorthand for the "initial-letters" CSS property. */
var initialLetters :String;
/** Shorthand for the "inline-box-align" CSS property. */
var inlineBoxAlign :String;
/** Shorthand for the "inline-size" CSS property. */
var inlineSize :String;
/** Shorthand for the "isolation" CSS property. */
var isolation :String;
/** Shorthand for the "justify-content" CSS property. */
var justifyContent :String;
/** Shorthand for the "justify-items" CSS property. */
var justifyItems :String;
/** Shorthand for the "justify-self" CSS property. */
var justifySelf :String;
/** Shorthand for the "left" CSS property. */
var left :String;
/** Shorthand for the "letter-spacing" CSS property. */
var letterSpacing :String;
/** Shorthand for the "lighting-color" CSS property. */
var lightingColor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "line-box-contain" CSS property. */
var lineBoxContain :String;
/** Shorthand for the "line-break" CSS property. */
var lineBreak :String;
/** Shorthand for the "line-grid" CSS property. */
var lineGrid :String;
/** Shorthand for the "line-height" CSS property. */
var lineHeight :String;
/** Shorthand for the "line-snap" CSS property. */
var lineSnap :String;
/** Shorthand for the "line-stacking" CSS property. */
var lineStacking :String;
/** Shorthand for the "line-stacking-ruby" CSS property. */
var lineStackingRuby :String;
/** Shorthand for the "line-stacking-shift" CSS property. */
var lineStackingShift :String;
/** Shorthand for the "line-stacking-strategy" CSS property. */
var lineStackingStrategy :String;
/** Shorthand for the "list-style" CSS property. */
var listStyle :String;
/** Shorthand for the "list-style-image" CSS property. */
var listStyleImage :String;
/** Shorthand for the "list-style-position" CSS property. */
var listStylePosition :String;
/** Shorthand for the "list-style-type" CSS property. */
var listStyleType :String;
/** Shorthand for the "margin" CSS property. */
var margin :String;
/** Shorthand for the "margin-block-end" CSS property. */
var marginBlockEnd :String;
/** Shorthand for the "margin-block-start" CSS property. */
var marginBlockStart :String;
/** Shorthand for the "margin-bottom" CSS property. */
var marginBottom :String;
/** Shorthand for the "margin-inline-end" CSS property. */
var marginInlineEnd :String;
/** Shorthand for the "margin-inline-start" CSS property. */
var marginInlineStart :String;
/** Shorthand for the "margin-left" CSS property. */
var marginLeft :String;
/** Shorthand for the "margin-right" CSS property. */
var marginRight :String;
/** Shorthand for the "margin-top" CSS property. */
var marginTop :String;
/** Shorthand for the "marker" CSS property. */
var marker :String;
/** Shorthand for the "marker-end" CSS property. */
var markerEnd :String;
/** Shorthand for the "marker-mid" CSS property. */
var markerMid :String;
/** Shorthand for the "marker-offset" CSS property. */
var markerOffset :String;
/** Shorthand for the "marker-side" CSS property. */
var markerSide :String;
/** Shorthand for the "marker-start" CSS property. */
var markerStart :String;
/** Shorthand for the "marks" CSS property. */
var marks :String;
/** Shorthand for the "mask" CSS property. */
var mask :String;
/** Shorthand for the "mask-box" CSS property. */
var maskBox :String;
/** Shorthand for the "mask-box-outset" CSS property. */
var maskBoxOutset :String;
/** Shorthand for the "mask-box-repeat" CSS property. */
var maskBoxRepeat :String;
/** Shorthand for the "mask-box-slice" CSS property. */
var maskBoxSlice :String;
/** Shorthand for the "mask-box-source" CSS property. */
var maskBoxSource :String;
/** Shorthand for the "mask-box-width" CSS property. */
var maskBoxWidth :String;
/** Shorthand for the "mask-clip" CSS property. */
var maskClip :String;
/** Shorthand for the "mask-composite" CSS property. */
var maskComposite :String;
/** Shorthand for the "mask-image" CSS property. */
var maskImage :String;
/** Shorthand for the "mask-mode" CSS property. */
var maskMode :String;
/** Shorthand for the "mask-origin" CSS property. */
var maskOrigin :String;
/** Shorthand for the "mask-position" CSS property. */
var maskPosition :String;
