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* Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// This file is generated from mozilla\Document.webidl. Do not edit!
package js.html;
The `Document` interface represents any web page loaded in the browser and serves as an entry point into the web page's content, which is the DOM tree.`HTMLElement`
Documentation [Document](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document) by [Mozilla Contributors](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document$history), licensed under [CC-BY-SA 2.5](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/).
@see <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document>
extern class Document extends Node {
Returns the DOM implementation associated with the current document.
var implementation(default,null) : DOMImplementation;
Returns the document location as a string.
var URL(default,null) : String;
Returns the document location as a string.
var documentURI(default,null) : String;
Indicates whether the document is rendered in quirks or strict mode.
var compatMode(default,null) : String;
Returns the character set being used by the document.
var characterSet(default,null) : String;
Alias of `Document.characterSet`. Use this property instead.
var charset(default,null) : String;
Alias of `Document.characterSet`. Use this property instead.
var inputEncoding(default,null) : String;
Returns the Content-Type from the MIME Header of the current document.
var contentType(default,null) : String;
Returns the Document Type Definition (DTD) of the current document.
var doctype(default,null) : DocumentType;
Returns the `Element` that is a direct child of the document. For HTML documents, this is normally the `HTMLElement` element.
var documentElement(default,null) : Element;
Returns the URI of the current document.
var location(default,null) : Location;
Returns the URI of the page that linked to this page.
var referrer(default,null) : String;
Returns the date on which the document was last modified.
var lastModified(default,null) : String;
Returns loading status of the document.
var readyState(default,null) : String;
Sets or gets the title of the current document.
var title : String;
Gets/sets directionality (rtl/ltr) of the document.
var dir : String;
Returns the `body` or `frameset` node of the current document.
var body : Element;
Returns the `head` element of the current document.
var head(default,null) : HeadElement;
Returns a list of the images in the current document.
var images(default,null) : HTMLCollection;
Returns a list of the embedded `embed` elements within the current document.
var embeds(default,null) : HTMLCollection;
Returns a list of the available plugins.
var plugins(default,null) : HTMLCollection;
Returns a list of all the hyperlinks in the document.
var links(default,null) : HTMLCollection;
Returns a list of the `form` elements within the current document.
var forms(default,null) : HTMLCollection;
Returns all the `script` elements on the document.
var scripts(default,null) : HTMLCollection;
Returns a reference to the window object.
var defaultView(default,null) : Window;
Represents the event handling code for the `readystatechange` event.
var onreadystatechange : haxe.Constraints.Function;
Represents the event handling code for the `beforescriptexecute` event.
var onbeforescriptexecute : haxe.Constraints.Function;
Represents the event handling code for the `afterscriptexecute` event.
var onafterscriptexecute : haxe.Constraints.Function;
Is an `EventHandler` representing the code to be called when the `selectionchange` event is raised.
var onselectionchange : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var currentScript(default,null) : Element;
Returns a list of all of the anchors in the document.
var anchors(default,null) : HTMLCollection;
Returns an ordered list of the applets within a document.
var applets(default,null) : HTMLCollection;
`true` when the document is in `Using_full-screen_mode`.
var fullscreen(default,null) : Bool;
var fullscreenEnabled(default,null) : Bool;
Is an `EventHandler` representing the code to be called when the `fullscreenchange` event is raised.
var onfullscreenchange : haxe.Constraints.Function;
Is an `EventHandler` representing the code to be called when the `fullscreenerror` event is raised.
var onfullscreenerror : haxe.Constraints.Function;
Represents the event handling code for the `pointerlockchange` event.
var onpointerlockchange : haxe.Constraints.Function;
Represents the event handling code for the `pointerlockerror` event.
var onpointerlockerror : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var hidden(default,null) : Bool;
Returns a `string` denoting the visibility state of the document. Possible values are `visible`,  `hidden`,  `prerender`, and `unloaded`.
var visibilityState(default,null) : VisibilityState;
Is an `EventHandler` representing the code to be called when the `visibilitychange` event is raised.
var onvisibilitychange : haxe.Constraints.Function;
Returns which style sheet set is currently in use.
var selectedStyleSheetSet : String;
Returns the name of the style sheet set that was last enabled. Has the value `null` until the style sheet is changed by setting the value of `document.selectedStyleSheetSet`.
var lastStyleSheetSet(default,null) : String;
Returns the preferred style sheet set as specified by the page author.
var preferredStyleSheetSet(default,null) : String;
Returns a list of the style sheet sets available on the document.
var styleSheetSets(default,null) : DOMStringList;
Returns a reference to the `Element` that scrolls the document.
var scrollingElement(default,null) : Element;
var timeline(default,null) : DocumentTimeline;
var rootElement(default,null) : js.html.svg.SVGElement;
Represents the event handling code for the `copy` event.
