forked from LeenkxTeam/LNXSDK
2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00

581 lines
17 KiB

from .maxrects import MaxRectsBssf
import operator
import itertools
import collections
import decimal
# Float to Decimal helper
def float2dec(ft, decimal_digits):
Convert float (or int) to Decimal (rounding up) with the
requested number of decimal digits.
ft (float, int): Number to convert
decimal (int): Number of digits after decimal point
Decimal: Number converted to decima
with decimal.localcontext() as ctx:
ctx.rounding = decimal.ROUND_UP
places = decimal.Decimal(10)**(-decimal_digits)
return decimal.Decimal.from_float(float(ft)).quantize(places)
# Sorting algos for rectangle lists
SORT_AREA = lambda rectlist: sorted(rectlist, reverse=True,
key=lambda r: r[0]*r[1]) # Sort by area
SORT_PERI = lambda rectlist: sorted(rectlist, reverse=True,
key=lambda r: r[0]+r[1]) # Sort by perimeter
SORT_DIFF = lambda rectlist: sorted(rectlist, reverse=True,
key=lambda r: abs(r[0]-r[1])) # Sort by Diff
SORT_SSIDE = lambda rectlist: sorted(rectlist, reverse=True,
key=lambda r: (min(r[0], r[1]), max(r[0], r[1]))) # Sort by short side
SORT_LSIDE = lambda rectlist: sorted(rectlist, reverse=True,
key=lambda r: (max(r[0], r[1]), min(r[0], r[1]))) # Sort by long side
SORT_RATIO = lambda rectlist: sorted(rectlist, reverse=True,
key=lambda r: r[0]/r[1]) # Sort by side ratio
SORT_NONE = lambda rectlist: list(rectlist) # Unsorted
class BinFactory(object):
def __init__(self, width, height, count, pack_algo, *args, **kwargs):
self._width = width
self._height = height
self._count = count
self._pack_algo = pack_algo
self._algo_kwargs = kwargs
self._algo_args = args
self._ref_bin = None # Reference bin used to calculate fitness
self._bid = kwargs.get("bid", None)
def _create_bin(self):
return self._pack_algo(self._width, self._height, *self._algo_args, **self._algo_kwargs)
def is_empty(self):
return self._count<1
def fitness(self, width, height):
if not self._ref_bin:
self._ref_bin = self._create_bin()
return self._ref_bin.fitness(width, height)
def fits_inside(self, width, height):
# Determine if rectangle widthxheight will fit into empty bin
if not self._ref_bin:
self._ref_bin = self._create_bin()
return self._ref_bin._fits_surface(width, height)
def new_bin(self):
if self._count > 0:
self._count -= 1
return self._create_bin()
return None
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._width*self._height == other._width*other._height
def __lt__(self, other):
return self._width*self._height < other._width*other._height
def __str__(self):
return "Bin: {} {} {}".format(self._width, self._height, self._count)
class PackerBNFMixin(object):
BNF (Bin Next Fit): Only one open bin at a time. If the rectangle
doesn't fit, close the current bin and go to the next.
def add_rect(self, width, height, rid=None):
while True:
# if there are no open bins, try to open a new one
if len(self._open_bins)==0:
# can we find an unopened bin that will hold this rect?
new_bin = self._new_open_bin(width, height, rid=rid)
if new_bin is None:
return None
# we have at least one open bin, so check if it can hold this rect
rect = self._open_bins[0].add_rect(width, height, rid=rid)
if rect is not None:
return rect
# since the rect doesn't fit, close this bin and try again
closed_bin = self._open_bins.popleft()
class PackerBFFMixin(object):
BFF (Bin First Fit): Pack rectangle in first bin it fits
def add_rect(self, width, height, rid=None):
# see if this rect will fit in any of the open bins
for b in self._open_bins:
rect = b.add_rect(width, height, rid=rid)
if rect is not None:
return rect
while True:
# can we find an unopened bin that will hold this rect?
new_bin = self._new_open_bin(width, height, rid=rid)
if new_bin is None:
return None
# _new_open_bin may return a bin that's too small,
# so we have to double-check
rect = new_bin.add_rect(width, height, rid=rid)
if rect is not None:
return rect
class PackerBBFMixin(object):
BBF (Bin Best Fit): Pack rectangle in bin that gives best fitness
# only create this getter once
first_item = operator.itemgetter(0)
def add_rect(self, width, height, rid=None):
# Try packing into open bins
fit = ((b.fitness(width, height), b) for b in self._open_bins)
fit = (b for b in fit if b[0] is not None)
_, best_bin = min(fit, key=self.first_item)
best_bin.add_rect(width, height, rid)
return True
except ValueError:
# Try packing into one of the empty bins
while True:
# can we find an unopened bin that will hold this rect?
new_bin = self._new_open_bin(width, height, rid=rid)
if new_bin is None:
return False
# _new_open_bin may return a bin that's too small,
# so we have to double-check
if new_bin.add_rect(width, height, rid):
return True
class PackerOnline(object):
Rectangles are packed as soon are they are added
def __init__(self, pack_algo=MaxRectsBssf, rotation=True):
pack_algo (PackingAlgorithm): What packing algo to use
rotation (bool): Enable/Disable rectangle rotation
self._rotation = rotation
self._pack_algo = pack_algo
def __iter__(self):
return itertools.chain(self._closed_bins, self._open_bins)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._closed_bins)+len(self._open_bins)
def __getitem__(self, key):
Return bin in selected position. (excluding empty bins)
if not isinstance(key, int):
raise TypeError("Indices must be integers")
size = len(self) # avoid recalulations
if key < 0:
key += size
if not 0 <= key < size:
raise IndexError("Index out of range")
if key < len(self._closed_bins):
return self._closed_bins[key]
return self._open_bins[key-len(self._closed_bins)]
def _new_open_bin(self, width=None, height=None, rid=None):
Extract the next empty bin and append it to open bins
PackingAlgorithm: Initialized empty packing bin.
None: No bin big enough for the rectangle was found
factories_to_delete = set() #
new_bin = None
for key, binfac in self._empty_bins.items():
# Only return the new bin if the rect fits.
# (If width or height is None, caller doesn't know the size.)
if not binfac.fits_inside(width, height):
# Create bin and add to open_bins
new_bin = binfac.new_bin()
if new_bin is None:
# If the factory was depleted mark for deletion
if binfac.is_empty():
# Delete marked factories
for f in factories_to_delete:
del self._empty_bins[f]
return new_bin
def add_bin(self, width, height, count=1, **kwargs):
# accept the same parameters as PackingAlgorithm objects
kwargs['rot'] = self._rotation
bin_factory = BinFactory(width, height, count, self._pack_algo, **kwargs)
self._empty_bins[next(self._bin_count)] = bin_factory
def rect_list(self):
rectangles = []
bin_count = 0
for abin in self:
for rect in abin:
rectangles.append((bin_count, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, rect.rid))
bin_count += 1
return rectangles
def bin_list(self):
Return a list of the dimmensions of the bins in use, that is closed
or open containing at least one rectangle
return [(b.width, b.height) for b in self]
def validate_packing(self):
for b in self:
def reset(self):
# Bins fully packed and closed.
self._closed_bins = collections.deque()
# Bins ready to pack rectangles
self._open_bins = collections.deque()
# User provided bins not in current use
self._empty_bins = collections.OrderedDict() # O(1) deletion of arbitrary elem
self._bin_count = itertools.count()
class Packer(PackerOnline):
Rectangles aren't packed untils pack() is called
def __init__(self, pack_algo=MaxRectsBssf, sort_algo=SORT_NONE,
super(Packer, self).__init__(pack_algo=pack_algo, rotation=rotation)
self._sort_algo = sort_algo
# User provided bins and Rectangles
self._avail_bins = collections.deque()
self._avail_rect = collections.deque()
# Aux vars used during packing
self._sorted_rect = []
def add_bin(self, width, height, count=1, **kwargs):
self._avail_bins.append((width, height, count, kwargs))
def add_rect(self, width, height, rid=None):
self._avail_rect.append((width, height, rid))
def _is_everything_ready(self):
return self._avail_rect and self._avail_bins
def pack(self):
if not self._is_everything_ready():
# maybe we should throw an error here?
# Add available bins to packer
for b in self._avail_bins:
width, height, count, extra_kwargs = b
super(Packer, self).add_bin(width, height, count, **extra_kwargs)
# If enabled sort rectangles
self._sorted_rect = self._sort_algo(self._avail_rect)
# Start packing
for r in self._sorted_rect:
super(Packer, self).add_rect(*r)
class PackerBNF(Packer, PackerBNFMixin):
BNF (Bin Next Fit): Only one open bin, if rectangle doesn't fit
go to next bin and close current one.
class PackerBFF(Packer, PackerBFFMixin):
BFF (Bin First Fit): Pack rectangle in first bin it fits
class PackerBBF(Packer, PackerBBFMixin):
BBF (Bin Best Fit): Pack rectangle in bin that gives best fitness
class PackerOnlineBNF(PackerOnline, PackerBNFMixin):
BNF Bin Next Fit Online variant
class PackerOnlineBFF(PackerOnline, PackerBFFMixin):
BFF Bin First Fit Online variant
class PackerOnlineBBF(PackerOnline, PackerBBFMixin):
BBF Bin Best Fit Online variant
class PackerGlobal(Packer, PackerBNFMixin):
GLOBAL: For each bin pack the rectangle with the best fitness.