/** Shorthand for the "mask-position-x" CSS property. */
var maskPositionX :String;
/** Shorthand for the "mask-position-y" CSS property. */
var maskPositionY :String;
/** Shorthand for the "mask-repeat" CSS property. */
var maskRepeat :String;
/** Shorthand for the "mask-size" CSS property. */
var maskSize :String;
/** Shorthand for the "mask-source-type" CSS property. */
var maskSourceType :String;
/** Shorthand for the "mask-type" CSS property. */
var maskType :String;
/** Shorthand for the "max-block-size" CSS property. */
var maxBlockSize :String;
/** Shorthand for the "max-height" CSS property. */
var maxHeight :String;
/** Shorthand for the "max-inline-size" CSS property. */
var maxInlineSize :String;
/** Shorthand for the "max-lines" CSS property. */
var maxLines :String;
/** Shorthand for the "max-width" CSS property. */
var maxWidth :String;
/** Shorthand for the "max-zoom" CSS property. */
var maxZoom :String;
/** Shorthand for the "min-block-size" CSS property. */
var minBlockSize :String;
/** Shorthand for the "min-height" CSS property. */
var minHeight :String;
/** Shorthand for the "min-inline-size" CSS property. */
var minInlineSize :String;
/** Shorthand for the "min-width" CSS property. */
var minWidth :String;
/** Shorthand for the "min-zoom" CSS property. */
var minZoom :String;
/** Shorthand for the "mix-blend-mode" CSS property. */
var mixBlendMode :String;
/** Shorthand for the "move-to" CSS property. */
var moveTo :String;
/** Shorthand for the "nav-down" CSS property. */
var navDown :String;
/** Shorthand for the "nav-index" CSS property. */
var navIndex :String;
/** Shorthand for the "nav-left" CSS property. */
var navLeft :String;
/** Shorthand for the "nav-right" CSS property. */
var navRight :String;
/** Shorthand for the "nav-up" CSS property. */
var navUp :String;
/** Shorthand for the "object-fit" CSS property. */
var objectFit :String;
/** Shorthand for the "object-position" CSS property. */
var objectPosition :String;
/** Shorthand for the "offset" CSS property. */
var offset :String;
/** Shorthand for the "offset-block-end" CSS property. */
var offsetBlockEnd :String;
/** Shorthand for the "offset-block-start" CSS property. */
var offsetBlockStart :String;
/** Shorthand for the "offset-distance" CSS property. */
var offsetDistance :String;
/** Shorthand for the "offset-inline-end" CSS property. */
var offsetInlineEnd :String;
/** Shorthand for the "offset-inline-start" CSS property. */
var offsetInlineStart :String;
/** Shorthand for the "offset-path" CSS property. */
var offsetPath :String;
/** Shorthand for the "offset-rotate" CSS property. */
var offsetRotate :String;
/** Shorthand for the "opacity" CSS property. */
var opacity :String;
/** Shorthand for the "order" CSS property. */
var order :String;
/** Shorthand for the "orientation" CSS property. */
var orientation :String;
/** Shorthand for the "orphans" CSS property. */
var orphans :String;
/** Shorthand for the "outline" CSS property. */
var outline :String;
/** Shorthand for the "outline-color" CSS property. */
var outlineColor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "outline-offset" CSS property. */
var outlineOffset :String;
/** Shorthand for the "outline-style" CSS property. */
var outlineStyle :String;
/** Shorthand for the "outline-width" CSS property. */
var outlineWidth :String;
/** Shorthand for the "overflow" CSS property. */
var overflow :String;
/** Shorthand for the "overflow-anchor" CSS property. */
var overflowAnchor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "overflow-wrap" CSS property. */
var overflowWrap :String;
/** Shorthand for the "overflow-x" CSS property. */
var overflowX :String;
/** Shorthand for the "overflow-y" CSS property. */
var overflowY :String;
/** Shorthand for the "overscroll-behavior" CSS property. */
var overscrollBehavior :String;
/** Shorthand for the "overscroll-behavior-x" CSS property. */
var overscrollBehaviorX :String;
/** Shorthand for the "overscroll-behavior-y" CSS property. */
var overscrollBehaviorY :String;
/** Shorthand for the "padding" CSS property. */
var padding :String;
