forked from LeenkxTeam/LNXSDK
2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00

275 lines
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package sys.thread;
When an event loop has an available event to execute.
enum NextEventTime {
/** There's already an event waiting to be executed */
/** No new events are expected. */
An event is expected to arrive at any time.
If `time` is specified, then the event will be ready at that time for sure.
/** An event is expected to be ready for execution at `time`. */
An event loop implementation used for `sys.thread.Thread`
class EventLoop {
final mutex = new Mutex();
final oneTimeEvents = new Array<Null<()->Void>>();
var oneTimeEventsIdx = 0;
final waitLock = new Lock();
var promisedEventsCount = 0;
var regularEvents:Null<RegularEvent>;
public function new():Void {}
Schedule event for execution every `intervalMs` milliseconds in current loop.
public function repeat(event:()->Void, intervalMs:Int):EventHandler {
var interval = 0.001 * intervalMs;
var event = new RegularEvent(event, Sys.time() + interval, interval);
inline insertEventByTime(event);
return event;
function insertEventByTime(event:RegularEvent):Void {
switch regularEvents {
case null:
regularEvents = event;
case current:
var previous = null;
while(true) {
if(current == null) {
previous.next = event;
event.previous = previous;
} else if(event.nextRunTime < current.nextRunTime) {
event.next = current;
current.previous = event;
switch previous {
case null:
regularEvents = event;
case _:
event.previous = previous;
previous.next = event;
current.previous = event;
} else {
previous = current;
current = current.next;
Prevent execution of a previously scheduled event in current loop.
public function cancel(eventHandler:EventHandler):Void {
var event:RegularEvent = eventHandler;
event.cancelled = true;
if(regularEvents == event) {
regularEvents = event.next;
switch event.next {
case null:
case e: e.previous = event.previous;
switch event.previous {
case null:
case e: e.next = event.next;
Notify this loop about an upcoming event.
This makes the thread to stay alive and wait for as many events as many times
`.promise()` was called. These events should be added via `.runPromised()`
public function promise():Void {
Execute `event` as soon as possible.
public function run(event:()->Void):Void {
oneTimeEvents[oneTimeEventsIdx++] = event;
Add previously promised `event` for execution.
public function runPromised(event:()->Void):Void {
oneTimeEvents[oneTimeEventsIdx++] = event;
Executes all pending events.
The returned time stamps can be used with `Sys.time()` for calculations.
Depending on a target platform this method may be non-reentrant. It must
not be called from event callbacks.
public function progress():NextEventTime {
return switch __progress(Sys.time(), [], []) {
case {nextEventAt:-2}: Now;
case {nextEventAt:-1, anyTime:false}: Never;
case {nextEventAt:-1, anyTime:true}: AnyTime(null);
case {nextEventAt:time, anyTime:true}: AnyTime(time);
case {nextEventAt:time, anyTime:false}: At(time);
Blocks until a new event is added or `timeout` (in seconds) to expires.
Depending on a target platform this method may also automatically execute arriving
events while waiting. However if any event is executed it will stop waiting.
Returns `true` if more events are expected.
Returns `false` if no more events expected.
Depending on a target platform this method may be non-reentrant. It must
not be called from event callbacks.
public function wait(?timeout:Float):Bool {
return waitLock.wait(timeout);
Execute all pending events.
Wait and execute as many events as many times `promiseEvent()` was called.
Runs until all repeating events are cancelled and no more events is expected.
Depending on a target platform this method may be non-reentrant. It must
not be called from event callbacks.
public function loop():Void {
var recycleRegular = [];
var recycleOneTimers = [];
while(true) {
var r = __progress(Sys.time(), recycleRegular, recycleOneTimers);
switch r {
case {nextEventAt:-2}:
case {nextEventAt:-1, anyTime:false}:
case {nextEventAt:-1, anyTime:true}:
case {nextEventAt:time}:
var timeout = time - Sys.time();
waitLock.wait(Math.max(0, timeout));
`.progress` implementation with a reusable array for internal usage.
The `nextEventAt` field of the return value denotes when the next event
is expected to run:
* -1 - never
* -2 - now
* other values - at specified time
inline function __progress(now:Float, recycleRegular:Array<RegularEvent>, recycleOneTimers:Array<()->Void>):{nextEventAt:Float, anyTime:Bool} {
var regularsToRun = recycleRegular;
var eventsToRunIdx = 0;
// When the next event is expected to run
var nextEventAt:Float = -1;
//reset waitLock
while(waitLock.wait(0.0)) {}
// Collect regular events to run
var current = regularEvents;
while(current != null) {
if(current.nextRunTime <= now) {
regularsToRun[eventsToRunIdx++] = current;
current.nextRunTime += current.interval;
nextEventAt = -2;
} else if(nextEventAt == -1 || current.nextRunTime < nextEventAt) {
nextEventAt = current.nextRunTime;
current = current.next;
// Run regular events
for(i in 0...eventsToRunIdx) {
regularsToRun[i] = null;
eventsToRunIdx = 0;
var oneTimersToRun = recycleOneTimers;
// Collect pending one-time events
for(i => event in oneTimeEvents) {
switch event {
case null:
case _:
oneTimersToRun[eventsToRunIdx++] = event;
oneTimeEvents[i] = null;
oneTimeEventsIdx = 0;
var hasPromisedEvents = promisedEventsCount > 0;
//run events
for(i in 0...eventsToRunIdx) {
oneTimersToRun[i] = null;
// Some events were executed. They could add new events to run.
if(eventsToRunIdx > 0) {
nextEventAt = -2;
return {nextEventAt:nextEventAt, anyTime:hasPromisedEvents}
abstract EventHandler(RegularEvent) from RegularEvent to RegularEvent {}
private class RegularEvent {
public var nextRunTime:Float;
public final interval:Float;
public final run:()->Void;
public var next:Null<RegularEvent>;
public var previous:Null<RegularEvent>;
public var cancelled:Bool = false;
public function new(run:()->Void, nextRunTime:Float, interval:Float) {
this.run = run;
this.nextRunTime = nextRunTime;
this.interval = interval;