forked from LeenkxTeam/LNXSDK
815 lines
35 KiB
815 lines
35 KiB
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional
import bpy
import lnx.assets as assets
import lnx.material.mat_state as mat_state
import lnx.material.mat_utils as mat_utils
import lnx.material.cycles as cycles
import lnx.material.make_tess as make_tess
import lnx.material.make_particle as make_particle
import lnx.material.make_cluster as make_cluster
import lnx.material.make_finalize as make_finalize
import lnx.material.make_attrib as make_attrib
import lnx.material.shader as shader
import lnx.utils
if lnx.is_reload(__name__):
assets = lnx.reload_module(assets)
mat_state = lnx.reload_module(mat_state)
mat_utils = lnx.reload_module(mat_utils)
cycles = lnx.reload_module(cycles)
make_tess = lnx.reload_module(make_tess)
make_particle = lnx.reload_module(make_particle)
make_cluster = lnx.reload_module(make_cluster)
make_finalize = lnx.reload_module(make_finalize)
make_attrib = lnx.reload_module(make_attrib)
shader = lnx.reload_module(shader)
lnx.utils = lnx.reload_module(lnx.utils)
is_displacement = False
# User callbacks
write_material_attribs: Optional[Callable[[dict[str, Any], shader.Shader], bool]] = None
write_material_attribs_post: Optional[Callable[[dict[str, Any], shader.Shader], None]] = None
write_vertex_attribs: Optional[Callable[[shader.Shader], bool]] = None
def make(context_id, rpasses):
wrd =['Lnx']
rpdat = lnx.utils.get_rp()
rid = rpdat.rp_renderer
con = { 'name': context_id, 'depth_write': True, 'compare_mode': 'less', 'cull_mode': 'clockwise' }
# Blend context
mat = mat_state.material
blend = mat.lnx_blending
particle = mat.lnx_particle_flag
dprepass = rid == 'Forward' and rpdat.rp_depthprepass
if blend:
con['name'] = 'blend'
con['blend_source'] = mat.lnx_blending_source
con['blend_destination'] = mat.lnx_blending_destination
con['blend_operation'] = mat.lnx_blending_operation
con['alpha_blend_source'] = mat.lnx_blending_source_alpha
con['alpha_blend_destination'] = mat.lnx_blending_destination_alpha
con['alpha_blend_operation'] = mat.lnx_blending_operation_alpha
con['depth_write'] = False
con['compare_mode'] = 'less'
elif particle:
# Depth prepass was performed, exclude mat with depth read that
# isn't part of depth prepass
elif dprepass and not (rpdat.rp_depth_texture and mat.lnx_depth_read):
con['depth_write'] = False
con['compare_mode'] = 'equal'
attachment_format = 'RGBA32' if '_LDR' in wrd.world_defs else 'RGBA64'
con['color_attachments'] = [attachment_format, attachment_format]
if '_gbuffer2' in wrd.world_defs:
con_mesh =
mat_state.con_mesh = con_mesh
if rid == 'Forward' or blend:
if rpdat.lnx_material_model == 'Mobile':
elif rpdat.lnx_material_model == 'Solid':
elif rid == 'Deferred':
make_deferred(con_mesh, rpasses)
elif rid == 'Raytracer':
assets.vs_equal(con_mesh, assets.shader_cons['mesh_vert'])
return con_mesh
def make_base(con_mesh, parse_opacity):
global is_displacement
global write_vertex_attribs
vert = con_mesh.make_vert()
frag = con_mesh.make_frag()
geom = None
tesc = None
tese = None
billboard = mat_state.material.lnx_billboard
if billboard == 'spherical':
vert.add_uniform('mat3 N', '_normalMatrixSphere')
elif billboard == 'cylindrical':
vert.add_uniform('mat3 N', '_normalMatrixCylinder')
vert.add_uniform('mat3 N', '_normalMatrix')
vert.write_attrib('vec4 spos = vec4(, 1.0);')
vattr_written = False
rpdat = lnx.utils.get_rp()
is_displacement = mat_utils.disp_linked(mat_state.output_node)
wrd =['Lnx']
if is_displacement:
if rpdat.lnx_rp_displacement == 'Vertex':
frag.ins = vert.outs
else: # Tessellation