/** Shorthand for the "padding-block-end" CSS property. */
var paddingBlockEnd :String;
/** Shorthand for the "padding-block-start" CSS property. */
var paddingBlockStart :String;
/** Shorthand for the "padding-bottom" CSS property. */
var paddingBottom :String;
/** Shorthand for the "padding-inline-end" CSS property. */
var paddingInlineEnd :String;
/** Shorthand for the "padding-inline-start" CSS property. */
var paddingInlineStart :String;
/** Shorthand for the "padding-left" CSS property. */
var paddingLeft :String;
/** Shorthand for the "padding-right" CSS property. */
var paddingRight :String;
/** Shorthand for the "padding-top" CSS property. */
var paddingTop :String;
/** Shorthand for the "page" CSS property. */
var page :String;
/** Shorthand for the "page-break-after" CSS property. */
var pageBreakAfter :String;
/** Shorthand for the "page-break-before" CSS property. */
var pageBreakBefore :String;
/** Shorthand for the "page-break-inside" CSS property. */
var pageBreakInside :String;
/** Shorthand for the "page-policy" CSS property. */
var pagePolicy :String;
/** Shorthand for the "paint-order" CSS property. */
var paintOrder :String;
/** Shorthand for the "pause" CSS property. */
var pause :String;
/** Shorthand for the "pause-after" CSS property. */
var pauseAfter :String;
/** Shorthand for the "pause-before" CSS property. */
var pauseBefore :String;
/** Shorthand for the "perspective" CSS property. */
var perspective :String;
/** Shorthand for the "perspective-origin" CSS property. */
var perspectiveOrigin :String;
/** Shorthand for the "pitch" CSS property. */
var pitch :String;
/** Shorthand for the "pitch-range" CSS property. */
var pitchRange :String;
/** Shorthand for the "place-content" CSS property. */
var placeContent :String;
/** Shorthand for the "place-items" CSS property. */
var placeItems :String;
/** Shorthand for the "place-self" CSS property. */
var placeSelf :String;
/** Shorthand for the "play-during" CSS property. */
var playDuring :String;
/** Shorthand for the "pointer-events" CSS property. */
var pointerEvents :String;
/** Shorthand for the "position" CSS property. */
var position :String;
/** Shorthand for the "presentation-level" CSS property. */
var presentationLevel :String;
/** Shorthand for the "quotes" CSS property. */
var quotes :String;
/** Shorthand for the "r" CSS property. */
var r :String;
/** Shorthand for the "region-fragment" CSS property. */
var regionFragment :String;
/** Shorthand for the "resize" CSS property. */
var resize :String;
/** Shorthand for the "rest" CSS property. */
var rest :String;
/** Shorthand for the "rest-after" CSS property. */
var restAfter :String;
/** Shorthand for the "rest-before" CSS property. */
var restBefore :String;
/** Shorthand for the "richness" CSS property. */
var richness :String;
/** Shorthand for the "right" CSS property. */
var right :String;
/** Shorthand for the "rotation" CSS property. */
var rotation :String;
/** Shorthand for the "rotation-point" CSS property. */
var rotationPoint :String;
/** Shorthand for the "row-gap" CSS property. */
var rowGap :String;
/** Shorthand for the "ruby-align" CSS property. */
var rubyAlign :String;
/** Shorthand for the "ruby-merge" CSS property. */
var rubyMerge :String;
/** Shorthand for the "ruby-position" CSS property. */
var rubyPosition :String;
/** Shorthand for the "rx" CSS property. */
var rx :String;
/** Shorthand for the "ry" CSS property. */
var ry :String;
/** Shorthand for the "scroll-behavior" CSS property. */
var scrollBehavior :String;
/** Shorthand for the "scroll-snap-coordinate" CSS property. */
var scrollSnapCoordinate :String;
/** Shorthand for the "scroll-snap-destination" CSS property. */
var scrollSnapDestination :String;
/** Shorthand for the "scroll-snap-points-x" CSS property. */
var scrollSnapPointsX :String;
/** Shorthand for the "scroll-snap-points-y" CSS property. */
var scrollSnapPointsY :String;
/** Shorthand for the "scroll-snap-type" CSS property. */
var scrollSnapType :String;
/** Shorthand for the "scroll-snap-type-x" CSS property. */
var scrollSnapTypeX :String;
/** Shorthand for the "scroll-snap-type-y" CSS property. */
var scrollSnapTypeY :String;
