997 lines
29 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00
package iron;
import haxe.ds.Vector;
import kha.graphics4.TextureFormat;
import iron.Trait;
import iron.object.Transform;
import iron.object.Constraint;
import iron.object.Animation;
import iron.object.Object;
import iron.object.CameraObject;
import iron.object.MeshObject;
import iron.object.LightObject;
import iron.object.SpeakerObject;
import iron.object.DecalObject;
import iron.object.ProbeObject;
import iron.object.Tilesheet;
import iron.data.CameraData;
import iron.data.MeshData;
import iron.data.LightData;
import iron.data.ProbeData;
import iron.data.WorldData;
import iron.data.MaterialData;
import iron.data.Armature;
import iron.data.Data;
import iron.data.SceneFormat;
import iron.data.TerrainStream;
import iron.data.SceneStream;
import iron.data.MeshBatch;
import iron.system.Time;
using StringTools;
class Scene {
public static var active: Scene = null;
public static var global: Object = null;
static var uidCounter = 0;
public var uid: Int;
public var raw: TSceneFormat;
public var root: Object;
public var sceneParent: Object;
public var camera: CameraObject;
public var world: WorldData;
#if lnx_batch
public var meshBatch: MeshBatch = null;
#if lnx_stream
public var sceneStream: SceneStream = null;
#if lnx_terrain
public var terrainStream: TerrainStream = null;
#if rp_decals
public var decals: Array<DecalObject>;
#if rp_probes
public var probes: Array<ProbeObject>;
public var meshes: Array<MeshObject>;
public var lights: Array<LightObject>;
public var cameras: Array<CameraObject>;
#if lnx_audio
public var speakers: Array<SpeakerObject>;
public var empties: Array<Object>;
public var animations: Array<Animation>;
public var tilesheets: Array<Tilesheet>;
#if lnx_skin
public var armatures: Array<Armature>;
var groups: Map<String, Array<Object>> = null;
public var embedded: Map<String, kha.Image>;
public var ready: Bool; // Async in progress
public var traitInits: Array<Void->Void> = [];
public var traitRemoves: Array<Void->Void> = [];
var initializing: Bool; // Is the scene in its initialization phase?
public function new() {
uid = uidCounter++;
#if lnx_batch
meshBatch = new MeshBatch();
#if lnx_stream
sceneStream = new SceneStream();
#if rp_decals
decals = [];
#if rp_probes
probes = [];
meshes = [];
lights = [];
cameras = [];
#if lnx_audio
speakers = [];
empties = [];
animations = [];
tilesheets = [];
#if lnx_skin
armatures = [];
embedded = new Map();
root = new Object();
root.name = "Root";
traitInits = [];
traitRemoves = [];
initializing = true;
if (global == null) global = new Object();
public static function create(format: TSceneFormat, done: Object->Void) {
active = new Scene();
active.ready = false;
active.raw = format;
Data.getWorld(format.name, format.world_ref, function(world: WorldData) {
active.world = world;
// Startup scene
active.addScene(format.name, null, function(sceneObject: Object) {
for (object in sceneObject.getChildren(true)) {
createTraits(object.raw.traits, object);
#if lnx_terrain
if (format.terrain_ref != null) {
active.terrainStream = new TerrainStream(format.terrain_datas[0]);
if (active.cameras.length == 0) {
trace('No camera found for scene "' + format.name + '"');
active.camera = active.getCamera(format.camera_ref);
active.sceneParent = sceneObject;
active.ready = true;
for (f in active.traitInits) f();
active.traitInits = [];
active.initializing = false;
#if lnx_patch
public static var getRenderPath: Void->RenderPath;
public static function patch() {
var cameraTransform = Scene.active.camera.transform;
Scene.setActive(Scene.active.raw.name, function(o: Object) {
Scene.active.camera.transform = cameraTransform;
public function remove() {
for (f in traitRemoves) f();
#if lnx_batch
if (meshBatch != null) meshBatch.remove();
#if lnx_stream
if (sceneStream != null) sceneStream.remove();
#if lnx_terrain
if (terrainStream != null) terrainStream.remove();
#if rp_decals
for (o in decals) o.remove();
#if rp_probes
for (o in probes) o.remove();
for (o in meshes) o.remove();
for (o in lights) o.remove();
for (o in cameras) o.remove();
#if lnx_audio
for (o in speakers) o.remove();
for (o in empties) o.remove();
groups = null;