tesc = con_mesh.make_tesc()
tese = con_mesh.make_tese()
tesc.ins = vert.outs
tese.ins = tesc.outs
frag.ins = tese.outs
make_tess.tesc_levels(tesc, rpdat.lnx_tess_mesh_inner, rpdat.lnx_tess_mesh_outer)
make_tess.interpolate(tese, 'wposition', 3, declare_out=True)
make_tess.interpolate(tese, 'wnormal', 3, declare_out=True, normalize=True)
# No displacement
frag.ins = vert.outs
if write_vertex_attribs is not None:
vattr_written = write_vertex_attribs(vert)
attribs_written = False
if write_material_attribs is not None:
attribs_written = write_material_attribs(con_mesh, frag)
if not attribs_written:
_write_material_attribs_default(frag, parse_opacity)
cycles.parse(mat_state.nodes, con_mesh, vert, frag, geom, tesc, tese, parse_opacity=parse_opacity)
if write_material_attribs_post is not None:
write_material_attribs_post(con_mesh, frag)
vert.add_out('vec3 wnormal')
make_attrib.write_norpos(con_mesh, vert)
frag.write_attrib('vec3 n = normalize(wnormal);')
if mat_state.material.lnx_two_sided:
frag.write('if (!gl_FrontFacing) n *= -1;') # Flip normal when drawing back-face
if not is_displacement and not vattr_written:
make_attrib.write_tex_coords(con_mesh, vert, frag, tese)
if con_mesh.is_elem('col'):
vert.add_out('vec3 vcolor')
vert.write_attrib('vcolor = col.rgb;')
if tese is not None:
tese.write_pre = True
make_tess.interpolate(tese, 'vcolor', 3, declare_out=frag.contains('vcolor'))
tese.write_pre = False
if con_mesh.is_elem('tang'):
if tese is not None:
tese.add_out('mat3 TBN')
tese.write_attrib('vec3 wbitangent = normalize(cross(wnormal, wtangent));')
tese.write_attrib('TBN = mat3(wtangent, wbitangent, wnormal);')
vert.add_out('mat3 TBN')
vert.write_attrib('vec3 tangent = normalize(N *;')
vert.write_attrib('vec3 bitangent = normalize(cross(wnormal, tangent));')
vert.write_attrib('TBN = mat3(tangent, bitangent, wnormal);')
if is_displacement:
if rpdat.lnx_rp_displacement == 'Vertex':
sh = vert
sh = tese
vert.write('wposition = vec4(W * spos).xyz;')
sh.add_uniform('mat4 VP', '_viewProjectionMatrix')
sh.write('wposition += wnormal * disp;')
sh.write('gl_Position = VP * vec4(wposition, 1.0);')
def make_deferred(con_mesh, rpasses):
wrd =['Lnx']
rpdat = lnx.utils.get_rp()
lnx_discard = mat_state.material.lnx_discard
parse_opacity = lnx_discard or 'translucent' or 'refraction' in rpasses
make_base(con_mesh, parse_opacity=parse_opacity)
frag = con_mesh.frag
vert = con_mesh.vert
tese = con_mesh.tese
if parse_opacity:
if lnx_discard:
opac = mat_state.material.lnx_discard_opacity
opac = '0.9999' # 1.0 - eps
frag.write('if (opacity < {0}) discard;'.format(opac))
frag.add_out(f'vec4 fragColor[GBUF_SIZE]')
if '_gbuffer2' in wrd.world_defs:
if '_Veloc' in wrd.world_defs:
if tese is None:
vert.add_uniform('mat4 prevWVP', link='_prevWorldViewProjectionMatrix')
vert.add_out('vec4 wvpposition')
vert.add_out('vec4 prevwvpposition')
vert.write('wvpposition = gl_Position;')
if is_displacement:
vert.add_uniform('mat4 invW', link='_inverseWorldMatrix')
vert.write('prevwvpposition = prevWVP * (invW * vec4(wposition, 1.0));')
vert.write('prevwvpposition = prevWVP * spos;')
tese.add_out('vec4 wvpposition')
tese.add_out('vec4 prevwvpposition')
tese.write('wvpposition = gl_Position;')
if is_displacement:
tese.add_uniform('mat4 invW', link='_inverseWorldMatrix')
tese.add_uniform('mat4 prevWVP', '_prevWorldViewProjectionMatrix')
tese.write('prevwvpposition = prevWVP * (invW * vec4(wposition, 1.0));')
vert.add_uniform('mat4 prevW', link='_prevWorldMatrix')
vert.add_out('vec3 prevwposition')
vert.write('prevwposition = vec4(prevW * spos).xyz;')
