forked from LeenkxTeam/LNXSDK
459 lines
14 KiB
459 lines
14 KiB
// =============================================================================
// audioCallback() is roughly based on
// =============================================================================
package aura;
import haxe.Exception;
import haxe.ds.Vector;
import kha.Assets;
import kha.SystemImpl;
import kha.arrays.Float32Array;
import aura.channels.Html5StreamChannel;
import aura.channels.MixChannel;
import aura.channels.UncompBufferChannel;
import aura.channels.UncompBufferResamplingChannel;
import aura.channels.StreamChannel;
import aura.format.mhr.MHRReader;
import aura.threading.BufferCache;
import aura.types.AudioBuffer;
import aura.types.HRTF;
import aura.utils.Assert;
import aura.utils.BufferUtils.clearBuffer;
import aura.utils.MathUtils;
import aura.utils.Profiler;
import aura.utils.Pointer;
// Convenience typedefs to auto-import them with this module
typedef BaseChannelHandle = aura.channels.BaseChannel.BaseChannelHandle;
typedef UncompBufferChannelHandle = aura.channels.UncompBufferChannel.UncompBufferChannelHandle;
typedef MixChannelHandle = aura.channels.MixChannel.MixChannelHandle;
class Aura {
public static var options(default, null): Null<AuraOptions> = null;
public static var sampleRate(default, null): Int;
public static var lastBufferSize(default, null): Int = 0;
public static var listener: Listener;
public static final mixChannels = new Map<String, MixChannelHandle>();
public static var masterChannel(default, null): MixChannelHandle;
static inline var BLOCK_SIZE = 1024;
static inline var NUM_OUTPUT_CHANNELS = 2;
static var p_samplesBuffer = new Pointer<Float32Array>(null);
static var blockBuffer = new AudioBuffer(NUM_OUTPUT_CHANNELS, BLOCK_CHANNEL_SIZE);
static var blockBufPos = 0;
static final hrtfs = new Map<String, HRTF>();
public static function init(?options: AuraOptions) {
sampleRate = kha.audio2.Audio.samplesPerSecond;
assert(Critical, sampleRate != 0, "sampleRate must not be 0!");
Aura.options = AuraOptions.addDefaults(options);
@:privateAccess MixChannel.channelSize = Aura.options.channelSize;
listener = new Listener();
// Create a few preconfigured mix channels
masterChannel = createMixChannel("master");
#if (kha_html5 || kha_debug_html5)
if ( {
// kha.js.MobileWebAudio doesn't support a custom audio callback, so
// manually synchronize all tracks here (note that because of this
// limitation there are no insert effects supported for mobile audio)
kha.Scheduler.addTimeTask(masterChannel.getMixChannel().synchronize, 0, 1/60);
else {
kha.audio2.Audio.audioCallback = audioCallback;
#if (kha_html5 || kha_debug_html5)
#if (kha_html5 || kha_debug_html5)
// Check if virtual html5 stream channels can be made physical
kha.Scheduler.addBreakableTimeTask(() -> {
if (kha.SystemImpl.mobileAudioPlaying) {
return BreakTask;
return ContinueTask;
}, 0, 1/60);
kha.System.notifyOnApplicationState(null, null, null, null, () -> {
Load all assets listed in the given `loadConfig`.
If all assets are loaded successfully, `done` is called.
For each asset that fails to be loaded, `failed` is called if it
is passed to this function.
If `onProgress` is passed to this function, it is called for each
successfully loaded asset with the number of successfully loaded assets
so far including the current asset (first parameter), the number
of assets in the `loadConfig` (second parameter), as well as the name
of the current asset (third parameter).