static var framePassed = true;
public static function setActive(sceneName: String, done: Object->Void = null) {
if (!framePassed) return;
framePassed = false;
// Defer unloading the world shader until the new world shader is loaded
// to prevent errors due to a missing world shader inbetween
var removeWorldShader: String = null;
if (Scene.active != null) {
#if (rp_background == "World")
if (Scene.active.raw.world_ref != null) {
removeWorldShader = "shader_datas/World_" + Scene.active.raw.world_ref + "/World_" + Scene.active.raw.world_ref;
Data.getSceneRaw(sceneName, function(format: TSceneFormat) {
Scene.create(format, function(o: Object) {
if (done != null) done(o);
#if (rp_background == "World")
if (removeWorldShader != null) {
if (format.world_ref != null) {
RenderPath.active.loadShader("shader_datas/World_" + format.world_ref + "/World_" + format.world_ref);
public function updateFrame() {
if (!ready) return;
#if lnx_stream
#if lnx_terrain
if (terrainStream != null) terrainStream.update(active.camera);
for (anim in animations) anim.update(Time.delta);
for (e in empties) if (e != null && e.parent != null) e.transform.update();
public function renderFrame(g: kha.graphics4.Graphics) {
if (!ready || RenderPath.active == null) return;
framePassed = true;
for (tilesheet in tilesheets) {
// Render probes
#if rp_probes
var activeCamera = camera;
for (probe in probes) {
camera = probe.camera;
probe.render(g, activeCamera);
camera = activeCamera;
// Render active camera
camera != null ? camera.renderFrame(g) : RenderPath.active.renderFrame(g);
// Objects
public function addObject(parent: Object = null): Object {
var object = new Object();
parent != null ? object.setParent(parent) : object.setParent(root);
return object;
* Returns the children of the scene.
* If 'recursive' is set to `false`, only direct children will be included
* in the returned array. If `recursive` is `true`, children of children and
* so on will be included too.
* @param recursive = `false` Include children of children
* @return `Array<Object>`
public function getChildren(?recursive = false): Array<Object> {
return root.getChildren(recursive);
public function getChild(name: String): Object {
return root.getChild(name);
public function getTrait(c: Class<Trait>): Dynamic {
return root.children.length > 0 ? root.children[0].getTrait(c) : null;
public function getMesh(name: String): MeshObject {
for (m in meshes) if (m.name == name) return m;
return null;
public function getLight(name: String): LightObject {
for (l in lights) if (l.name == name) return l;
return null;
public function getCamera(name: String): CameraObject {
for (c in cameras) if (c.name == name) return c;
return null;
#if lnx_audio
public function getSpeaker(name: String): SpeakerObject {
for (s in speakers) if (s.name == name) return s;
return null;
public function getEmpty(name: String): Object {
for (e in empties) if (e.name == name) return e;
return null;
public function getGroup(name: String): Array<Object> {
if (groups == null) groups = new Map();
var g = groups.get(name);
if (g == null) {
g = [];
groups.set(name, g);
var refs = getGroupObjectRefs(name, active.raw);
if (refs == null) return g;
for (ref in refs) {
var c = getChild(ref);
if (c != null) g.push(c);
return g;
public function addMeshObject(data: MeshData, materials: Vector<MaterialData>, parent: Object = null): MeshObject {
var object = new MeshObject(data, materials);
parent != null ? object.setParent(parent) : object.setParent(root);
return object;
public function addLightObject(data: LightData, parent: Object = null): LightObject {
var object = new LightObject(data);
parent != null ? object.setParent(parent) : object.setParent(root);
return object;
#if rp_probes
public function addProbeObject(data: ProbeData, parent: Object = null): ProbeObject {
var object = new ProbeObject(data);
parent != null ? object.setParent(parent) : object.setParent(root);
return object;
public function addCameraObject(data: CameraData, parent: Object = null): CameraObject {
var object = new CameraObject(data);
parent != null ? object.setParent(parent) : object.setParent(root);
return object;
#if lnx_audio
public function addSpeakerObject(data: TSpeakerData, parent: Object = null): SpeakerObject {