tese.add_uniform('mat4 prevVP', '_prevViewProjectionMatrix')
make_tess.interpolate(tese, 'prevwposition', 3)
tese.write('prevwvpposition = prevVP * vec4(prevwposition, 1.0);')
# Pack gbuffer
frag.write('n /= (abs(n.x) + abs(n.y) + abs(n.z));')
frag.write('n.xy = n.z >= 0.0 ? n.xy : octahedronWrap(n.xy);')
is_shadeless = mat_state.emission_type == mat_state.EmissionType.SHADELESS
if is_shadeless or '_SSS' in wrd.world_defs or '_Hair' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.write('uint matid = 0;')
if is_shadeless:
frag.write('matid = 1;')
frag.write('basecol = emissionCol;')
if '_SSS' in wrd.world_defs or '_Hair' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.add_uniform('int materialID')
frag.write('if (materialID == 2) matid = 2;')
frag.write('const uint matid = 0;')
frag.write('fragColor[GBUF_IDX_0] = vec4(n.xy, roughness, packFloatInt16(metallic, matid));')
frag.write('fragColor[GBUF_IDX_1] = vec4(basecol, packFloat2(occlusion, specular));')
if '_gbuffer2' in wrd.world_defs:
if '_Veloc' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.write('vec2 posa = (wvpposition.xy / wvpposition.w) * 0.5 + 0.5;')
frag.write('vec2 posb = (prevwvpposition.xy / prevwvpposition.w) * 0.5 + 0.5;')
frag.write('fragColor[GBUF_IDX_2].rg = vec2(posa - posb);')
frag.write('fragColor[GBUF_IDX_2].b = 0.0;')
if mat_state.material.lnx_ignore_irradiance:
frag.write('fragColor[GBUF_IDX_2].b = 1.0;')
# Even if the material doesn't use emission we need to write to the
# emission buffer (if used) to prevent undefined behaviour
frag.write('#ifdef _EmissionShaded')
frag.write('fragColor[GBUF_IDX_EMISSION] = vec4(emissionCol, 0.0);') #Alpha channel is unused at the moment
if '_SSRefraction' in wrd.world_defs or '_VoxelRefract' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.write('fragColor[GBUF_IDX_REFRACTION] = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);')
return con_mesh
def make_raytracer(con_mesh):
|['vertex_elements'] = [{'name': 'pos', 'data': 'float3'}, {'name': 'nor', 'data': 'float3'}, {'name': 'tex', 'data': 'float2'}]
wrd =['Lnx']
vert = con_mesh.make_vert()
frag = con_mesh.make_frag()
vert.add_out('vec3 n')
vert.add_out('vec2 uv')
vert.write('n = nor;')
vert.write('uv = tex;')
vert.write('gl_Position = vec4(, 1.0);')
def make_forward_mobile(con_mesh):
wrd =['Lnx']
vert = con_mesh.make_vert()
frag = con_mesh.make_frag()
geom = None
tesc = None
tese = None
vert.add_uniform('mat3 N', '_normalMatrix')
vert.write_attrib('vec4 spos = vec4(, 1.0);')
frag.ins = vert.outs
lnx_discard = mat_state.material.lnx_discard
blend = mat_state.material.lnx_blending
is_transluc = mat_utils.is_transluc(mat_state.material)
parse_opacity = (blend and is_transluc) or lnx_discard
_write_material_attribs_default(frag, parse_opacity)
cycles.parse(mat_state.nodes, con_mesh, vert, frag, geom, tesc, tese, parse_opacity=parse_opacity, parse_displacement=False)
if lnx_discard:
opac = mat_state.material.lnx_discard_opacity
frag.write('if (opacity < {0}) discard;'.format(opac))
make_attrib.write_tex_coords(con_mesh, vert, frag, tese)
if con_mesh.is_elem('col'):
vert.add_out('vec3 vcolor')
vert.write('vcolor = col.rgb;')
if con_mesh.is_elem('tang'):
vert.add_out('mat3 TBN')
make_attrib.write_norpos(con_mesh, vert, declare=True)
vert.write('vec3 tangent = normalize(N *;')
vert.write('vec3 bitangent = normalize(cross(wnormal, tangent));')
vert.write('TBN = mat3(tangent, bitangent, wnormal);')
vert.add_out('vec3 wnormal')
make_attrib.write_norpos(con_mesh, vert)
frag.write_attrib('vec3 n = normalize(wnormal);')
if mat_state.material.lnx_two_sided:
frag.write('if (!gl_FrontFacing) n *= -1;') # Flip normal when drawing back-face
frag.add_out('vec4 fragColor')
blend = mat_state.material.lnx_blending
if blend:
if parse_opacity:
frag.write('fragColor = vec4(basecol, opacity);')
frag.write('fragColor = vec4(basecol, 1.0);')
is_shadows = '_ShadowMap' in wrd.world_defs
is_shadows_atlas = '_ShadowMapAtlas' in wrd.world_defs
shadowmap_sun = 'shadowMap'
if is_shadows_atlas:
is_single_atlas = '_SingleAtlas' in wrd.world_defs
shadowmap_sun = 'shadowMapAtlasSun' if not is_single_atlas else 'shadowMapAtlas'
frag.add_uniform('vec2 smSizeUniform', '_shadowMapSize', included=True)
frag.write('vec3 direct = vec3(0.0);')
if '_Sun' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.add_uniform('vec3 sunCol', '_sunColor')
frag.add_uniform('vec3 sunDir', '_sunDirection')
frag.write('vec3 svisibility = vec3(1.0);')
frag.write('float sdotNL = max(dot(n, sunDir), 0.0);')
if is_shadows:
vert.add_out('vec4 lightPosition')
vert.add_uniform('mat4 LWVP', '_biasLightWorldViewProjectionMatrixSun')
vert.write('lightPosition = LWVP * spos;')
frag.add_uniform('bool receiveShadow')
frag.add_uniform(f'sampler2DShadow {shadowmap_sun}')
frag.add_uniform('float shadowsBias', '_sunShadowsBias')
frag.write('if (receiveShadow) {')
if '_CSM' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.add_uniform('vec4 casData[shadowmapCascades * 4 + 4]', '_cascadeData', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('vec3 eye', '_cameraPosition')
frag.write(f'svisibility = shadowTestCascade({shadowmap_sun}, eye, wposition + n * shadowsBias * 10, shadowsBias, opacity != 1.0);')
frag.write('if (lightPosition.w > 0.0) {')
frag.write(' vec3 lPos = / lightPosition.w;')
if '_Legacy' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.write(f' svisibility = float(texture({shadowmap_sun}, vec2(lPos.xy)).r > lPos.z - shadowsBias, opacity != 1.0);')
frag.write(f' svisibility = texture({shadowmap_sun}, vec3(lPos.xy, lPos.z - shadowsBias), opacity != 1.0).r;')
frag.write('}') # receiveShadow
frag.write('direct += basecol * sdotNL * sunCol * svisibility;')
if '_SinglePoint' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.add_uniform('vec3 pointPos', '_pointPosition')
frag.add_uniform('vec3 pointCol', '_pointColor')
if '_Spot' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.add_uniform('vec3 spotDir', link='_spotDirection')
frag.add_uniform('vec3 spotRight', link='_spotRight')
frag.add_uniform('vec4 spotData', link='_spotData')
frag.write('float visibility = 1.0;')
frag.write('vec3 ld = pointPos - wposition;')
frag.write('vec3 l = normalize(ld);')
frag.write('float dotNL = max(dot(n, l), 0.0);')
if is_shadows:
frag.add_uniform('bool receiveShadow')
frag.add_uniform('float pointBias', link='_pointShadowsBias')
frag.write('if (receiveShadow) {')
if '_Spot' in wrd.world_defs:
vert.add_out('vec4 spotPosition')
vert.add_uniform('mat4 LWVPSpotArray[1]', link='_biasLightWorldViewProjectionMatrixSpotArray')
vert.write('spotPosition = LWVPSpotArray[0] * spos;')
frag.add_uniform('sampler2DShadow shadowMapSpot[1]')
frag.write('if (spotPosition.w > 0.0) {')
frag.write(' vec3 lPos = / spotPosition.w;')
if '_Legacy' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.write(' visibility = float(texture(shadowMapSpot[0], vec2(lPos.xy)).r > lPos.z - pointBias);')
frag.write(' visibility = texture(shadowMapSpot[0], vec3(lPos.xy, lPos.z - pointBias)).r;')
frag.add_uniform('vec2 lightProj', link='_lightPlaneProj')
frag.add_uniform('samplerCubeShadow shadowMapPoint[1]')
frag.write('const float s = shadowmapCubePcfSize;') # TODO: incorrect...