public static function loadAssets(loadConfig: AuraLoadConfig, done: Void->Void, ?failed: Void->Void, ?onProgress:Int->Int->String->Void) {
final length = loadConfig.getEntryCount();
var count = 0;
for (soundName in loadConfig.compressed) {
if (!doesSoundExist(soundName)) {
onLoadingError(null, failed, soundName);
Assets.loadSound(soundName, (sound: kha.Sound) -> {
#if !kha_krom // Krom only uses uncompressedData
if (sound.compressedData == null) {
throw 'Cannot compress already uncompressed sound ${soundName}!';
if (onProgress != null) {
onProgress(count, length, soundName);
if (count == length) {
}, (error: kha.AssetError) -> { onLoadingError(error, failed, soundName); });
for (soundName in loadConfig.uncompressed) {
if (!doesSoundExist(soundName)) {
onLoadingError(null, failed, soundName);
Assets.loadSound(soundName, (sound: kha.Sound) -> {
if (sound.uncompressedData == null) {
sound.uncompress(() -> {
if (onProgress != null) {
onProgress(count, length, soundName);
if (count == length) {
else {
if (onProgress != null) {
onProgress(count, length, soundName);
if (count == length) {
}, (error: kha.AssetError) -> { onLoadingError(error, failed, soundName); });
for (hrtfName in loadConfig.hrtf) {
if (!doesBlobExist(hrtfName)) {
onLoadingError(null, failed, hrtfName);
Assets.loadBlob(hrtfName, (blob: kha.Blob) -> {
var hrtf: HRTF;
try {
hrtf =;
catch (e: Exception) {
trace('Could not load hrtf $hrtfName: ${e.details()}');
if (failed != null) {
hrtfs[hrtfName] = hrtf;
if (onProgress != null) {
onProgress(count, length, hrtfName);
if (count == length) {
}, (error: kha.AssetError) -> { onLoadingError(error, failed, hrtfName); });
static function onLoadingError(error: Null<kha.AssetError>, failed: Null<Void->Void>, assetName: String) {
final errorInfo = error == null ? "" : "\nOriginal error: " + error.url + "..." + error.error;
'Could not load asset "$assetName", make sure that all assets are named\n'
+ " correctly and that they are included in the khafile.js."
+ errorInfo
if (failed != null) {
Returns whether a sound exists and can be loaded.
public static inline function doesSoundExist(soundName: String): Bool {
// Use reflection instead of Asset.sounds.get() to prevent errors on
// static targets. A sound's description is the sound's entry in
// files.json and not a kha.Sound, but get() returns a sound which would
// lead to a invalid cast exception.
// Relying on Kha internals ("Description" as name) is bad, but there is
// no good alternative...
return Reflect.field(Assets.sounds, soundName + "Description") != null;
Returns whether a blob exists and can be loaded.
public static inline function doesBlobExist(blobName: String): Bool {
return Reflect.field(Assets.blobs, blobName + "Description") != null;
public static inline function getSound(soundName: String): Null<kha.Sound> {
return Assets.sounds.get(soundName);
public static inline function getHRTF(hrtfName: String): Null<HRTF> {
return hrtfs.get(hrtfName);
Create a new audio channel to play an uncompressed and pre-loaded sound, and return a main-thread handle object to the newly created channel.
The playback of the newly created channel does not start automatically.
@param sound The _uncompressed_ sound to play by the created channel
@param loop Whether to loop the playback of the channel
@param mixChannelHandle (Optional) A handle for the `MixChannel`
to which to route the audio output of the newly created channel.
If the parameter is `null` (default), route the channel's output
to the master channel
@return A main-thread handle to the newly created channel, or `null`
if the created channel could not be assigned to the given mix channel
(e.g. in case of circular dependencies)
public static function createUncompBufferChannel(sound: kha.Sound, loop: Bool = false, mixChannelHandle: Null<MixChannelHandle> = null): Null<UncompBufferChannelHandle> {
assert(Critical, sound.uncompressedData != null,
"Cannot play a sound with no uncompressed data. Make sure to load it as 'uncompressed' in the AuraLoadConfig."
if (mixChannelHandle == null) {
mixChannelHandle = masterChannel;
// TODO: Like Kha, only use resampling channel if pitch is used or if samplerate of sound and system differs
final newChannel = new UncompBufferResamplingChannel(sound.uncompressedData, loop, sound.sampleRate);
final handle = new UncompBufferChannelHandle(newChannel);
final foundChannel = handle.setMixChannel(mixChannelHandle);
return foundChannel ? handle : null;
Create a new audio channel to play a compressed and pre-loaded sound, and return a main-thread handle object to the newly created channel.
The playback of the newly created channel does not start automatically.
@param sound The _compressed_ sound to play by the created channel
@param loop Whether to loop the playback of the channel
@param mixChannelHandle (Optional) A handle for the `MixChannel`
to which to route the audio output of the newly created channel.