var oncopy : haxe.Constraints.Function;
Represents the event handling code for the `cut` event.
var oncut : haxe.Constraints.Function;
Represents the event handling code for the `paste` event.
var onpaste : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var activeElement(default,null) : Element;
var styleSheets(default,null) : StyleSheetList;
var pointerLockElement(default,null) : Element;
The element that's currently in full screen mode for this document.
var fullscreenElement(default,null) : Element;
var fonts(default,null) : FontFaceSet;
var onabort : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onblur : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onfocus : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onauxclick : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var oncanplay : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var oncanplaythrough : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onchange : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onclick : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onclose : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var oncontextmenu : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var ondblclick : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var ondrag : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var ondragend : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var ondragenter : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var ondragexit : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var ondragleave : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var ondragover : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var ondragstart : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var ondrop : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var ondurationchange : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onemptied : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onended : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var oninput : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var oninvalid : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onkeydown : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onkeypress : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onkeyup : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onload : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onloadeddata : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onloadedmetadata : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onloadend : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onloadstart : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onmousedown : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onmouseenter : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onmouseleave : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onmousemove : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onmouseout : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onmouseover : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onmouseup : haxe.Constraints.Function;
Represents the event handling code for the `wheel` event.
var onwheel : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onpause : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onplay : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onplaying : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onprogress : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onratechange : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onreset : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onresize : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onscroll : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onseeked : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onseeking : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onselect : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onshow : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onstalled : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onsubmit : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onsuspend : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var ontimeupdate : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onvolumechange : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onwaiting : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onselectstart : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var ontoggle : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onpointercancel : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onpointerdown : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onpointerup : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onpointermove : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onpointerout : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onpointerover : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onpointerenter : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onpointerleave : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var ongotpointercapture : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onlostpointercapture : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onanimationcancel : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onanimationend : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onanimationiteration : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onanimationstart : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var ontransitioncancel : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var ontransitionend : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var ontransitionrun : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var ontransitionstart : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onwebkitanimationend : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onwebkitanimationiteration : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onwebkitanimationstart : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onwebkittransitionend : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var onerror : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var children(default,null) : HTMLCollection;
var firstElementChild(default,null) : Element;
var lastElementChild(default,null) : Element;
var childElementCount(default,null) : Int;
var ontouchstart : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var ontouchend : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var ontouchmove : haxe.Constraints.Function;
var ontouchcancel : haxe.Constraints.Function;
/** @throws DOMError */
function new() : Void;
Returns a list of elements with the given tag name.
function getElementsByTagName( localName : String ) : HTMLCollection;
Returns a list of elements with the given tag name and namespace.
@throws DOMError
function getElementsByTagNameNS( namespace : String, localName : String ) : HTMLCollection;
Returns a list of elements with the given class name.
function getElementsByClassName( classNames : String ) : HTMLCollection;
function getElementById( elementId : String ) : Element;
Creates a new element with the given tag name.
@throws DOMError
@:overload( function( localName : String, ?options : String) : Element {} )
function createElement( localName : String, ?options : ElementCreationOptions ) : Element;
Creates a new element with the given tag name and namespace URI.
@throws DOMError
@:overload( function( namespace : String, qualifiedName : String, ?options : String) : Element {} )
function createElementNS( namespace : String, qualifiedName : String, ?options : ElementCreationOptions ) : Element;
Creates a new document fragment.
function createDocumentFragment() : DocumentFragment;
Creates a text node.
function createTextNode( data : String ) : Text;
Creates a new comment node and returns it.
function createComment( data : String ) : Comment;
Creates a new `ProcessingInstruction` object.
@throws DOMError
function createProcessingInstruction( target : String, data : String ) : ProcessingInstruction;
Returns a clone of a node from an external document.
@throws DOMError
function importNode( node : Node, deep : Bool = false ) : Node;
Adopt node from an external document.
@throws DOMError
function adoptNode( node : Node ) : Node;
Creates an event object.
@throws DOMError
function createEvent( interface_ : String ) : Event;
Creates a `Range` object.
@throws DOMError
function createRange() : Range;
Creates a `NodeIterator` object.
@throws DOMError
@:overload( function( root : Node, whatToShow : Int = cast 4294967295, ?filter : haxe.Constraints.Function) : NodeIterator {} )
@:overload( function( root : Node, whatToShow : Int = cast 4294967295, ?filter : NodeFilter) : NodeIterator {} )
function createNodeIterator( root : Node, whatToShow : Int = cast 4294967295, ?filter : Node -> Int ) : NodeIterator;
Creates a `TreeWalker` object.
