forked from LeenkxTeam/LNXSDK
2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00

118 lines
2.6 KiB

package iron.object;
import iron.Scene;
import iron.data.Data;
import iron.data.SceneFormat;
import iron.system.Time;
class Tilesheet {
public var tileX = 0.0; // Tile offset on tilesheet texture 0-1
public var tileY = 0.0;
public var raw: TTilesheetData;
public var action: TTilesheetAction = null;
var ready: Bool;
public var paused = false;
public var frame = 0;
var time = 0.0;
var onActionComplete: Void->Void = null;
public function new(sceneName: String, tilesheet_ref: String, tilesheet_action_ref: String) {
ready = false;
Data.getSceneRaw(sceneName, function(format: TSceneFormat) {
for (ts in format.tilesheet_datas) {
if (ts.name == tilesheet_ref) {
raw = ts;
ready = true;
public function play(action_ref: String, onActionComplete: Void->Void = null) {
this.onActionComplete = onActionComplete;
for (a in raw.actions) {
if (a.name == action_ref) {
action = a;
paused = false;
time = 0.0;
public function pause() {
paused = true;
public function resume() {
paused = false;
public function remove() {
* Set the frame of the current active tilesheet action. Automatically un-pauses action.
* @param frame Frame offset with 0 as the first frame of the active action.
public function setFrameOffset(frame: Int) {
setFrame(action.start + frame);
paused = false;
* Returns the current frame.
* @return Frame offset with 0 as the first frame of the active action.
public function getFrameOffset(): Int {
return frame - action.start;
function update() {
if (!ready || paused || action.start >= action.end) return;
time += Time.realDelta;
var frameTime = 1 / raw.framerate;
var framesToAdvance = 0;
// Check how many animation frames passed during the last render frame
// and catch up if required. The remaining `time` that couldn't fit in
// another animation frame will be used in the next `update()`.
while (time >= frameTime) {
time -= frameTime;
if (framesToAdvance != 0) {
setFrame(frame + framesToAdvance);
function setFrame(f: Int) {
frame = f;
// Action end
if (frame > action.end && action.start < action.end) {
if (onActionComplete != null) onActionComplete();
if (action.loop) setFrame(action.start);
else paused = true;
var tx = frame % raw.tilesx;
var ty = Std.int(frame / raw.tilesx);
tileX = tx * (1 / raw.tilesx);
tileY = ty * (1 / raw.tilesy);