frag.write('float compare = lpToDepth(ld, lightProj) - pointBias * 1.5;')
frag.write('#ifdef _InvY')
frag.write('l.y = -l.y;')
if '_Legacy' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.write('visibility = float(texture(shadowMapPoint[0], vec3(-l + n * pointBias * 20)).r > compare);')
frag.write('visibility = texture(shadowMapPoint[0], vec4(-l + n * pointBias * 20, compare)).r;')
frag.write('}') # receiveShadow
frag.write('direct += basecol * dotNL * pointCol * attenuate(distance(wposition, pointPos)) * visibility;')
if '_Clusters' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.write('vec3 albedo = basecol;')
frag.write('vec3 f0 = surfaceF0(basecol, metallic);')
make_cluster.write(vert, frag)
if '_Irr' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.add_uniform('vec4 shirr[7]', link='_envmapIrradiance')
env_str = 'shIrradiance(n, shirr)'
env_str = '0.5'
frag.add_uniform('float envmapStrength', link='_envmapStrength')
frag.write('fragColor = vec4(direct + basecol * {0} * envmapStrength, 1.0);'.format(env_str))
if '_LDR' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.write('fragColor.rgb = pow(fragColor.rgb, vec3(1.0 / 2.2));')
def make_forward_solid(con_mesh):
wrd =['Lnx']
vert = con_mesh.make_vert()
frag = con_mesh.make_frag()
geom = None
tesc = None
tese = None
for e in['vertex_elements']:
if e['name'] == 'nor':
vert.write_attrib('vec4 spos = vec4(, 1.0);')
frag.ins = vert.outs
lnx_discard = mat_state.material.lnx_discard
blend = mat_state.material.lnx_blending
is_transluc = mat_utils.is_transluc(mat_state.material)
parse_opacity = (blend and is_transluc) or lnx_discard
_write_material_attribs_default(frag, parse_opacity)
cycles.parse(mat_state.nodes, con_mesh, vert, frag, geom, tesc, tese, parse_opacity=parse_opacity, parse_displacement=False, basecol_only=True)
if lnx_discard:
opac = mat_state.material.lnx_discard_opacity
frag.write('if (opacity < {0}) discard;'.format(opac))
if con_mesh.is_elem('tex'):
vert.add_out('vec2 texCoord')
vert.add_uniform('float texUnpack', link='_texUnpack')
if mat_state.material.lnx_tilesheet_flag:
vert.add_uniform('vec2 tilesheetOffset', '_tilesheetOffset')
vert.write('texCoord = tex * texUnpack + tilesheetOffset;')
vert.write('texCoord = tex * texUnpack;')
if con_mesh.is_elem('col'):
vert.add_out('vec3 vcolor')
vert.write('vcolor = col.rgb;')
make_attrib.write_norpos(con_mesh, vert, write_nor=False)
frag.add_out('vec4 fragColor')
if blend and parse_opacity:
frag.write('fragColor = vec4(basecol, opacity);')
frag.write('fragColor = vec4(basecol, 1.0);')
if '_LDR' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.write('fragColor.rgb = pow(fragColor.rgb, vec3(1.0 / 2.2));')
def make_forward(con_mesh):
wrd =['Lnx']
rpdat = lnx.utils.get_rp()
blend = mat_state.material.lnx_blending
parse_opacity = blend or mat_utils.is_transluc(mat_state.material)
make_forward_base(con_mesh, parse_opacity=parse_opacity)
frag = con_mesh.frag
if '_LTC' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.add_uniform('vec3 lightArea0', '_lightArea0', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('vec3 lightArea1', '_lightArea1', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('vec3 lightArea2', '_lightArea2', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('vec3 lightArea3', '_lightArea3', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('sampler2D sltcMat', '_ltcMat', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('sampler2D sltcMag', '_ltcMag', included=True)
if '_ShadowMap' in wrd.world_defs:
if '_SinglePoint' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.add_uniform('mat4 LWVPSpot[0]', link='_biasLightViewProjectionMatrixSpot0', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('sampler2DShadow shadowMapSpot[1]', included=True)
if '_Clusters' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.add_uniform('mat4 LWVPSpotArray[4]', link='_biasLightWorldViewProjectionMatrixSpotArray', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('sampler2DShadow shadowMapSpot[4]', included=True)