first_item = operator.itemgetter(0)
def __init__(self, pack_algo=MaxRectsBssf, rotation=True):
super(PackerGlobal, self).__init__(pack_algo=pack_algo,
sort_algo=SORT_NONE, rotation=rotation)
def _find_best_fit(self, pbin):
Return best fitness rectangle from rectangles packing _sorted_rect list
pbin (PackingAlgorithm): Packing bin
key of the rectangle with best fitness
fit = ((pbin.fitness(r[0], r[1]), k) for k, r in self._sorted_rect.items())
fit = (f for f in fit if f[0] is not None)
_, rect = min(fit, key=self.first_item)
return rect
except ValueError:
return None
def _new_open_bin(self, remaining_rect):
Extract the next bin where at least one of the rectangles in
remaining_rect (dict): rectangles not placed yet
PackingAlgorithm: Initialized empty packing bin.
None: No bin big enough for the rectangle was found
factories_to_delete = set() #
new_bin = None
for key, binfac in self._empty_bins.items():
# Only return the new bin if at least one of the remaining
# rectangles fit inside.
a_rectangle_fits = False
for _, rect in remaining_rect.items():
if binfac.fits_inside(rect[0], rect[1]):
a_rectangle_fits = True
if not a_rectangle_fits:
# Create bin and add to open_bins
new_bin = binfac.new_bin()
if new_bin is None:
# If the factory was depleted mark for deletion
if binfac.is_empty():
# Delete marked factories
for f in factories_to_delete:
del self._empty_bins[f]
return new_bin
def pack(self):
if not self._is_everything_ready():
# Add available bins to packer
for b in self._avail_bins:
width, height, count, extra_kwargs = b
super(Packer, self).add_bin(width, height, count, **extra_kwargs)
# Store rectangles into dict for fast deletion
self._sorted_rect = collections.OrderedDict(
# For each bin pack the rectangles with lowest fitness until it is filled or
# the rectangles exhausted, then open the next bin where at least one rectangle
# will fit and repeat the process until there aren't more rectangles or bins
# available.
while len(self._sorted_rect) > 0:
# Find one bin where at least one of the remaining rectangles fit
pbin = self._new_open_bin(self._sorted_rect)
if pbin is None:
# Pack as many rectangles as possible into the open bin
while True:
# Find 'fittest' rectangle
best_rect_key = self._find_best_fit(pbin)
if best_rect_key is None:
closed_bin = self._open_bins.popleft()
break # None of the remaining rectangles can be packed in this bin
best_rect = self._sorted_rect[best_rect_key]
del self._sorted_rect[best_rect_key]
PackerBNFMixin.add_rect(self, *best_rect)
# Packer factory
class Enum(tuple):
__getattr__ = tuple.index
PackingMode = Enum(["Online", "Offline"])
PackingBin = Enum(["BNF", "BFF", "BBF", "Global"])
def newPacker(mode=PackingMode.Offline,
Packer factory helper function
mode (PackingMode): Packing mode
Online: Rectangles are packed as soon are they are added
Offline: Rectangles aren't packed untils pack() is called
bin_algo (PackingBin): Bin selection heuristic
pack_algo (PackingAlgorithm): Algorithm used
rotation (boolean): Enable or disable rectangle rotation.
Packer: Initialized packer instance.
packer_class = None
# Online Mode
if mode == PackingMode.Online:
if bin_algo == PackingBin.BNF:
packer_class = PackerOnlineBNF
elif bin_algo == PackingBin.BFF:
packer_class = PackerOnlineBFF
elif bin_algo == PackingBin.BBF:
packer_class = PackerOnlineBBF
raise AttributeError("Unsupported bin selection heuristic")
# Offline Mode
elif mode == PackingMode.Offline:
if bin_algo == PackingBin.BNF:
packer_class = PackerBNF
elif bin_algo == PackingBin.BFF:
packer_class = PackerBFF
elif bin_algo == PackingBin.BBF:
packer_class = PackerBBF
elif bin_algo == PackingBin.Global:
packer_class = PackerGlobal
raise AttributeError("Unsupported bin selection heuristic")
raise AttributeError("Unknown packing mode.")
if sort_algo:
return packer_class(pack_algo=pack_algo, sort_algo=sort_algo,
return packer_class(pack_algo=pack_algo, rotation=rotation)