var object = new SpeakerObject(data);
parent != null ? object.setParent(parent) : object.setParent(root);
return object;
#if rp_decals
public function addDecalObject(material: MaterialData, parent: Object = null): DecalObject {
var object = new DecalObject(material);
parent != null ? object.setParent(parent) : object.setParent(root);
return object;
#if lnx_stream
var objectsTraversed = 0;
public function addScene(sceneName: String, parent: Object, done: Object->Void) {
if (parent == null) {
parent = addObject();
parent.name = sceneName;
Data.getSceneRaw(sceneName, function(format: TSceneFormat) {
loadEmbeddedData(format.embedded_datas, function() { // Additional scene assets
#if lnx_stream
objectsTraversed = 0;
var objectsTraversed = 0;
var objectsCount = getObjectsCount(format.objects);
function traverseObjects(parent: Object, objects: Array<TObj>, parentObject: TObj, done: Void->Void) {
if (objects == null) return;
for (i in 0...objects.length) {
var o = objects[i];
if (o.spawn != null && o.spawn == false) {
if (++objectsTraversed == objectsCount) done();
continue; // Do not auto-create this object
createObject(o, format, parent, parentObject, function(object: Object) {
traverseObjects(object, o.children, o, done);
if (++objectsTraversed == objectsCount) done();
if (format.objects == null || format.objects.length == 0) {
createTraits(format.traits, parent); // Scene traits
else {
traverseObjects(parent, format.objects, null, function() { // Scene objects
createTraits(format.traits, parent); // Scene traits
function getObjectsCount(objects: Array<TObj>, discardNoSpawn = true): Int {
if (objects == null) return 0;
var result = objects.length;
for (o in objects) {
if (discardNoSpawn && o.spawn != null && o.spawn == false) continue; // Do not count children of non-spawned objects
if (o.children != null) result += getObjectsCount(o.children);
return result;
Spawn a new object instance in the scene.
@param name The name of the object as defined in Blender.
@param parent The parent object this new object should be attached to (optional, use `null` to add to the scene without a parent).
@param done Function to run after the spawn is completed (optional). Useful to change properties of the object after spawning.
@param spawnChildren Also spawn the children of the newly spawned object (optional, default is `true`).
@param srcRaw If not `null`, spawn the object from the given scene data instead of using the scene this function is called on. Useful to spawn objects from other scenes.
public function spawnObject(name: String, parent: Null<Object>, done: Null<Object->Void>, spawnChildren = true, srcRaw: Null<TSceneFormat> = null) {
if (srcRaw == null) srcRaw = raw;
var objectsTraversed = 0;
var obj = getRawObjectByName(srcRaw, name);
var objectsCount = spawnChildren ? getObjectsCount([obj], false) : 1;
var rootId = -1;
function spawnObjectTree(obj: TObj, parent: Object, parentObject: TObj, done: Object->Void) {
createObject(obj, srcRaw, parent, parentObject, function(object: Object) {
if (rootId == -1) {
rootId = object.uid;
if (spawnChildren && obj.children != null) {
for (child in obj.children) spawnObjectTree(child, object, obj, done);
if (++objectsTraversed == objectsCount && done != null) {
// Retrieve the originally spawned object from the current
// child object to ensure done() is called with the right
// object
while (object.uid != rootId) {
object = object.parent;
spawnObjectTree(obj, parent, null, done);
public function parseObject(sceneName: String, objectName: String, parent: Object, done: Object->Void) {
Data.getSceneRaw(sceneName, function(format: TSceneFormat) {
var o: TObj = getRawObjectByName(format, objectName);
if (o == null) done(null);
createObject(o, format, parent, null, done);
Returns an object in scene data format ('TObj') based on its name.
Returns 'null' if the object does not exist.
@param format The raw scene data
@param name The name of the object
@return TObj
public static function getRawObjectByName(format: TSceneFormat, name: String): TObj {
return traverseObjs(format.objects, name);
Searches the given 'TObj' array for an object with the given name and returns that object.
