2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00

5.6 KiB
Executable File


There are a number of standard defines you can use to control the hxcpp build. Some of these are used by the haxe compiler, and affect then generated code. Others apply to the build tool and affect how the code is compiled.

Defines affecting how the code is generated. These need to be in the command line when calling haxe.

Define Meaning
HXCPP_DEBUGGER Add extra macros required by debugger. Usually added automatically be debugger haxelib
HXCPP_GC_GENERATIONAL Enable experimental generational garbage collector
annotate_source Add additional annotations to source code - useful for developing hxcpp
dll_export Export hxcpp runtime symbols
file_extension Set the extension (without the dot) of generated files. eg "-D file_extension=mm" for objc++ code
force_native_property Make dynamic access of fields call property getters/setters where appropriate
include_prefix Place all generated include files in a sub-directory, eg "-D include_prefix=hxinc". Useful for avoiding name clashes
no-compilation Generate the code, but do not compile it
no-debug Do not generate debug macros in code
nocppiaast Use legacy cppia generation instead of new more recent changes
objc Generate objective-c++ classes
scriptable Enable extra runtime information required for scripting

Defines affecting how the code is compiled. These can be on the command line when calling haxe, or added via the hxcpp build environment.

Define Meaning
HXCPP_GC_MOVING Allow garbage collector to move memory to reduce fragmentation
HXCPP_GC_SUMMARY Print small profiling summary at end of program
HXCPP_GC_DYNAMIC_SIZE Monitor GC times and expand memory working space if required
HXCPP_GC_BIG_BLOCKS Allow working memory greater than 1 Gig
HXCPP_GC_DEBUG_LEVEL Number 1-4 indicating additional debugging in GC
HXCPP_DEBUG_LINK Add symbols to final binary, even in release mode.
HXCPP_STACK_TRACE Have valid function-level stack traces, even in release mode.
HXCPP_STACK_LINE Include line information in stack traces, even in release mode.
HXCPP_CHECK_POINTER Add null-pointer checks,even in release mode.
HXCPP_PROFILER Add profiler support
HXCPP_TELEMETRY Add telemetry support
HXCPP_CPP11 Use c++11 features and link libraries
exe_link Generate executable file (rather than dynamic library on android)
static_link Generate static library
dll_link Generate dynamic library

Other defines:

Define Meaning
HXCPP_VERBOSE Print extra output from build tool.
HXCPP_TIMES Show some basic profiling information
HXCPP_NEKO_BUILDTOOL Force use of hxcpp.n, rather than compiled BuildTool.exe
HXCPP_NO_COLOR Do not add colour-codes to tool output
HXCPP_KEEP_TEMP Does not delete the files created for file 'embedName' option

Defines affecting target architecture.

Define Meaning
HXCPP_M32 Force 32-bit compile for current desktop
HXCPP_M64 Force 64-bit compile for current desktop
HXCPP_ARMV6 Compile arm-based devices for armv6
HXCPP_ARM64 Compile arm-based devices for 64 bits
HXCPP_ARMV7 Compile arm-based devices for armv7
HXCPP_ARMV7S Compile arm-based devices for armv7s
HXCPP_LINUX_ARMV7 Run on a linux ARMv7 device
HXCPP_LINUX_ARM64 Run on a linux ARM64 device
winrt Compile for windowsRt/windows UWP
android Compile for android
PLATFORM Specify the android platform for NDK compilation
ANDROID_NDK_ROOT Specify the location of the android NDK toolchain
ANDROID_NDK_DIR Specify the search location for finding the android NDK toolchain
HXCPP_X86 Compile android for x86 architecture
iphoneos Compile for iphone iOS
iphonesim Compile for iphone simulator
appletvos Compile for apple tvOS
appletvsim Compile for apple tvOS simulator
watchos Compile for apple watchOS
watchsimulator Compile for apple watchOS simulator
webos Compile for webOS
tizen Compile for Tizen
blackberry Compile for Blackberry
emscripten Compile for Emscripten
cygwin Compile for windows using cygwin
linux (Cross) Compile for linux
rpi (Cross) Compile for raspberry pi
mingw Compile for windows using mingw
HXCPP_MINGW Compile for windows using mingw
NO_AUTO_MSVC Do not detect msvc location, use the one already in the executable path
HXCPP_WINXP_COMPAT Remain compatible with Windows XP. Disables condition variables. No effect on ARM.