/** Shorthand for the "shape-image-threshold" CSS property. */
var shapeImageThreshold :String;
/** Shorthand for the "shape-margin" CSS property. */
var shapeMargin :String;
/** Shorthand for the "shape-outside" CSS property. */
var shapeOutside :String;
/** Shorthand for the "shape-rendering" CSS property. */
var shapeRendering :String;
/** Shorthand for the "size" CSS property. */
var size :String;
/** Shorthand for the "speak" CSS property. */
var speak :String;
/** Shorthand for the "speak-as" CSS property. */
var speakAs :String;
/** Shorthand for the "speak-header" CSS property. */
var speakHeader :String;
/** Shorthand for the "speak-numeral" CSS property. */
var speakNumeral :String;
/** Shorthand for the "speak-punctuation" CSS property. */
var speakPunctuation :String;
/** Shorthand for the "speech-rate" CSS property. */
var speechRate :String;
/** Shorthand for the "src" CSS property. */
var src :String;
/** Shorthand for the "stop-color" CSS property. */
var stopColor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "stop-opacity" CSS property. */
var stopOpacity :String;
/** Shorthand for the "stress" CSS property. */
var stress :String;
/** Shorthand for the "string-set" CSS property. */
var stringSet :String;
/** Shorthand for the "stroke" CSS property. */
var stroke :String;
/** Shorthand for the "stroke-dasharray" CSS property. */
var strokeDasharray :String;
/** Shorthand for the "stroke-dashoffset" CSS property. */
var strokeDashoffset :String;
/** Shorthand for the "stroke-linecap" CSS property. */
var strokeLinecap :String;
/** Shorthand for the "stroke-linejoin" CSS property. */
var strokeLinejoin :String;
/** Shorthand for the "stroke-miterlimit" CSS property. */
var strokeMiterlimit :String;
/** Shorthand for the "stroke-opacity" CSS property. */
var strokeOpacity :String;
/** Shorthand for the "stroke-width" CSS property. */
var strokeWidth :String;
/** Shorthand for the "tab-size" CSS property. */
var tabSize :String;
/** Shorthand for the "table-layout" CSS property. */
var tableLayout :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-align" CSS property. */
var textAlign :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-align-last" CSS property. */
var textAlignLast :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-anchor" CSS property. */
var textAnchor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-combine-upright" CSS property. */
var textCombineUpright :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-decoration" CSS property. */
var textDecoration :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-decoration-color" CSS property. */
var textDecorationColor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-decoration-line" CSS property. */
var textDecorationLine :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-decoration-skip" CSS property. */
var textDecorationSkip :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-decoration-skip-ink" CSS property. */
var textDecorationSkipInk :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-decoration-style" CSS property. */
var textDecorationStyle :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-emphasis" CSS property. */
var textEmphasis :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-emphasis-color" CSS property. */
var textEmphasisColor :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-emphasis-position" CSS property. */
var textEmphasisPosition :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-emphasis-style" CSS property. */
var textEmphasisStyle :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-height" CSS property. */
var textHeight :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-indent" CSS property. */
var textIndent :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-justify" CSS property. */
var textJustify :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-orientation" CSS property. */
var textOrientation :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-overflow" CSS property. */
var textOverflow :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-rendering" CSS property. */