@param children The array in which to search
@param name The name of the object
@return TObj
static function traverseObjs(children: Array<TObj>, name: String): TObj {
for (o in children) {
if (o.name == name) return o;
if (o.children != null) {
var res = traverseObjs(o.children, name);
if (res != null) return res;
return null;
public function createObject(o: TObj, format: TSceneFormat, parent: Object, parentObject: TObj, done: Object->Void) {
var sceneName = format.name;
if (o.type == "camera_object") {
Data.getCamera(sceneName, o.data_ref, function(b: CameraData) {
var object = addCameraObject(b, parent);
returnObject(object, o, done);
else if (o.type == "light_object") {
Data.getLight(sceneName, o.data_ref, function(b: LightData) {
var object = addLightObject(b, parent);
returnObject(object, o, done);
#if rp_probes
else if (o.type == "probe_object") {
Data.getProbe(sceneName, o.data_ref, function(b: ProbeData) {
var object = addProbeObject(b, parent);
returnObject(object, o, done);
else if (o.type == "mesh_object") {
if (o.material_refs == null || o.material_refs.length == 0) {
createMeshObject(o, format, parent, parentObject, null, done);
else {
// Materials
var materials = new Vector<MaterialData>(o.material_refs.length);
var materialsLoaded = 0;
for (i in 0...o.material_refs.length) {
var ref = o.material_refs[i];
Data.getMaterial(sceneName, ref, function(mat: MaterialData) {
materials[i] = mat;
if (materialsLoaded == o.material_refs.length) {
createMeshObject(o, format, parent, parentObject, materials, done);
#if lnx_audio
else if (o.type == "speaker_object") {
var object = addSpeakerObject(Data.getSpeakerRawByName(format.speaker_datas, o.data_ref), parent);
returnObject(object, o, done);
#if rp_decals
else if (o.type == "decal_object") {
if (o.material_refs != null && o.material_refs.length > 0) {
Data.getMaterial(sceneName, o.material_refs[0], function(material: MaterialData) {
var object = addDecalObject(material, parent);
returnObject(object, o, done);
else {
var object = addDecalObject(null, parent);
returnObject(object, o, done);
else if (o.type == "object") {
var object = addObject(parent);
returnObject(object, o, function(ro: Object) {
if (o.group_ref != null) { // Instantiate group objects
spawnGroup(format, o.group_ref, ro, () -> done(ro), () -> done(ro) /* also call done when failed to ensure loading progress */);
else done(ro);
else done(null);
function spawnGroup(format: TSceneFormat, groupRef: String, groupOwner: Object, done: Void->Void, ?failed: Void->Void) {
var spawned = 0;
var object_refs = getGroupObjectRefs(groupRef, format);
if (object_refs == null) { // Group doesn't exist
trace('Failed to spawn group "$groupRef", group doesn\'t exist');
if (failed != null) failed();
else if (object_refs.length == 0) {
else {
for (object_ref in object_refs) {
// Spawn top-level collection objects and their children
spawnObject(object_ref, groupOwner, function(spawnedObject: Object) {
// Apply collection/group instance offset to all
// top-level parents of that group
if (!isObjectInGroup(groupRef, spawnedObject.parent, format)) {
for (group in format.groups) {
if (group.name == groupRef) {
if (++spawned == object_refs.length) {
}, true, format);
Returns all object names of the given group.
Returns `null` if the group does not exist.
@param group_ref The name of the group
@param format The raw scene data
@return `Array<String>`
function getGroupObjectRefs(group_ref: String, format: TSceneFormat): Array<String> {
for (g in format.groups) if (g.name == group_ref) return g.object_refs;
return null;
Returns all objects in scene data format (`TObj`) of the given group.
If the group does not exist or is empty, an empty array is returned.
@param groupRef The name of the group
@param format The raw scene data
@return `Array<TObj>`
function getGroupObjectsRaw(groupRef: String, format: TSceneFormat): Array<TObj> {
var objectRefs = getGroupObjectRefs(groupRef, format);
var objects: Array<TObj> = new Array<TObj>();
if (objectRefs == null) return objects;
for (objRef in objectRefs) {
var rawObj = getRawObjectByName(format, objRef);
var childRefs = getChildObjectsRaw(rawObj);
objects = objects.concat(childRefs);
return objects;
Returns all child objects of the given raw object in scene data format ('TObj').
If the object has no children, an empty array is returned.
@param rawObj The object
@param recursive (Optional) If 'true', return also children of children and so on...
@return `Array<TObj>`
function getChildObjectsRaw(rawObj: TObj, ?recursive:Bool = true): Array<TObj> {
var children = rawObj.children;
if (children == null) return new Array<TObj>();
children = children.copy();
if (recursive) {
for (child in rawObj.children) {
var childRefs = getChildObjectsRaw(child);
children = children.concat(childRefs);
return children;
Checks if an object is an element of the given group.