if not blend:
mrt = 0 # mrt: multiple render targets
if rpdat.rp_ssr:
mrt = 1
if rpdat.rp_ss_refraction or rpdat.lnx_voxelgi_refract:
mrt = 2
if mrt != 0:
# Store light gbuffer for post-processing
frag.add_out(f'vec4 fragColor[{mrt}+1]')
frag.write('n /= (abs(n.x) + abs(n.y) + abs(n.z));')
frag.write('n.xy = n.z >= 0.0 ? n.xy : octahedronWrap(n.xy);')
frag.write('fragColor[0] = vec4(direct + indirect, packFloat2(occlusion, specular));')
frag.write('fragColor[1] = vec4(n.xy, roughness, metallic);')
if rpdat.rp_ss_refraction or rpdat.lnx_voxelgi_refract:
frag.write(f'fragColor[2] = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);')
frag.add_out('vec4 fragColor[1]')
frag.write('fragColor[0] = vec4(direct + indirect, 1.0);')
if '_LDR' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.write('fragColor[0].rgb = tonemapFilmic(fragColor[0].rgb);')
# Particle opacity
if mat_state.material.lnx_particle_flag and lnx.utils.get_rp().lnx_particles == 'On' and mat_state.material.lnx_particle_fade:
frag.write('fragColor[0].rgb *= p_fade;')
def make_forward_base(con_mesh, parse_opacity=False, transluc_pass=False):
global is_displacement
wrd =['Lnx']
lnx_discard = mat_state.material.lnx_discard
make_base(con_mesh, parse_opacity=(parse_opacity or lnx_discard))
blend = mat_state.material.lnx_blending
vert = con_mesh.vert
frag = con_mesh.frag
tese = con_mesh.tese
if parse_opacity or lnx_discard:
if lnx_discard or blend:
opac = mat_state.material.lnx_discard_opacity
frag.write('if (opacity < {0}) discard;'.format(opac))
elif transluc_pass:
frag.write('if (opacity == 1.0) discard;')
opac = '0.9999' # 1.0 - eps
frag.write('if (opacity < {0}) discard;'.format(opac))
if blend:
frag.add_out('vec4 fragColor[1]')
if parse_opacity:
frag.write('fragColor[0] = vec4(basecol, opacity);')
# frag.write('fragColor[0] = vec4(basecol * lightCol * visibility, 1.0);')
frag.write('fragColor[0] = vec4(basecol, 1.0);')
# TODO: Fade out fragments near depth buffer here
frag.write_attrib('vec3 vVec = normalize(eyeDir);')
frag.write_attrib('float dotNV = max(dot(n, vVec), 0.0);')
sh = tese if tese is not None else vert
sh.add_out('vec3 eyeDir')
sh.add_uniform('vec3 eye', '_cameraPosition')
sh.write('eyeDir = eye - wposition;')
is_shadows = '_ShadowMap' in wrd.world_defs
is_shadows_atlas = '_ShadowMapAtlas' in wrd.world_defs
is_single_atlas = is_shadows_atlas and '_SingleAtlas' in wrd.world_defs
shadowmap_sun = 'shadowMap'
shadowmap_sun_tr = 'shadowMapTransparent'
if is_shadows_atlas:
shadowmap_sun = 'shadowMapAtlasSun' if not is_single_atlas else 'shadowMapAtlas'
shadowmap_sun_tr = 'shadowMapAtlasSunTransparent' if not is_single_atlas else 'shadowMapAtlasTransparent'
frag.add_uniform('vec2 smSizeUniform', '_shadowMapSize', included=True)
frag.write('vec3 albedo = surfaceAlbedo(basecol, metallic);')
frag.write('vec3 f0 = surfaceF0(basecol, metallic);')
if '_Brdf' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.add_uniform('sampler2D senvmapBrdf', link='$brdf.png')
frag.write('vec2 envBRDF = texelFetch(senvmapBrdf, ivec2(vec2(dotNV, 1.0 - roughness) * 256.0), 0).xy;')
if '_Irr' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.add_uniform('vec4 shirr[7]', link='_envmapIrradiance')
frag.write('vec3 envl = shIrradiance(n, shirr);')
if '_EnvTex' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.write('envl /= PI;')
frag.write('vec3 envl = vec3(0.0);')
if '_Rad' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.add_uniform('sampler2D senvmapRadiance', link='_envmapRadiance')
frag.add_uniform('int envmapNumMipmaps', link='_envmapNumMipmaps')
frag.write('vec3 reflectionWorld = reflect(-vVec, n);')
frag.write('float lod = getMipFromRoughness(roughness, envmapNumMipmaps);')
frag.write('vec3 prefilteredColor = textureLod(senvmapRadiance, envMapEquirect(reflectionWorld), lod).rgb;')