If the parameter is `null` (default), route the channel's output
to the master channel
@return A main-thread handle to the newly created channel, or `null`
if the created channel could not be assigned to the given mix channel
(e.g. in case of circular dependencies)
public static function createCompBufferChannel(sound: kha.Sound, loop: Bool = false, mixChannelHandle: Null<MixChannelHandle> = null): Null<BaseChannelHandle> {
#if kha_krom
// Krom only uses uncompressedData -> no streaming
return createUncompBufferChannel(sound, loop, mixChannelHandle);
assert(Critical, sound.compressedData != null,
"Cannot stream a sound with no compressed data. Make sure to load it as 'compressed' in the AuraLoadConfig."
if (mixChannelHandle == null) {
mixChannelHandle = masterChannel;
#if (kha_html5 || kha_debug_html5)
final newChannel = ? new Html5MobileStreamChannel(sound, loop) : new Html5StreamChannel(sound, loop);
final khaChannel: Null<kha.audio1.AudioChannel> =, loop);
if (khaChannel == null) {
return null;
final newChannel = new StreamChannel(cast khaChannel);
final handle = new BaseChannelHandle(newChannel);
final foundChannel = handle.setMixChannel(mixChannelHandle);
return foundChannel ? handle : null;
Create a `MixChannel` to control a group of other channels together.
@param name Optional name. If not empty, the name can be used later to
retrieve the channel handle via `Aura.mixChannels[name]`.
public static inline function createMixChannel(name: String = ""): MixChannelHandle {
final handle = new MixChannelHandle(new MixChannel());
if (name != "") {
assert(Error, !mixChannels.exists(name), 'MixChannel with name $name already exists!');
mixChannels[name] = handle;
| = name;
return handle;
Mixes all sub channels and sounds in this channel together.
Based on `kha.audio2.Audio1.mix()`.
@param samplesBox Wrapper that holds the amount of requested samples.
@param buffer The buffer into which to write the output samples.
static function audioCallback(samplesBox: kha.internal.IntBox, buffer: kha.audio2.Buffer): Void {
final samplesRequested = samplesBox.value;
Aura.lastBufferSize = samplesRequested;
if (!BufferCache.getBuffer(TFloat32Array, p_samplesBuffer, 1, samplesRequested)) {
for (_ in 0...samplesRequested) {
|, 0);
buffer.writeLocation += 1;
if (buffer.writeLocation >= buffer.size) {
buffer.writeLocation = 0;
// At this point we can be sure that sampleCache is not null
final sampleCache = p_samplesBuffer.get();
// Copy reference to masterChannel for some more thread safety.
// TODO: Investigate if other solutions are required here
var master: MixChannel = masterChannel.getMixChannel();
var samplesWritten = 0;
// The blockBuffer still has some values from the last audioCallback
// invocation that haven't been written to the sampleCache yet
if (blockBufPos != 0) {
final samplesToWrite = minI(samplesRequested, BLOCK_SIZE - blockBufPos);
blockBuffer.interleaveToFloat32Array(sampleCache, / NUM_OUTPUT_CHANNELS), 0, / NUM_OUTPUT_CHANNELS));
samplesWritten += samplesToWrite;
blockBufPos += samplesToWrite;
if (blockBufPos >= BLOCK_SIZE) {
blockBufPos = 0;
while (samplesWritten < samplesRequested) {
master.nextSamples(blockBuffer, buffer.samplesPerSecond);
final samplesStillWritable = minI(samplesRequested - samplesWritten, BLOCK_SIZE);
blockBuffer.interleaveToFloat32Array(sampleCache, 0, samplesWritten, / NUM_OUTPUT_CHANNELS));
samplesWritten += samplesStillWritable;
blockBufPos += samplesStillWritable;
if (blockBufPos >= BLOCK_SIZE) {
blockBufPos = 0;
for (i in 0...samplesRequested) {
// Write clamped samples to final buffer
|, maxF(minF(sampleCache[i], 1.0), -1.0));
buffer.writeLocation += 1;
if (buffer.writeLocation >= buffer.size) {
buffer.writeLocation = 0;
class AuraLoadConfig {
public final compressed: Array<String> = [];
public final uncompressed: Array<String> = [];
public final hrtf: Array<String> = [];
inline function getEntryCount(): Int {
return compressed.length + uncompressed.length + hrtf.length;
class AuraOptions {
@:optional public var channelSize: Null<Int>;
public static function addDefaults(options: Null<AuraOptions>) {
if (options == null) { options = {}; }
if (options.channelSize == null) { options.channelSize = 16; }
return options;
private enum abstract BreakableTaskStatus(Bool) to Bool {
var BreakTask = false;
var ContinueTask = true;