@param groupRef The name of the group
@param object The object
@param format The raw scene data
@return Bool
function isObjectInGroup(groupRef: String, object: Object, format: TSceneFormat): Bool {
for (obj in getGroupObjectsRaw(groupRef, format)) {
if (obj.name == object.name) {
return true;
return false;
#if lnx_stream
function childCount(o: TObj): Int {
var i = o.children.length;
if (o.children != null) for (c in o.children) i += childCount(c);
return i;
function streamMeshObject(object_file: String, data_ref: String, sceneName: String, armature: Armature, materials: Vector<MaterialData>, parent: Object, parentObj: TObj, o: TObj, done: Object->Void) {
sceneStream.add(object_file, data_ref, sceneName, armature, materials, parent, parentObj, o);
returnObject(null, null, done);
function isLod(raw: TObj): Bool {
return raw != null && raw.lods != null && raw.lods.length > 0;
function createMeshObject(o: TObj, format: TSceneFormat, parent: Object, parentObject: TObj, materials: Vector<MaterialData>, done: Object->Void) {
// Mesh reference
var ref = o.data_ref.split("/");
var object_file = "";
var data_ref = "";
var sceneName = format.name;
if (ref.length == 2) { // File reference
object_file = ref[0];
data_ref = ref[1];
else { // Local mesh data
object_file = sceneName;
data_ref = o.data_ref;
// Bone objects are stored in armature parent
#if lnx_skin
if (parentObject != null && parentObject.bone_actions != null) {
var bactions: Array<TSceneFormat> = [];
for (ref in parentObject.bone_actions) {
Data.getSceneRaw(ref, function(action: TSceneFormat) {
if (bactions.length == parentObject.bone_actions.length) {
var armature: Armature = null;
// Check if armature exists
for (a in armatures) {
if (a.uid == parent.uid) {
armature = a;
// Create new one
if (armature == null) {
armature = new Armature(parent.uid, parent.name, bactions);
#if lnx_stream
object_file, data_ref, sceneName, armature, materials, parent, parentObject, o, done);
else { #end // lnx_skin
#if lnx_stream
object_file, data_ref, sceneName, null, materials, parent, parentObject, o, done);
#if lnx_skin
public function returnMeshObject(object_file: String, data_ref: String, sceneName: String, armature: #if lnx_skin Armature #else Null<Int> #end, materials: Vector<MaterialData>, parent: Object, parentObject: TObj, o: TObj, done: Object->Void) {
Data.getMesh(object_file, data_ref, function(mesh: MeshData) {
var object = addMeshObject(mesh, materials, parent);
#if lnx_batch
var lod = isLod(o) || (parent != null && isLod(parent.raw));
// Attach particle systems
#if lnx_particles
if (o.particle_refs != null) {
for (ref in o.particle_refs) cast(object, MeshObject).setupParticleSystem(sceneName, ref);
// Attach tilesheet
if (o.tilesheet_ref != null) {
cast(object, MeshObject).setupTilesheet(sceneName, o.tilesheet_ref, o.tilesheet_action_ref);
returnObject(object, o, done);
function returnObject(object: Object, o: TObj, done: Object->Void) {
// Load object actions
if (object != null && o.object_actions != null) {
var oactions: Array<TSceneFormat> = [];
while (oactions.length < o.object_actions.length) oactions.push(null);
var actionsLoaded = 0;
for (i in 0...o.object_actions.length) {
var ref = o.object_actions[i];
if (ref == "null") { // No startup action set
Data.getSceneRaw(ref, function(action: TSceneFormat) {
oactions[i] = action;
if (actionsLoaded == o.object_actions.length) {
returnObjectLoaded(object, o, oactions, done);
else returnObjectLoaded(object, o, null, done);
function returnObjectLoaded(object: Object, o: TObj, oactions: Array<TSceneFormat>, done: Object->Void) {
if (object != null) {
object.raw = o;
object.name = o.name;
if (o.visible != null) object.visible = o.visible;
if (o.visible_mesh != null) object.visibleMesh = o.visible_mesh;
if (o.visible_shadow != null) object.visibleShadow = o.visible_shadow;
createConstraints(o.constraints, object);
generateTransform(o, object.transform);
#if lnx_morph_target
if (o.properties != null) {
object.properties = new Map();
for (p in o.properties) object.properties.set(p.name, p.value);
if (o.vertex_groups != null) {
object.vertex_groups = new Map();
for (p in o.vertex_groups){