if '_EnvLDR' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.write('envl = pow(envl, vec3(2.2));')
if '_Rad' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.write('prefilteredColor = pow(prefilteredColor, vec3(2.2));')
frag.write('envl *= albedo;')
if '_Brdf' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.write('envl.rgb *= 1.0 - (f0 * envBRDF.x + envBRDF.y);')
if '_Rad' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.write('envl += prefilteredColor * (f0 * envBRDF.x + envBRDF.y);')
elif '_EnvCol' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.add_uniform('vec3 backgroundCol', link='_backgroundCol')
frag.write('envl += backgroundCol * (f0 * envBRDF.x + envBRDF.y);')
frag.add_uniform('float envmapStrength', link='_envmapStrength')
frag.write('envl *= envmapStrength * occlusion;')
if '_VoxelAOvar' in wrd.world_defs or '_VoxelGI' in wrd.world_defs:
if parse_opacity or '_VoxelShadow' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.add_uniform('sampler3D voxels')
frag.add_uniform('sampler3D voxelsSDF')
frag.add_uniform('vec3 eye', "_cameraPosition")
frag.add_uniform('float clipmaps[10 * voxelgiClipmapCount]', '_clipmaps')
vert.add_out('vec4 wvpposition')
vert.write('wvpposition = gl_Position;')
frag.write('vec2 texCoord = (wvpposition.xy / wvpposition.w) * 0.5 + 0.5;')
if '_VoxelAOvar' in wrd.world_defs and not parse_opacity:
frag.add_uniform("sampler2D voxels_ao");
frag.write('envl *= textureLod(voxels_ao, texCoord, 0.0).rrr;')
frag.write('vec3 indirect = envl;')
if '_VoxelGI' in wrd.world_defs:
if parse_opacity:
frag.write('indirect = traceDiffuse(wposition, n, voxels, clipmaps).rgb * albedo * voxelgiDiff;')
frag.write('if (roughness < 1.0 && specular > 0.0){')
frag.add_uniform('sampler2D sveloc')
frag.write(' vec2 velocity = -textureLod(sveloc, gl_FragCoord.xy, 0.0).rg;')
frag.write(' indirect += traceSpecular(wposition, n, voxels, voxelsSDF, normalize(eye - wposition), roughness, clipmaps, gl_FragCoord.xy, velocity).rgb * specular * voxelgiRefl;}')
frag.add_uniform("sampler2D voxels_diffuse")
frag.add_uniform("sampler2D voxels_specular")
frag.write("indirect = textureLod(voxels_diffuse, texCoord, 0.0).rgb * albedo * voxelgiDiff;")
frag.write("if (roughness < 1.0 && specular > 0.0)")
frag.write(" indirect += textureLod(voxels_specular, texCoord, 0.0).rgb * specular * voxelgiRefl;")
frag.write('vec3 direct = vec3(0.0);')
if '_Sun' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.add_uniform('vec3 sunCol', '_sunColor')
frag.add_uniform('vec3 sunDir', '_sunDirection')
frag.write('vec3 svisibility = vec3(1.0);')
frag.write('vec3 sh = normalize(vVec + sunDir);')
frag.write('float sdotNL = dot(n, sunDir);')
frag.write('float sdotNH = dot(n, sh);')
frag.write('float sdotVH = dot(vVec, sh);')
if is_shadows:
frag.add_uniform('bool receiveShadow')
frag.add_uniform(f'sampler2DShadow {shadowmap_sun}', top=True)
frag.add_uniform(f'sampler2D {shadowmap_sun_tr}', top=True)
frag.add_uniform('float shadowsBias', '_sunShadowsBias')
frag.write('if (receiveShadow) {')
if '_CSM' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.add_uniform('vec4 casData[shadowmapCascades * 4 + 4]', '_cascadeData', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('vec3 eye', '_cameraPosition')
if parse_opacity:
frag.write(f'svisibility = shadowTestCascade({shadowmap_sun}, {shadowmap_sun_tr}, eye, wposition + n * shadowsBias * 10, shadowsBias, true);')
frag.write(f'svisibility = shadowTestCascade({shadowmap_sun}, {shadowmap_sun_tr}, eye, wposition + n * shadowsBias * 10, shadowsBias, false);')
if tese is not None:
tese.add_out('vec4 lightPosition')
tese.add_uniform('mat4 LVP', '_biasLightViewProjectionMatrix')
tese.write('lightPosition = LVP * vec4(wposition, 1.0);')
if is_displacement:
vert.add_out('vec4 lightPosition')
vert.add_uniform('mat4 LVP', '_biasLightViewProjectionMatrix')
vert.write('lightPosition = LVP * vec4(wposition, 1.0);')
frag.add_uniform('mat4 LWVP', '_biasLightWorldViewProjectionMatrixSun')