@throws DOMError
@:overload( function( root : Node, whatToShow : Int = cast 4294967295, ?filter : haxe.Constraints.Function) : TreeWalker {} )
@:overload( function( root : Node, whatToShow : Int = cast 4294967295, ?filter : NodeFilter) : TreeWalker {} )
function createTreeWalker( root : Node, whatToShow : Int = cast 4294967295, ?filter : Node -> Int ) : TreeWalker;
Creates a new CDATA node and returns it.
@throws DOMError
function createCDATASection( data : String ) : CDATASection;
Creates a new `Attr` object and returns it.
@throws DOMError
function createAttribute( name : String ) : Attr;
Creates a new attribute node in a given namespace and returns it.
@throws DOMError
function createAttributeNS( namespace : String, name : String ) : Attr;
function getElementsByName( elementName : String ) : NodeList;
Returns `true` if the focus is currently located anywhere inside the specified document.
@throws DOMError
function hasFocus() : Bool;
Releases the current mouse capture if it's on an element in this document.
function releaseCapture() : Void;
function exitFullscreen() : Void;
Release the pointer lock.
function exitPointerLock() : Void;
Enables the style sheets for the specified style sheet set.
function enableStyleSheetsForSet( name : String ) : Void;
function caretPositionFromPoint( x : Float, y : Float ) : CaretPosition;
/** @throws DOMError */
function querySelector( selectors : String ) : Element;
/** @throws DOMError */
function querySelectorAll( selectors : String ) : NodeList;
Returns an array of all `Animation` objects currently in effect, whose target elements are descendants of the `document`.
function getAnimations() : Array<Animation>;
Creates a `Touch` object.
function createTouch( ?view : Window, ?target : EventTarget, identifier : Int = 0, pageX : Int = 0, pageY : Int = 0, screenX : Int = 0, screenY : Int = 0, clientX : Int = 0, clientY : Int = 0, radiusX : Int = 0, radiusY : Int = 0, rotationAngle : Float = 0.0, force : Float = 0.0 ) : Touch;
Creates a `TouchList` object.
@:overload( function( touch : Touch, touches : haxe.extern.Rest<Touch> ) : TouchList {} )
@:overload( function() : TouchList {} )
function createTouchList( touches : Array<Touch> ) : TouchList;
/** @throws DOMError */
function getSelection() : Selection;
function elementFromPoint( x : Float, y : Float ) : Element;
function elementsFromPoint( x : Float, y : Float ) : Array<Element>;
/** @throws DOMError */
@:overload( function( quad : DOMQuad, from : Element, ?options : ConvertCoordinateOptions) : DOMQuad {} )
@:overload( function( quad : DOMQuad, from : HTMLDocument, ?options : ConvertCoordinateOptions) : DOMQuad {} )
function convertQuadFromNode( quad : DOMQuad, from : Text, ?options : ConvertCoordinateOptions ) : DOMQuad;
/** @throws DOMError */
@:overload( function( rect : DOMRectReadOnly, from : Element, ?options : ConvertCoordinateOptions) : DOMQuad {} )
@:overload( function( rect : DOMRectReadOnly, from : HTMLDocument, ?options : ConvertCoordinateOptions) : DOMQuad {} )
function convertRectFromNode( rect : DOMRectReadOnly, from : Text, ?options : ConvertCoordinateOptions ) : DOMQuad;
/** @throws DOMError */
@:overload( function( point : DOMPointInit, from : Element, ?options : ConvertCoordinateOptions) : DOMPoint {} )
@:overload( function( point : DOMPointInit, from : HTMLDocument, ?options : ConvertCoordinateOptions) : DOMPoint {} )
function convertPointFromNode( point : DOMPointInit, from : Text, ?options : ConvertCoordinateOptions ) : DOMPoint;
/** @throws DOMError */
@:overload( function( nodes : haxe.extern.Rest<String>) : Void {} )
function prepend( nodes : haxe.extern.Rest<Node> ) : Void;
/** @throws DOMError */
@:overload( function( nodes : haxe.extern.Rest<String>) : Void {} )
function append( nodes : haxe.extern.Rest<Node> ) : Void;
/** @throws DOMError */
@:overload( function( expression : String, ?resolver : haxe.Constraints.Function) : XPathExpression {} )
@:overload( function( expression : String, ?resolver : XPathNSResolver) : XPathExpression {} )
function createExpression( expression : String, ?resolver : String -> Null<String> ) : XPathExpression;
function createNSResolver( nodeResolver : Node ) : Node;
/** @throws DOMError */
@:overload( function( expression : String, contextNode : Node, ?resolver : haxe.Constraints.Function, type : Int = 0, ?result : Dynamic) : XPathResult {} )
@:overload( function( expression : String, contextNode : Node, ?resolver : XPathNSResolver, type : Int = 0, ?result : Dynamic) : XPathResult {} )
function evaluate( expression : String, contextNode : Node, ?resolver : String -> Null<String>, type : Int = 0, ?result : Dynamic ) : XPathResult;