var verts = [];
for(i in 0...Std.int(p.value.length/3)){
var x = Std.parseFloat(p.value[i*3]);
var y = Std.parseFloat(p.value[i*3+1]);
var z = Std.parseFloat(p.value[i*3+2]);
verts.push(new iron.math.Vec4(x, y, z, 1));
object.vertex_groups.set(p.name, verts);
// If the scene is still initializing, traits will be created later
// to ensure that object references for trait properties are valid
if (!active.initializing) createTraits(o.traits, object);
static function generateTransform(object: TObj, transform: Transform) {
transform.world = object.transform != null ? iron.math.Mat4.fromFloat32Array(object.transform.values) : iron.math.Mat4.identity();
transform.world.decompose(transform.loc, transform.rot, transform.scale);
// Whether to apply parent matrix
if (object.local_only != null) transform.localOnly = object.local_only;
if (transform.object.parent != null) transform.update();
static function createTraits(traits: Array<TTrait>, object: Object) {
if (traits == null) return;
for (t in traits) {
if (t.type == "Script") {
// Assign arguments if any
var args: Array<Dynamic> = [];
if (t.parameters != null) {
for (param in t.parameters) {
var traitInst = createTraitClassInstance(t.class_name, args);
if (traitInst == null) {
trace("Error: Trait '" + t.class_name + "' referenced in object '" + object.name + "' not found");
// Set trait properties
if (t.props != null) {
for (i in 0...Std.int(t.props.length / 3)) {
var pname: String = t.props[i * 3];
var ptype: String = t.props[i * 3 + 1];
var pval: Dynamic = t.props[i * 3 + 2];
if (StringTools.endsWith(ptype, "Object") && pval != "") {
Reflect.setProperty(traitInst, pname, Scene.active.getChild(pval));
else {
switch (ptype) {
case "Vec2":
final pVec: kha.arrays.Float32Array = cast pval;
Reflect.setProperty(traitInst, pname, new iron.math.Vec2(pVec[0], pVec[1]));
case "Vec3":
final pVec: kha.arrays.Float32Array = cast pval;
Reflect.setProperty(traitInst, pname, new iron.math.Vec3(pVec[0], pVec[1], pVec[2]));
case "Vec4":
final pVec: kha.arrays.Float32Array = cast pval;
Reflect.setProperty(traitInst, pname, new iron.math.Vec4(pVec[0], pVec[1], pVec[2], pVec[3]));
Reflect.setProperty(traitInst, pname, pval);
static function parseArg(str: String): Dynamic {
if (str == "true") return true;
else if (str == "false") return false;
else if (str == "null") return null;
else if (str.charAt(0) == "'") return str.replace("'", "");
else if (str.charAt(0) == '"') return str.replace('"', "");
else if (str.charAt(0) == "[") { // Array
// Remove [] and recursively parse into array, then append into parent
str = str.replace("[", "");
str = str.replace("]", "");
str = str.replace(" ", "");
var ar: Dynamic = [];
var vals = str.split(",");
for (v in vals) ar.push(parseArg(v));
return ar;
else if (str.charAt(0) == '{') { // Typedef or anonymous structure
return haxe.Json.parse(str);
else {
var f = Std.parseFloat(str);
var i = Std.parseInt(str);
return f == i ? i : f;
static function createConstraints(constraints: Array<TConstraint>, object: Object) {
if (constraints == null) return;
object.constraints = [];
for (c in constraints) {
var constr = new Constraint(c);
static function createTraitClassInstance(traitName: String, args: Array<Dynamic>): Dynamic {
var cname = Type.resolveClass(traitName);
if (cname == null) return null;
return Type.createInstance(cname, args);
function loadEmbeddedData(datas: Array<String>, done: Void->Void) {
if (datas == null) {
var loaded = 0;
for (file in datas) {
embedData(file, function() {
if (loaded == datas.length) done();
public function embedData(file: String, done: Void->Void) {
if (file.endsWith(".raw")) {
Data.getBlob(file, function(blob: kha.Blob) {
// Raw 3D texture bytes
var b = blob.toBytes();
var w = Std.int(Math.pow(b.length, 1 / 3)) + 1;
var image = kha.Image.fromBytes3D(b, w, w, w, TextureFormat.L8);
embedded.set(file, image);
else {
Data.getImage(file, function(image: kha.Image) {
embedded.set(file, image);
// Hooks
public function notifyOnInit(f: Void->Void) {
if (ready) f(); // Scene already running
else traitInits.push(f);
public function removeInit(f: Void->Void) {
public function notifyOnRemove(f: Void->Void) {