frag.write('vec4 lightPosition = LWVP * vec4(wposition + n * shadowsBias * 100, 1.0);')
frag.write('vec3 lPos = / lightPosition.w;')
frag.write('const vec2 smSize = shadowmapSize;')
if parse_opacity:
frag.write(f'svisibility = PCF({shadowmap_sun}, {shadowmap_sun_tr}, lPos.xy, lPos.z - shadowsBias, smSize, true);')
frag.write(f'svisibility = PCF({shadowmap_sun}, {shadowmap_sun_tr}, lPos.xy, lPos.z - shadowsBias, smSize, false);')
if '_VoxelShadow' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.write('svisibility *= (1.0 - traceShadow(wposition, n, voxels, voxelsSDF, sunDir, clipmaps, gl_FragCoord.xy).r) * voxelgiShad;')
frag.write('}') # receiveShadow
frag.write('direct += (lambertDiffuseBRDF(albedo, sdotNL) + specularBRDF(f0, roughness, sdotNL, sdotNH, dotNV, sdotVH) * specular) * sunCol * svisibility;')
# sun
if '_SinglePoint' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.add_uniform('vec3 pointPos', link='_pointPosition')
frag.add_uniform('vec3 pointCol', link='_pointColor')
if '_Spot' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.add_uniform('vec3 spotDir', link='_spotDirection')
frag.add_uniform('vec3 spotRight', link='_spotRight')
frag.add_uniform('vec4 spotData', link='_spotData')
if is_shadows:
frag.add_uniform('bool receiveShadow')
frag.add_uniform('float pointBias', link='_pointShadowsBias')
if '_Spot' in wrd.world_defs:
# Skip world matrix, already in world-space
frag.add_uniform('mat4 LWVPSpot[1]', link='_biasLightViewProjectionMatrixSpotArray', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('sampler2DShadow shadowMapSpot[1]', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('sampler2D shadowMapSpotTransparent[1]', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('vec2 lightProj', link='_lightPlaneProj', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('samplerCubeShadow shadowMapPoint[1]', included=True)
frag.add_uniform('samplerCube shadowMapPointTransparent[1]', included=True)
frag.write('direct += sampleLight(')
frag.write(' wposition, n, vVec, dotNV, pointPos, pointCol, albedo, roughness, specular, f0')
if is_shadows:
if parse_opacity:
frag.write(', 0, pointBias, receiveShadow, opacity != 1.0')
frag.write(', 0, pointBias, receiveShadow, false')
if '_Spot' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.write(', true, spotData.x, spotData.y, spotDir,, spotRight')
if '_VoxelShadow' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.write(', voxels, voxelsSDF, clipmaps')
if '_MicroShadowing' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.write(', occlusion')
if '_SSRS' in wrd.world_defs:
frag.add_uniform('mat4 invVP', '_inverseViewProjectionMatrix')
frag.add_uniform('vec3 eye', '_cameraPosition')
frag.write(', gl_FragCoord.z, inVP, eye')
if '_Clusters' in wrd.world_defs:
make_cluster.write(vert, frag)
if mat_state.emission_type != mat_state.EmissionType.NO_EMISSION:
if mat_state.emission_type == mat_state.EmissionType.SHADELESS:
frag.write('direct = vec3(0.0);')
frag.write('indirect += emissionCol;')
if '_VoxelRefract' in wrd.world_defs and parse_opacity:
frag.write('if (opacity < 1.0) {')
frag.write(' vec2 velocity = -textureLod(sveloc, gl_FragCoord.xy, 0.0).rg;')
frag.write(' vec3 refraction = traceRefraction(wposition, n, voxels, voxelsSDF, normalize(eye - wposition), ior, roughness, clipmaps, gl_FragCoord.xy,velocity).rgb;')
frag.write(' indirect = mix(refraction, indirect, opacity) * voxelgiRefr;')
frag.write(' direct = mix(refraction, direct, opacity) * voxelgiRefr;')
def _write_material_attribs_default(frag: shader.Shader, parse_opacity: bool):
frag.write('vec3 basecol;')
frag.write('float roughness;')
frag.write('float metallic;')
frag.write('float occlusion;')
frag.write('float specular;')
# We may not use emission, but the attribute will then be removed
# by the shader compiler
frag.write('vec3 emissionCol;')
if parse_opacity:
frag.write('float opacity;')
frag.write('float ior;')