var textRendering :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-shadow" CSS property. */
var textShadow :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-size-adjust" CSS property. */
var textSizeAdjust :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-space-collapse" CSS property. */
var textSpaceCollapse :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-transform" CSS property. */
var textTransform :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-underline-position" CSS property. */
var textUnderlinePosition :String;
/** Shorthand for the "text-wrap" CSS property. */
var textWrap :String;
/** Shorthand for the "top" CSS property. */
var top :String;
/** Shorthand for the "touch-action" CSS property. */
var touchAction :String;
/** Shorthand for the "transform" CSS property. */
var transform :String;
/** Shorthand for the "transform-box" CSS property. */
var transformBox :String;
/** Shorthand for the "transform-origin" CSS property. */
var transformOrigin :String;
/** Shorthand for the "transform-style" CSS property. */
var transformStyle :String;
/** Shorthand for the "transition" CSS property. */
var transition :String;
/** Shorthand for the "transition-delay" CSS property. */
var transitionDelay :String;
/** Shorthand for the "transition-duration" CSS property. */
var transitionDuration :String;
/** Shorthand for the "transition-property" CSS property. */
var transitionProperty :String;
/** Shorthand for the "transition-timing-function" CSS property. */
var transitionTimingFunction :String;
/** Shorthand for the "unicode-bidi" CSS property. */
var unicodeBidi :String;
/** Shorthand for the "unicode-range" CSS property. */
var unicodeRange :String;
/** Shorthand for the "user-select" CSS property. */
var userSelect :String;
/** Shorthand for the "user-zoom" CSS property. */
var userZoom :String;
/** Shorthand for the "vector-effect" CSS property. */
var vectorEffect :String;
/** Shorthand for the "vertical-align" CSS property. */
var verticalAlign :String;
/** Shorthand for the "visibility" CSS property. */
var visibility :String;
/** Shorthand for the "voice-balance" CSS property. */
var voiceBalance :String;
/** Shorthand for the "voice-duration" CSS property. */
var voiceDuration :String;
/** Shorthand for the "voice-family" CSS property. */
var voiceFamily :String;
/** Shorthand for the "voice-pitch" CSS property. */
var voicePitch :String;
/** Shorthand for the "voice-range" CSS property. */
var voiceRange :String;
/** Shorthand for the "voice-rate" CSS property. */
var voiceRate :String;
/** Shorthand for the "voice-stress" CSS property. */
var voiceStress :String;
/** Shorthand for the "voice-volume" CSS property. */
var voiceVolume :String;
/** Shorthand for the "volume" CSS property. */
var volume :String;
/** Shorthand for the "white-space" CSS property. */
var whiteSpace :String;
/** Shorthand for the "widows" CSS property. */
var widows :String;
/** Shorthand for the "width" CSS property. */
var width :String;
/** Shorthand for the "will-change" CSS property. */
var willChange :String;
/** Shorthand for the "word-break" CSS property. */
var wordBreak :String;
/** Shorthand for the "word-spacing" CSS property. */
var wordSpacing :String;
/** Shorthand for the "word-wrap" CSS property. */
var wordWrap :String;
/** Shorthand for the "wrap-flow" CSS property. */
var wrapFlow :String;
/** Shorthand for the "wrap-through" CSS property. */
var wrapThrough :String;
/** Shorthand for the "writing-mode" CSS property. */
var writingMode :String;
/** Shorthand for the "x" CSS property. */
var x :String;
/** Shorthand for the "y" CSS property. */
var y :String;
/** Shorthand for the "z-index" CSS property. */
var zIndex :String;
/** Shorthand for the "zoom" CSS property. */
var zoom :String;
function item( index : Int ) : String;
/** @throws DOMError */
function getPropertyValue( property : String ) : String;
function getPropertyPriority( property : String ) : String;
/** @throws DOMError */
function setProperty( property : String, value : String, priority : String = "" ) : Void;
/** @throws DOMError */
function removeProperty( property : String ) : String;